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Is everyone here content with being small for the rest of their lives
I was just curious,
I know that some of you are perfectly happy with being small, i see that some of you even pride yourselves on being small. There is nothing wrong with that, and if thats what makes you happy, then good for you and dont ever change. My question is for the guys who feel like their lives have been ruined by this curse. I know my life sucks because of it. I lost my virginity when i was 22, to a girl i met on craigs list. She was not a pro, but that did not make me feel any better. I now have a hot girlfriend who says she loves everything about me, EVEN MY SIZE, but i still hate my life for several reasons. First of all, all my life i always looked at other guys as better then me. I cant help it but to think that everyone is more of a man then me. When i was younger, i dreamed of playing in the nhl. I was playing with guys 5 years older then me, everyone said i had a legit chance of making it. As is got older i realized that playing hockey for living means that a lot of people will see me naked, and that fear i can never overcome. I mean fuck, i through my hockey career away because i was too embarassed of being made fun off all the time. I started doing dumb shit, stealing cars, doing drugs, dropped out of school. Here i am 24 years old, did not touch a hockey stick in years, whenever i see or hear anything hockey related, i get this empty feeling inside. I feel like i made a huge mistake, i mean i was schooling guys 5 years older then me like they were handicapped, man i kicked ass back in my days. There are other reasons why my life suck with a small penis. I cant use public urinals, it sucks when going on long trips with friends, sometimes i have to hold it in for hours and hours. In general, i pretty much hate my life. I know i should be happy that i have a girl that loves me, i know i should be happy that i didint have to settle for some ugly girl just because she was ok with my size, i know that some of you guys will say that they wish they had a hot girl to go home to. But i feel unforfilled, i feel empty. This is not the way i wanted my life to turn out. I want bang a lot of girls, i want to see whats out there. I mean, my friends started havign sex at 14, 15, 16....i want to make for lost time, but i cant. So this brings me to the question i wanted to ask. Have any of you ever concidered doing something about it? Did you guys ever come across natural PE (penis enlargement) Its basically a set of excersizes that you have to do over the years. I am a member of one of these sites, i dont want to say the full name because i dont want to look like a spammer, but it ends with cherry. A lot of guys there claim that PE really works, as long as you put a lot of effort into it. So, have any of you guys ever tried it? Does it work, is it complete bullshit? I feel like i have no choice, i have to either do something about my size or there is not point of even living. So im concidering taking a risk and trying it. There is a lot risk involved, injury stuff like that. So i guess i just want some info on this, past experience advise will be greatly apreciated. Thanks guys |
I've been doing PE for years. It works to an extent but needs to be done very carefully and for a very long time. Its also possible to permanently damage your penis, I know i have lost some feeling in my cock. I was a good size already, around 6.2 nbpel and 6.5 bpel, I'm now around 6.5 nbpel and near 7ish bpel, my flacid size is much improved. Ive been a member of Thunders Place since around late 2007. I don't want to sound cruel but if you are really small I would opt for surgery and then PE. My goal was to be over 7 which is doable at my length with PE alone but a very small cock will always be very small.
Wow really, so you did PE and it works to an extend, thats good news.
I have come across thunderplace before. The site was full of members and i was not able to register at that time. I am actually not that tiny. Im about 5 inches long and probably 4.5 in girth. I can fit a regular size condom pretty well. So, is there hope for me? Should i try PE? i mean i will be ok with being at least 6 inches long and a little thicker, i think im willing to take the risk. |
Yes at that size its worth it, I thought you would be around 3 inches from your claims of it ruining your life. You really need to work at it for a long long time. There are loads of people who have got absolutely nothing from it. Some who claim inches, although i'm always dubious about those claims. Its really up to the individual, my goal was to be out of the average range and i have made some decent gains but its was painfully slow and if i'm honest not really worth it as 6.5 and 7 inches aren't really that different when it comes to having sex and i find it hard to cum due to lack of sensitivity. My advice is try it but don't expect much at all especially without a lot of work and most importantly be very very careful.
Yeah, i definitely will be carefull. See, i want to at least be in that average range. I also want to be bigger when flacid, that way i can at least use public toilets, or go play hockey and not be afraid to change in the locker room. The only part that i do not agree with you on is the dont expect much of it part.
