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Women discussing partners cocks - How common? (or not)
I have overheard several conversations in part or in their entirety between women in regards to their partners (past, present & futurre) endowments and prowess. And been informed of a couple by partners. One partially overheard chitchat between my then girlfriend and 2 other women had one waxing poetic about the joys of a thick cock (which her guy sported} which easily compensated for his lack of length and if they never experienced a thick one they didn't know what they wee missing - (incidently not 1 but 2 !! of my exes - including the 1 involved in this particular conversation - ended up tasting his wares) - One partner told me about a chat she had about condoms and when she told the other girl that we didn't use condoms she remarked "i guess he couldn't get one to fit" in the false assumption that I was a 'big boy' however my lady did set her straight on that score (she wasn't being scathing however and she didn't know I was rather ashamed about my size) Another partially overheard cock-talk was between 2 girls discussing one notoriously well-hung guy that one of them had slept with while they both wondered if his younger brother was similarily gifted, I have knowledge to a few other conversations of this ilk and I am curious as to how common it is for women to have such tete et tetes - and is there any part of them akin to men's sometimes fictional tales of conquests and bouts of oneupmanship - So just how often and seriously do women talk about our dicks? I can't imagine it to be on the same scale as guys talking about tits and ass but hey i'm just speculating
Women discussing partners cocks - How common? (or not)
In my experience it is quite common for women to discuss such matters as cock size and performance among themselves. Having a tiny dick myself I know that any girls I went out with would soon tell their friends about my lack of manhood and also my lack of prowess in matters sexual. I suppose it would provide them with hours of harmless amusement but also give them information as to which guys to steer clear of. Although sometimes it could work the other way. I know I got several dates from girls who just wanted to confirm that my dick was indeed tiny like their friends were telling them and that my lovemaking skills were less thasn proficient. Of course this meant that although I got more than my fair share of dates I didn't actually get any sex as once my lack of manhood was confirmed the girl in question would quickly lose interest. It's cruel but it's the way things are. At least in my experience.
My wife (she married me for money in case you're wondering!) is quite open about my defects. From the start she has made it clear to most people she knows that she didn't marry me for any reason other than that I could provide her with a nice lifestyle. Throughout our marriage she has taken a string of lovers - needless to say all well-endowed and highly skilled in the art of pleasing a woman. Maybe my experience isn't typical, although I have a sneaking suspicion, having talked to other cucks, that it is. It would be interesting to hear from other tiny-dicked guys on this subject. |
girls talk, period. in my case, it helped that i had a wide network. my previous sex encounters never stopped me from getting dates or getting laid. problem came when i'd want another date with the same girl.
i think this is pretty common. and if us guys talk in lockerrooms, they do it everywhere, man! there's this one time, i was in a cafe. and the women next to me were talking about their boyfriends' penis size, using breadrolls as example
i was once in line at an atm, and there were girls behind me talking about dick size. i couldn't believe it!
if we don't love our man or have been fighting with him, then hell yea we'd talk about every single detail! bbbut if i do love him and all's pretty and fine, i'd protect my man whatever it takes!
yeah! don't piss them off or else they'll talk cruelly about you...
i had a girl friend who became my girlfriend. but before we were lovers, she'd discuss her mates cocks with me all the time. you know how i got her? i also talked about mine:P
nice story... hope you were as big as you told her you were. it's one thing to talk about it, it's another to really be it
believe it or not but i've actually had sex partners who were referred to me by their friends who i also slept with. so yeah. women talk.
i tallk to my best friends about everythings, including cock size and girth and style. it's just part of being friends. full disclosure
somehow, i think this is totally unfair. it's not like guys go around talking women's vaginas. we talk about boobies and legs, and all but that's it. and those are obvious features -- nothing intimate about those details
i think that if you treat a woman kindly, she will be the same to you and won't be badmouthing you to all her friends..
i think its common knowledge that women are talkers. does them talking about penises and skill scare most men?
Hey Tinyboy, do not lose any sleep over it. A woman/partner who turns a small penis into a big dick is not worth a romantic permanent relationship. At least in my opinion. My humble opinion. Think of us guys- we are mildly amused (at least most of us anyway) by very flat-chested women. But it is not something we would fixate on, or talk with other guys for hours and hours on end.
Ooops, I mean "A woman/partner who turns a small penis into a big DEAL". HAHAH, Mistake certainly not intended.
From what I have observed over the years, they do talk. But they would usually make sure that it does not reach the ears of the concerned guy. Naturally, a lot of exceptions are out there.
I have 8 siblings, and all of them sisters. I am the only guy in the family (my dad has long since passed away). if my sisters' talks are any indication, then the answer is that it is a very common thing. A lot of times, they would be talking about boys, sex, then more boys, then more sex- totally oblivious that I was there with them in the room. The minute they remembered I was there, they would burst out giggling.
Incredible. |
Funny. Thanks for sharing that Ultimate loner. It was a blast. At least, you would never lack in terms of female advices regarding relationships. You have all of them to ask.
Well, this is my five-cent take on the issue. If the women are teeners, I will just find it amusing. However, if two 40-something ladies are discussing it, I'll call it ludicrous.
Hey Loner-d-ultimate! hello there. Just curious, without any offense intended: are you straight or gay?
I don't think it is common in the American culture.
Hi everybody! It's my first time here, is this a cool place?
I do not think it is an issue of nationality, it is more of a generational thing.
Of course we talk. Thats what us women do.
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They definitely discuss it in one context or another. guys with particularily large cocks or particularily small ones are generally subjects in the gossip mill amongst the ladies.
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