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trickybro 08-03-2009 03:09 AM

What I like about this site ...
Hey, I'm new here. I've been reading the posts, and I seem to have a different perspective on the videos here. I guess I like the humiliation dialog to a certain degree. However, what really does it for me is the fact that, despite their apparent distaste, the girls go ahead and pleasure the guy anyway. It is kind of a backwards power trip or control thing, maybe. To me, this is the difference between this site and the POV humiliation videos out there, because there is no guy getting relief.

I would also like to make a suggestion to those producing content for this site. In addition to the humiliation, I would like to see some scenes with encouragement. "You poor baby" and that kind of dialog, where instead of humiliating him, she takes pity on him and helps him out.

drew 08-03-2009 02:31 PM

encouragement from girls
a turning point in my life was when i 'dated' a girl who confessed she had a fetish for really small cocks. this led me to SPG- small penis glorification. to be in that 0.5% of the population with a tinydick makes us special- a small pink circumcised stump is a marker of a high level of human evolution- as well as erotic and sexy and cute. big dick cultures are simple, repressive and out of date. lol. we are not on the grassland savanna of former times- women no longer need a dick to reproduce- small dicks rule, and always have. porn producers wil never get this insight. if they did, SPG would make big $$! i hope this helps people get that: smalldick = superior!

Road 05-28-2012 01:59 AM

If I had the money or whatever was needed, this would be the type of porn I would make. I have a certain idea on porn like this, maybe I have something.

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