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theteach 07-01-2013 04:16 PM


Originally Posted by small_dik (Post 31310)
You have to understand that you complaining about your 6 inch hard penis it totally ridiculous to me. I have a 2 & 3/4 inch hard penis. Yes I have a real micropenis. I have something to complain about, you don't. You're acting like a spoilt brat. Oh poor me I have a six inch penis and I can't wear speedos. F off! :mad:

Dear friend,

And you have to understand being bigger than you doesnt make me happy. I am just not happy with what i have although i know there are people that are not as lucky as me. You might think i am acting like a spoilt brat and i can understand that because thats how i feel when i read guys saying they have an eight incher but would like to have an inch more at least.

About the poor me and F off parts, i want to see them as friendly teasing like i did with you about the syndrom. I wont accept anyone making fun of me or telling me to f off in the real sense of the word as making fun of somebody has never been my style and wouldnt appreciate it either. Added to that, telling me to F off is nobody's place.

Those are my feelings, they are sincere. They are not aiming to make anyone feel bad or myself pleased. Like it or not i feel that way and i cant find peace in me being the way i am. Hope you understand me because i do understand you.

Your Smallness 07-01-2013 06:42 PM

Sorry your still married. Do you have to watch them fuck her to? That could be a turn on but you got to get an orgasm in there too.

hoverfly 07-02-2013 07:30 AM

theteach, as far as I recall from speaking with and reading posts made by staff here, there is no limitation to which member may or may not join the forum, so long as they are respectful of others, something that obviously needs pointing out to a certain member but that is up to staff not me as a member, this is after all, not my forum.

Best thing is to ignore such comments. Even two minutes of ones time is time wasted. I also belief you can just block such impertinent members in your profile. Seems an appropriate step but that is only my opinion.

bifire69 07-02-2013 08:30 AM

57 married 37yrs, almost 3" when hard and have very very strong tongue muscles.

theteach 07-02-2013 04:04 PM


Originally Posted by small_dik (Post 31315)
I told you to Fcuk off and I meant it. I wasn't teasing. You don't have a small penis you have a mental illness called Small Penis Syndrome. That's no joke. That's the reality. Come here with your 6 incher and expect sympathy for being a malingerer amongst guys who have real small penises. Like I said...Fcuk off. You don't belong on this forum. :mad:

i am sorry for what you are man and by that i dont mean your size at all. You are so full of hatered that you are ruining your own life. Cursing and not respecting others will eat you to the end. I really pitty you.

theteach 07-02-2013 04:06 PM


Originally Posted by hoverfly (Post 31323)
theteach, as far as I recall from speaking with and reading posts made by staff here, there is no limitation to which member may or may not join the forum, so long as they are respectful of others, something that obviously needs pointing out to a certain member but that is up to staff not me as a member, this is after all, not my forum.

Best thing is to ignore such comments. Even two minutes of ones time is time wasted. I also belief you can just block such impertinent members in your profile. Seems an appropriate step but that is only my opinion.

Thank you hoverfly and well said, it is a pity that people are so full of themselves that they cant even try to feel for others.

hoverfly 07-03-2013 06:32 AM


Originally Posted by theteach (Post 31332)
Thank you hoverfly and well said, it is a pity that people are so full of themselves that they cant even try to feel for others.

Thank you theteach, though I did finally remember who you were. As I said in my pm, responding can be a waste of time.

As far as I'm concerned, you are most welcome here but you were made to feel rather welcome back when you posted that Shakespeare Sonnet for which both my wife and I still feel indebted to you.

theteach 07-03-2013 10:10 PM


Originally Posted by hoverfly (Post 31359)
... As I said in my pm, responding can be a waste of time...

it really is a waste of time, better let some people drown in their own pathetic and merciless world that doesnt allow them to feel for the others than try to explain them something. The value of things one says is equal to the amount of what the other can understand.

hoverfly 07-03-2013 10:21 PM


underfive 07-06-2013 10:38 PM

married 36 years old and wife is 33. my tiny dick is 4.5 inches hard and 2 inches soft

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