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kevy19 03-17-2012 12:04 PM

Hi every one.

I know everyone is now going to think I'm a real saddo now so O dear but at least I'm honest! But hey I'm not really a saddo (Honest)! But I love dolls when the real thing is not around and being single now for sometime why not I say. I could never pay or would want to pay for sex or just go out and find casual sex ! Sex to me has to be part of a very loving very close relationship! I have had many dolls over the years the newer PVC one's are very good the last two I have had are Gina Lynn and a Hanna Harper doll Hanna is great this to me is one of the closest feelings I have ever had to real sex OK being honest its still miles off the real thing! So don't be fooled, as yes you are humping a blown up PVC doll which is live less but shut you eyes and the having some clothes on the doll up top helps makes it less PVC to the touch her pussy feels great and putt the vibrating gizmo in you get with some of these dolls and turn on and enter her pussy I can't last above about 60 seconds then before I have shot my load in to Hanna's deep soft vibrating pussy! O bliss if you want a real quickie!

I also have one of the soft stuffed Teddy Babe dolls these are more for cuddling or sleeping with a grown up guy's teddy bear! They do have a pussy you can enter but they are very small size wise they do a new bigger Teddy babe deluxe now that stands at about 5ft 4in so that maybe better! But its about 800 Uk Pounds!!!!!!

There is a great site to see all these dolls inflated before you buy!


And I will try to post a few pictures of me with the dolls! I do as say you will think I some poor lost saddo seeing these maybe! But honest I'm not dolls are just another great sex toy in my book nothing more nothing less they will never be a proper substitute for the real thing but when its not available they are so much better than just rubbing your self off all the time! Come on try one!

PS I have never had one go pop on me mind I'm not that heavy and quite slim what normally happens is somewhere the seams split and you get a slow gradually deflation! One tip with a new PVC doll never blow up to hard the first few time you use it then each time blow up a bit harder! I have had Hanna brick hard which feels great! And she has not split yet it seems this slowly method stretches the PVC doing it this way!

Have fun I will for sure .
PS I wish they would bring out a Kelly Brook knicker wetting doll o what fun that would be!
Kev. x

Pic 1 Me going at it with Gina
Pic 2 My Tedde Babe Charlie seen here in my inflatable boat tender she lives on my motor cruiser and as you can see always wears her life jacket!

Attachment 5597

Attachment 5599

oldguyunder5 03-17-2012 01:48 PM

During all my years of masturbation I have never tried using a doll though the thought has crossed my mind.

The first pic you posted is great since it clearly shows your dick entering the dolls pussy. I hope you had a nice cum during that experience.:D

hoverfly 03-17-2012 09:42 PM

You might be interested in this documentary then.

My Sex Robot (2011)

My Sex Robot follows three robot fetishists in their quest to find a futuristic lover, and the engineers who believe they could make their dreams come true.

Robot fetishists are a little understood subculture, but in this film they talk openly about their desire for a mechanical lover: for one who'll give sex on demand, never answers back, and doesn't expect a cuddle.

There are a few giggle-behind-your-hand-moments but once you're past the playground desire to point and laugh at anyone a bit different, it’s engrossing stuff.


Genre: Documentary
Codec: Xvid
Resolution: 640x352
Framerate: 25
Language: English (No subs inc.)
Audio: MP3/128 Kbit VBR/48 KHz
Runtime: 0:45:43/350 MB
Standalone: supported

mrsstoutman 03-17-2012 10:13 PM

I would say it is no different then using porn to masterbate with. It is just a means to an end. Its not like you think they are real...right? So it is just another way for self satisfaction.

hoverfly 03-19-2012 09:21 AM

TD, now that's one heck of an interesting collection of links. I love the Wholesale Sex Dolls place best. Are you trying to tell us something there? You buy bulk, don't you? Probably an FCL man.

Why's that? They're suffering frequent blowouts?

Sorry, about that, couldn't help it.

The last link is quite funny, there is a picture of a Sarah Palin blowup sex doll there. Well, depending on your political leanings, here's your chance to screw the Republicans. Could be fun.

