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Old 06-01-2012, 07:08 AM   #2
Tiny Dick Extraordinaire
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Well, the biggest balls you are likely to have are the ones in your mind.

But precisely that's where the problem for a number of members start. I don't know if it is a small penis that breeds low self-esteem, though judging my own life I'd be inclined to say it doesn't or if low self-esteem breeds a small penis, metaphorically speaking. Mind over matter you might say.

Never had a problem with either issues. I'd have to admit, I'm so full of myself it is frightening and that was something I had work on myself over the years. My favourite subject is me and I can talk about it for hours (shut up Jo or just go 'verbose off', LOL).

But I also have some good sides to me. Like willingness to help and teach and learn, probably one of the most important things.

I've said if many times before, maybe it was just a gigantic stroke of luck but of the three guys in my class at school that had a visibly small penis, I never got teased by anyone. Allthough mine was not bigger then theirs, I never considered it a problem, just didn't cross my mind. Had my first girlfriend at the age of 14, Gabriela, she was gorgeous, not that it ever went much beyond kissing and a bit of juvenile groping but sweet memories.

Got married at 18, the love of my life. She was a tall slender beauty, Christina. Unfortunately, being so young we failed to assess the situation and our own needs for a partner right, so it did go the way a lot of marriages go. Divorce. She remarried a civil servant and I continued to live my unsteady lifestyle. And then, as the saying goes, third time lucky... Still happily married to her after 27 years. Followed me and my wild schemes all over the planet.

Different time, different social environment, different attitudes in Germany in general maybe, a lot of things might have played into this but I have never let my size define who I am and what I can achieve in life. Making a reasonable success of ones business or work is not directly related to penis size I think and the one thing women love is success in her partner. Success attracts women like s..t does flies. It goes to prove that you are a good 'hunter' and provider for a family.

There is apparently one thing you can do to improve your perception of yourself and that is train in the field of NLP, neurolinguistic programming. It is widely used and trained for by managers, at least in a large number of European countries, but it can also be employed in changing your own perception. Just don't go too far, the planet is suffering enough a...holes as it is.

Guess I rambled on enough for now.
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