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TinyDickFan 04-26-2009 02:48 PM

Can women really achieve orgasm with tiny penis?
I keep reading medical article saying that "size doesn't matter", but can women really achieve orgasm with tiny penis?

Does Jack's wife achieve orgasm while having sexual intercourse with him? (not through oral)

I'm really curious.

By the way, nice videos.

Hung Up 04-29-2009 02:16 PM

of course they can. if the penis can't reach the g spot, try to excite the clit with it.

Armand 04-29-2009 03:47 PM

it's not just up to the guys to get a woman to orgasm. she should also know how to get there. we can only do so much.

Token Lady 04-29-2009 04:25 PM

of course we can! even without a dick, we can orgasm!

Dickweed 04-29-2009 04:46 PM

a lesbian would do a better job than a small dick!

Ramon Cordero 04-29-2009 04:58 PM

i still buy the "how you use it" explanation. what's the point of having a giant penis when you don't know where to stick it in, and how?

Mr. Jones 04-29-2009 11:00 PM

just how tiny is tiny? if it's as small as a pinky finger, i don't think it's going to even tickle.

Big Lebowski 04-29-2009 11:10 PM

if a girl can do it without a penis, then she can do it with a small one. poor guy though!

CaviteBoy 04-29-2009 11:46 PM

orgasms are all in the mind so yeah!

Prickly Prick 04-30-2009 12:58 AM

yes, tiny or not tiny, penis or no penis, the woman can orgasm

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