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Old 11-05-2017, 02:40 PM   #1
Tiny Dick Intermediate
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Posts: 74
Default Trying out condoms

What’s everyone’s experience with condoms? I’ve tried many different brands and sizes (although i am a virgin) and recently found that I love the fit of a magnum condom. I started with normal drug store condoms that would feel awkward and roll back up, then I ordered various snugger fit condoms online since I thought maybe my dick was too small for a normal condom but discovered I couldn’t get it past my head. I only use them to masturbate so I figured what the hell, ordered a sampler of magnum/XL condoms. Tried one out last night and I quickly fell in love. It gribs tight enough to where I can jerk how I please and it won’t roll up and fall. So I am asking you guys, what condoms have you used and which ones are you most comfortable with?
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