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phinner99 08-13-2010 06:37 AM

Smaller condoms
guys, i was curious about what kind of condoms everyone uses here? seems like condom makers think that everyone in the world has a dick bigger than 6 inches. personally, my girlfriend and i don't use them and i haven't used a condom in years but my experience with them has been horrendous.

a friend of mine who's also on the small side says he used a brand called beyond seven and crown. how about u guys?

minuteman 08-13-2010 10:11 AM

Only ones I can get are Pasante Trim

Little Dick 08-13-2010 11:36 AM

u cud check this.
Condom Size Chart - Choosing a Condom

8incher 08-16-2010 04:34 AM

they make ones for skinny penis they reason condoms are longer than most need is they can stay rolled up
I use magnum XL but thats just me don't really need to be on this site

jd_28ky 08-24-2010 01:00 PM

ive used lifestyles snugger fit, definitly a tighter fit , didnt have to worry about it slipping.

crazy8 08-24-2010 02:53 PM

Im a little condused,
i always concidered myself to be very thin, i mean from everything i have seen in my life, yeah my dick looks rather thin.
Here is what i dont understand, i have tried using a few brand of condoms (wifey dont like latex, good for me :) ) anyways, i tried trojans, and i tried durex. Now i dont recall durex too well, but as far as trojans go, they seem to fit me pretty tight. I mean, not only was there no chance of slipping off, but around my base if felt really really tight, very uncomfortable.
So, could it be that im not as thin as i think i am? I cant wait for my camera ro post pics, then i would get some betetr opinions

ronbo1112 09-09-2010 07:41 AM

I'd love to try one of these because I have a hard time finding something snug enough:

Condoms in 'extra small' for boys age 12 set for Britain's shelves soon

By Alexandra Williams
Last updated at 8:31 PM on 3rd March 2010

Extra small condoms for boys as young as 12 could soon be on our shelves.

The Hotshot condoms are going on sale in Switzerland after research found that not enough 12 to 14-year-old boys were having protected sex.

The condoms are likely to end up on sale in Britain, said their manufacturer Lamprecht AG.

Read more: Swiss government produces extra small condoms for boys as young as 12 | Mail Online

kondompete 05-03-2011 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by phinner99 (Post 5970)
guys, i was curious about what kind of condoms everyone uses here? seems like condom makers think that everyone in the world has a dick bigger than 6 inches. personally, my girlfriend and i don't use them and i haven't used a condom in years but my experience with them has been horrendous.

a friend of mine who's also on the small side says he used a brand called beyond seven and crown. how about u guys?

beyond seven is a bit smaller than magnum or other regular condoms, it's somewhere in between regular size and smaller size condoms

When choosing a smaller condom it's more important how thick is your penis than how long it is
The most common smaller or snugger fit condoms are Caution Wear Iron Grip Snugger Fit and LifeStyles Snugger Fit

Their width is about 1.92″

try those if beyond seven feels too loose

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