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jimmyh 08-11-2010 03:46 PM

Girlfriend Wants To Do Me With Strap-On?
I always enjoyed having her finger my ass while sucking me. Now she wants to take it another step and fuck me with a strap-on?!?! She already bought it along with a smaller dildo about 5" long. All I can say is I have a tight asshole, her finger feels good but am a little bit tepid about something the size of a dick, even a smaller one.

She wants to do it badly so I guess I have no choice? So what do you think? Should I give it a shot? What should I expect? Once its in and moving will it hurt or feel nice? I MUST DO THIS FOR HER. Really have no choice, she does anything for me.

CtrlClick 08-11-2010 05:45 PM

This thread needs to have a warning on it. That picture is great for people on a diet because I’ve lost my appetite.

lilutfan 08-11-2010 10:01 PM

I have never done it but, if she really wants to you should atleast give it a go and see how it turns out. Let us know .

Infidel 08-11-2010 11:53 PM

your a lucky man, I wish my wife would do that to me

nangatrad86 08-12-2010 04:08 AM


NORML54601 08-12-2010 06:06 AM

I've let a tranny fuck my ass, having my gf do it would be awesome.

kinkylittlecock1 08-13-2010 06:56 PM

My wife fucked me years ago with a strapon and it felt GOOD but she said she just not into that . I'd like to have a gf wanting to do it to me. Tell her go easy at first.

jimmyh 08-14-2010 02:37 PM

Well, we did it last night! Overall it was kinda hot but good thing the dildo was small. LOL! Did it two ways, one on my knees and the other on my back with a a big pillow propping me up. That was my favorite of the two by far as I got to see my woman above me, fucking me with her tits bouncing really getting into it. I got super hard while she was doing me that way. Don't know if it was the dildo in my ass or watching her get into it. Maybe a little of both?

Anyway, after it was in and out a few times it starting feeling good, after a few minutes very good. And although I'm not gay and would never let a guy do me, I think a real cock would have felt better in there as its not as stiff and has more overall flex to it.

We finished by me fucking her in the ass which always makes her cum for some reason.

We'll probably do this again but not for a while.

Infidel 08-14-2010 04:09 PM

did you enema first before she mounted you, sounds exciting

jimmyh 08-16-2010 01:22 PM


Originally Posted by Infidel (Post 6010)
did you enema first before she mounted you, sounds exciting

Of course. We might do kinky stuff although we're not slobs! LOL! In fact, having to do the enema first is probably what will keep me from experiencing this soon again!

Infidel 08-18-2010 03:35 PM

I love getting enema's, you need to make it a sexual act with your lady and you will enjoy it more

lilutfan 08-20-2010 08:09 AM

Jimmy that is an awesome experience !! I wish I was as brave as you to acutally try it .I have thought about doing that like a zillion times but have always backed out . You are my new hero !!!!!!!!! ;)

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