Also, on the same page there is a rather disturbing article about a Japanese company renting out sex dolls and they say...


Doll no Mori’s four dolls are called Alice, Ai, Mayu and Tina, with the doe-eyed mangaesque Alice who closely resembles a little child by far the most popular of its love doll call girls.
Full article here: Rent a Sex Doll in Japan

Not quite sure what to make of that really.

But the prices have come down, that's one thing I noticed. When those more realistic dolls first hit the market some 6-7 years ago, might be longer actually, they were selling in the region of 30,000 US-$ upwards. Still, 7 grand for one of those is still a hefty price tag.

On the upside, they don't get a headache, are tired or make us suffer their PMS.

Still seems weird to me though. Humping a bag of silicone? Not sure, where's the social interaction? Where does that leave love?

Naw, I think I'd rather buy myself a really good steam oven instead. LOL

kevy19 03-19-2012 10:21 AM

Thanks Guy's

Yes Some great links there! I have to say I don't think I would ever pay those sort of prices for on of those real life size silicon dolls mind! But I know guys that have! I note Hoverfly you say you find it weird that a guy would want to hump a doll! It is kind of strange I totally agree with you! And I know it comes with this years old stigma of having to be a very sad sort of person doing this! But its helped me How! And Why!

Well 7 years in to my marriage with the girl I had loved deeply since I was 19 we were both virgins and did the very old fashioned thing of waiting till we were married before we had sexy which in the mid 1980's was a rarity!

We had 7 fantastic years of married life a wonderful loving very fulfilling very exciting sexy life! Then sadly my beloved wife got ill and was diagnosed with a brain tumour. She fought and battled and boy was so brave but sadly she did not make it! I was just devastated by her loss! Still am all these years on, I have tried to get in to a loving relationship again but I just can't perform and do it with another woman its my wife I want yet funny with theses cheaper dolls I buy sometime and its just a few time each year I use these but I can shut my eyes and in the privacy of one's own home imagine I have my Becky back and pretend to make love to her! OK as I say humping a doll is nothing like sexy to a lovely feminine women but to me it helps as does having Charlie my Tedde Babe in bed with me some nights after all these years on I still feel so alone and well don't mind admitting to cuddling up to Charlie helps that feeling go away! Dolls do have there place not for everyone and I suppose they will always have this stigma attached to them but they have given me a little bit of much needed pleasure.

Great to hear all you post on this topic we are not open enough in life! And to be honest I bet many guys have tried dolls and all sorts of masturbation toys over the years!

Best wishes Kev.

hoverfly 03-19-2012 10:44 AM

1 Attachment(s)
That's an interesting aspect you raised there. To be honest, never looked at it from that point of view. As far as anything else sex wise is concerned, I don't have any kind of problem with what people get up to in the bedrooms or wherever, so long as they don't hurt anybody and it is done by mutual consent.

On a lighter note though, since we are all open minded ladies and gents around here, who's about a nice muscular bedfellow for the ladies. Needs no Viagra but requires a 'blowjob' first to get him into action.

I found that one on the Wholesale Sex Doll site and thought it quite funny. you just gotta love his hairy chest. LOL

hoverfly 03-19-2012 12:25 PM

If you like dolls, check this video out. Now that I must admit is impressive.

California is a place.

moth1011 03-21-2012 11:28 PM

Star Trek TNG
The Matrix

Without the technology they have, I personally don't think it's worth trying to simulate an entire body.

Maybe something furry would be better then pvc, but I'm not actually a furry.

hoverfly 03-23-2012 07:19 AM

Moth, I was just going to suggest that website where girl screw with guys in all kinds of teddybear outfits. Not kidding, the name of the site escapes me but it sure was funny.

As far as technology is concerned, I think it is getting there, slowly but surely. There are nerve/prosthetic interfaces available these days that can really make the difference. For now, only for research but as time progresses...

Soon enough you'll be able to have your doll simulate your favourite porn movie.

The best reason I can think of for having one would be 'No PMS'. Now that is a bonus if you asked me. LOL

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