I think that the only way this is going to work is if i 100% convince myself that if i put all the effort in the world into then it will work. Im one of those people who truly believes that a human brain can be a very powerfull tool, so i think if i go into this thinking this probably wont work, i bet that it wont. Oh and trust me, being 5 inches can very well ruin your life. 5 inches might as well be 2 inches in the world on 7, 8 9 inchers. |
If i'm honest i felt like I would end up 8 inches and fat as hell when i began pe. After a year I had no noticable erect gain. Then I got a traction device and eventually could stretch my cock to 8 inches in it, i think this damaged it but its where my permanent erect gains came from. I just don't want to make you have high expectations of a rather unpredictable process.
i will steer clear of any devices.
i think that even though they give faster results, they also raise your chance of injury. i will try the natural way. i dont really care how long it takes me. Even if i have to wait 10 years, doing a 3 day routine, i will do it. thank for your input man!!!!!! |
I'm perfectly content with my size... It never stopped me from playing H.S. and College Football, then again very few people had the balls (some pun intended :) ) to say much as I was one of the stronger linemen on the team (lol)... I have had great relationships in the past and present. I have one hell of a great woman now who really doesn't care about the size of anything on me.. As for enlargement... IMO you work with the cards you were dealt... I've always felt that the reason some guys had monster cocks was that is the only way they could please someone... In other words they really had nothing else going for them... Your problem is not with the size of your penis, it's really all in the head on your shoulders. Be proud of who and what you are. You really don't need to change things to be a decent person.
Well, im not doing this to be a decent person. Im doing this to be able to keep my head up high.
I feel like i missed out on a lot during my life. I want to make all of that time up. I feel that the only way i will have enough confidence to do that is to at least try to do something about my size. If it does not work, then at least i can say i gave it my best shot. Im not 16 anymore. I realized that one day i will be 45, miserable, and at that point, will not eb able to do anything about it. Come to think of it, i dont even want to live to 45 and and still have my size. |
Crazy I meant decent physically as well as any other way... Really, there are many guys out there with 8 and 9" cocks that DON'T have a good woman or a good looking woman as you claim to have. Look man, if your woman appreciated you for what and who you are there is no reason to feel bad for your size... Be damn happy that you found a REAL woman, not just one that wants you for a fuckstick.
i guess its different strokes for different folks.
At this point of my life i do not want a REAL WOMAN, i want lots of women. Like i said, my goal is to make up for the time i lost in the past. If it means being 35 and sleeping with a different girl every night, so be it. I would much rather do this while im young, but we dont always get what we want do we? |
From what I see in the board a lot of people have accepted their size and are happy with it. I on the other hand hate my size, I mean when I'm going to jerk it, I can't stop thinking of how small it is. I feel I'm going to remain a virgin for the rest of my life and don't even want to experience sex. Because of my size I have no confidence to even talk to girls that I like. I get depressed alot thinking on my size, and well I'm overweight, so when(if) I can ever get in shape and I'm not happy abou my size I will look into everything I can do to extend to atleast 6 inches. I just feel no matter what girls say, size matters.
Don't forget that he mentioned that he lost some feeling in his penis. Now, I ask you, is that worth it? I mean, your penis is already average in size both length and girth, why would you want to put that at risk?
Also, if you have a girlfriend the loves you the way you are, why the story about banging lots of girls and making up for your lost youth (my God, he is seriously saying that at the age of 24. What should I say, I am 50). Don't you think you can make up for what you missed by having a loving relationship with your girlfriend? Also, you do sound a little depressive all round, do you really think your basic mental frame of mind is determined by the size of you penis? Believe me, there are a lot more serious issues in live then just the size of your cock. As far as any surgery is concerned, I think you should seriously check out some information on the possible risks, it just might put you off that idea for good. Quote:
This definately deserves a round of furious applause. Brilliant post MiniMe404, couldn't have said it better.
Somewhere in your introduction you said your penis was 4.7 inches. What's wrong with that? Maybe lose some of the gut, that'll make it look bigger and maybe bring you over the 5 inch mark.
As most of you will probably already know, I am happy, both with my cock and my marriage and have been for 25 years. Yes, a little girth would be nice and be appreciated by my wife but at the end of the day she happily climaxes serveral times when we have sex which I guess only goes to prove that it's definately is NOT the tool but how you use it.
I know I am repeating myself here but, give up watching porn for a while, get a perspective on life and on the size of the male penis. Maybe even go so far as to buy a book about sexual anatomy or in fact about general anatomy and learn how to have great sex, despite being less well endowed as some people. Did you know your girlfriend might be able to climax just from you sucking on her shoulder muscles or the neck? Anything over 3.5 inches is well enough to make a woman have an orgasm. What more need be said. |
I'm only 3 inch erect and i'm perfectly happy with my size. thats because i enjoy SPH and have learned to thrive on it. Girl makes fun ?? no big deal for me lol ..i have a GF who would love me even if i had no penis. you just need to look more.
you're small for a reason. |
Im very happy with my micro because it brought me many years of SPH and cuckhold.
You should give up on the idea of making it bigger. It's nonsense.
