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niceuncut 06-10-2014 12:48 PM

Cock rings ?
Hi all ! I've been thinking of getting one (or more !) for a while now - does anyone have any advise or experience of them for the smaller penis ? Thanks .

kdono 06-19-2014 01:08 PM

I thought rings were supposed to make it look bigger?

sosmall 06-19-2014 01:21 PM

I had a ring that stretches and it not make my ding a ling look bigger nor did keep it hard

niceuncut 06-25-2014 03:00 PM

Yes you are correct it does not make it any bigger, in length, but I've used some make shift items and they have given me a firmer errection and I'm sure it looks a bit thicker and the orgasm is much more intense, so now I want to try a purpose made item !!

SmallOregonDick 06-25-2014 09:00 PM

I bought a pack of titanman cock rings. Had tabs on side for easy removal. They were too tight for me(4.5 girth ) and even tight it got me to 5.5 in girth.

augustwest 06-26-2014 02:34 AM

I love those stretch type silicone rings. Can you give me the link to that site?

SmallOregonDick 06-26-2014 04:07 PM mine were $11.99 for 4 pack.

slipper 09-04-2016 03:16 AM

If you just want decorations, metal rings are an option; hardware stores have a variety of sizes cheap.

Young1 09-05-2016 10:24 PM

I have tried mostly silicone stretchy stuff.

I just doesn't work for me because usually my small balls are pulled up so tight, or actually popped inside that there is nothing for the ring to grab. And even then, a ball will pop through it all and be even further inside me requiring emergency cock-ring removal. As recommended by the AMA of course.

smallproblem2000 11-14-2016 01:14 PM

O rings are a good idea. I'll have to look into that. I recently bought a set of 3, my wife was quite impressed by the size of the biggest ring. Unfortuntely, the smallest was still too big for me.

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