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Road 09-04-2010 09:58 PM

Can losing weight make my dick bigger?
Hello ready, new user and I have a question. I'm 4.7 inches erect maybe 4.8 when I'm really turned on, and I'm shy and nervous that a girl will laugh when they see it. And for some reason in high school I didn't really care for girls, but something happened recently and now I just want a GF, and for some reason some ppl call me cute, so I might be remotely cute and ita making me to start to gain some confiendce in myself but still nervous about the size. So my question is if I lose some weight can it help me get bigger down there?

Road 09-04-2010 10:02 PM

Also to add I'm kinda happy, I guess love/hate about the size since I will do everything to please a women, kiss her neck, give amazing oral, just treat her right. But still unhappy about size. Just wanted to throw that in really quick.

augustwest 09-05-2010 07:00 AM

Of course losing weight will make your dick bigger. Whale stoamchs and fat pads around the dick can take an inch or more off.

smallcocked 09-05-2010 07:01 AM

well yes it will make it "look" bigger but the size would still be 4.8 or 4.7...btw that doesnt sound small enough to be shy. I mean the average is 5.5 your just half n inch or more small. Wouldnt make a difference really as long as you can work it well.

lordquinn 09-05-2010 08:33 AM

Yeah loosing weight should trim down fat in pubic area and make it look longer. Exercise should increase blood flow down their and make it look bigger.

Road 09-05-2010 09:40 AM

I should measure again, I might be adding a little bit, but it's in that area, I could post a pic but I'm shy/nervous abou that! But then again nobody will know it's me, hmm.

Little Dick 09-05-2010 06:46 PM

well Road, loosing weight is just gonna make it appear bigger, where as the size wud remain the same as it is as of now. but yea loosing weight is a better option, keeps one healthy. u sudnt be loosing confidence though.

Road 09-19-2010 05:00 AM

I'm never had it go inside, but glad you lost a good amount of weight, I been trying for years and nothing. And in my business it would help to be nice and fit. But if that's you in the of I would say nice one, I wish mine was that size, hopefully when a girl first sees it she doesn't laugh.

Little Dick 09-19-2010 10:21 PM


Originally Posted by manngegenmann (Post 7030)
I wrote a long blog about how I lost the weight (without a gym) all on my own... if you want to check it out?

whats the address to the blog?

serb 09-20-2010 04:17 AM

I found that going to a boxing gym helped me lose weight AND gain confidence in myself. Plus it's a great way to relieve stress. I would caution though that it probably needs to be a legit fight gym (the trainers should have pro/am experience and it definitely helps if they have a fight team, or at least have pro fighters training there). Avoid those 'boxercise / aerobic boxing' joints, they teach you nothing but bad habits and sloppy footwork. Most real gyms are pretty cheap too, hell, you can find programs at the YMCA in many cities or the P.A.L.

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