There is no way to significantly increase the size of your penis safely. Maybe you can yank and pull on it for years and gain 1/2 an inch. This isn't going to get you the 7 or 8 inch dick you want, sorry. It's like basketball shoes. Sure you can spend a lot of time and money to find a pair of shoes that make you jump a little higher. But no shoes will turn you into Michael Jordan. In fact, they won't even make you good enough to be the lowest guy in the NBA. |
Just to point out, i seen no erect gain what so ever until i used a traction device for over a year, even then it was only .4-.6 of an inch erect gain and its a pain in the ass wearing one. Also that is the only medically proven way to increase penis length aside from surgery. In theory up to 1.5 inches can be gained, thats not been my experience though and i think its bs. Jelquing and hand stretching brought about no gain at all for me, other than flacid and better erection hardness. Pathetic really, i can't believe i'm even telling people this lol, just wanted the op to know from someone who has years of experience with it rather than a naysayer who decided to call bs, or even worse a penis enlargement product saleman undercover. Also to the op, most on this site are into sph and will not encourage you to try and get bigger. I personally think you should not really bother as its so much work for so little but then i'm into sph too haha. If you are not willing to endure pain you'll get nothing, thats a fact, its usually only people who become obsessed with it that get bigger and even then its not by much.
Thanks for all the responses guys!!!
So you guys say making up for my lost time is pointless, why? Why is it pointeless? Why am i not allowed to set goals and trive for them? Yeah i have a girl that loves me even if i didint have a penis, she loves me for who i am. She knows she will never find anyone like me, but thats another story. I hate myself, and that leads me to hate my life. There is just so many things i would have done different if i was not small. As one the gusy metioned, hes 50 and imagine if he wanted to make you for lost time. I dont want to be that guy (no offense) i dont want ot be 50 and say what if. Im going to give this PE thing a try, and if lets say in 5 years i dont gain anything at all, im just going to blow my brains out because i dont want to live this way anymore. Plain and simple, i have had enough of this life as a short dick man and im going to do something about it. Fuck it, i have nothing to loose. |
Oh and, i would give up half of my sensitivity for another inch in girth.
See this is what im talking about. I look at homeless people and im jelous of them cuz i keep thikining they are probably bigger then me. Have you ever been jelous of dirty, smelly guy on a street? I have, and times like these make me not want to live. |
dude you shouldn't let your penis size dictate how you live. Look at people blessed lesser than you etc, you will find plenty of people who envy what YOU have. Also you said you're 5 inches erect which is not too small either. The average size is only 5.5-6 inches so you're not far behind.
For me the answer to the OP's question is yes. Kinky little bugger that I am, I wouldn't mind if it was smaller yet!.
However, I'm married, in my mid-fifties and a good deal more relaxed about these things. I can well appreciate for the younger members on here, the size issue must cause considerable anguish. The problem is that we judge ourselves more harshly than others probably would. Other than in sex-play, anyone who choses to make disparaging comments about your dick, is a dick. Your size is an accident of genetics/birth - nothing you can do - you were gifted it by others. This applies to big cocks and tiny dicks. Anyone whose got a bigger one than you hasn't achieved anything - they just got lucky. And as several others have said - if your partners are judging you by the size of your cock, then kick 'em into touch sooner rather than later - they ain't worth keeping!!! M |
Furthermore to tinydick4u's info, you might want to read this. This acutally comes from the Tom Hubbard site. Also, once again, it does NOT work.
Thunders Place:General disclaimer From Thunders Place Thunder's Place is not responsible for the validity of information presented here or for the the results of application of the information presented here. Anyone reading information or applying techniques presented on this site, does so at their own risk. Any information you find here has the potential to cause permanent damage. When evaluating whether a particular path should be followed it is necessary to engage your brain and actually read local warnings and take them in. When starting out in PE there is a tendency to exceed sensible limits and cause injury. The first step in sensible penis enlargement is to allow yourself enough time to evaluate the risk:reward ratio for a particular technique and make every effort to ease into any program. It is essential to be aware of your penis's temperature and color during all PE exercises. Cutting off blood flow to the penis can result in permanent loss of feeling. Quote:
I copied this from the Hubbard site...
and I must say, it sounds very true...
Penis Enlargement will change your life Is it that simple? No, penis enlargement might help your mindset a bit but if you are suffering from low self esteem it might even effect you negatively. If you aren't scoring, it's not to do with your dick size and if you think it is, you might stand a better chance not waving your dick at potential mates the minute you slap eyes on them for the first time. If you think everything in your life will turn out OK if you just have another couple of inches, you are kidding yourself you'll find something else to obsessively ruin your life with after this. |
~Good advice. Although its easy for me to say, i'm big compared to most of you guys. One thing that that extra half inch did for me is made me realise i was ok to begin with, don't know if that would be the same for someone with a low average or below average size. There are moderators on Thundersplace who claim to have been 5-6 inches and are now 9x7 and ridiculous sizes like that. I can't imagine how that could even be possible but apparently it is. I'm certainly not messing with my cock anymore, maybe i was too forceful but i've hurt it in the past with PE and its not the same. One plus point of less sensitivity is that you can go for ages, which may be of use to some.
You can train yourself to go for a long time. Its called PC muscle, there are techniques that help you excersize it.
People keep saying SPH on here, my guess its kind of like a cockhold marriage type of thing? |
crazy8, I hope sincerely you won't be offended by my comment. But when I see someone that can't figure out that PE not only does not work but simply does not exist, and of top of that says that he will commit suicide if he can't get a bigger penis, there is only one thing I can tell. You need some serious help. Please consult before doing something that will either hurt or kill you.
PE is a fraud, like many others, and furthermore is risky for your penile health, not to mention your mental and financial health. Check with your doc if you don't believe this. I'm not a psy, but I don't think your problem is your average penis that you think is small. I'm pretty sure your problem is low self esteem. That can be fixed with help. But you have to accept this and get the help if you want to get out of it. I just hope you'll realize that and get the help you need. Good luck. |
Crazy8, jobleau is right. DON'T you go doing something silly or more bluntly, downright stupid. You have a girlfriend, now that's already more then some of the posters on this forum can lay claim to.
I too can only urge you, as did jobleau before me, to seek some professional advice. See your GP about your problem, he is bound by confidentiality, so no leaks. Any half decent GP should be able to give you advice on you issues. And lastly, go see your GP. We don't want to log in one morning having to read your obituary. |
I pretty sure PE doesnt work or else nobody would have to have a small penis.
Hey guys,
First of all, i would like to say that no body offended me by anything they said. I like contructive ctitisism. Besides, i know all you want to help, so getting mad would be stupid, and childish. What exactly is a doctor going to help me with? And, if i go see a shrink, what is he going to do for me? I understand where you guys are coming from, but it will not help in my situation. You see, im not depressed. Im not on drugs. I dont have a history of violence towards my self and oteths. Everything that i shared with you guys is the truth that is coming from my heart. I truly dont want to live my whole life with a small penis. Its not that im going crazy, i dont have split personality. Im not on meth, shrooms or sleeping/depression pills. It is a councious decision, nothing else. I do realize that a lot of you would want to ne in my shoes. You know, pensi not so small as i imagine, hot girlfriend, what else can i ask for right? Well wrong. I want to be able to go to a public toilet when there is someone else there. I want to be able to have one night stands, and not worry about being ashamed. I want to be able to fuck a girl that i know, and not worry about rumors she will spread later on. I want to play pro hockey again, and not worry about those damn showers and locker rooms. I know that i will be miserable for the rest of my life if i have small one. Thats that. I dont want to be miserable all my life. So best believe, if this PE shit fails after i give it an honest shot, im finished. I see absolutely no reason to dwell this planet in misery. |
you can have 1 night stands... i mean you said u have a hot girl friend right? if shes hot u can at least find girls for one night stands. rumors so what... im perfectly fine with my small dick for as long as i live... i love the lil fucker. i use to be the same way wanting to end my life bcuz of it being small but i got out of it and happier than ever. Its ur buddy man if u let people make u feel bad with rumors that not like supporting your best friend in your life when people make fun of him. you should stand up for him and honor him and try your best to stick it in as many pussys as possible its our job as a man in life.
What is bdsm? Is that like small penis humiliation shit? If it is them in definitely not interested.
Or is it something like, people who love small penises get together so you dont feel bad because people actually want you to be small. Im confused, how will it change my life? On a side note, there are only two things that can change my life for the better. HItting the jackpot, or increasing my size. If i had to choose, i would go with the latter. Anyway, please explain |
O ok, just researched it. So basically, its a form of foreplay/fetish type shit. Like being a slave to your mistress, likcing her feet, following orders. Naaah, not my thing. IF there was a girl out there who wanted to play the role of a slave or what not, then its a different story.
But where am i going to find a girl that digs small penises and likes to walk around the house on a leash? Try Mars or Jupiter because girls like that dont exist on this planet. |
From the pots it seems me and crazy are some of the only few who hate our size ALOT. I think it's because were two of the youngest posters on here, I'm 22 and he's 29 if I'm not mistaken. I guess age is a factor for penis size acceptance. I mean we hear our friends talking about their size and blabbing on and on. Well that's in my case, also having no experience in sex is not goin to help me out becuase I might encounter (rare) some positive/non-negative girl reactions. Atleast he has a GF lol I got nothing, might be why Im pretty depressed at times. O well, hopefully trying to get in shape helps me out this summer.
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