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Tiny18 12-27-2010 10:04 AM

Okay so I have seen posts like this before and it seems fairly common but I wanted to get my story out their and get opinions. I'm 18 now but when I was 17 my brothers and I were changing in the locker rooms at a water park. I'm the oldest of the three boys in my family and when we were changing I wanted to see what my little bros had between their legs. I couldn't believe what I saw my 16 year old brother was twice my soft length and about twice as thick as well. I'm about 2in soft and he had to be at least 4in. My 14 year old brother was even bigger than me. He was about 3in long and while not as thick as my 16 year old brother he was thicker than me. I couldn't believe it! We came from the same dad so how do we not have the same genes when it came to our dicks?! My 16 year old brother is a bit of a joker and he noticed that I had seen him and my other brother and he saw what I had before I could try and hide it. He said quietly so that just the three of us could hear, "Don't worry 'big bro' I'm sure that it was just really cold in the water today or maybe the puberty fairy will visit you soon too." My 14 year old brother was confused at first about what he was saying but saw my little prick sitting on top of my balls and he got a little grin on his face. I think before that he was a little insecure about how he was developing. Well at least I helped my little bro's ego.

smallcocked 12-27-2010 11:27 AM

Your brother is at least 1 inch bigger than me soft than I am hard lol :D
and I'm 21

mack 12-27-2010 12:02 PM

My brother is near three times my size.

hoverfly 12-28-2010 09:15 AM

Well, comparing flaccid penises is a bit of a waste of time, isn't it. It's about how big you get when it's action time, that's what counts. When it's limp, it's only good for urinating and/or comparison purposes.

Little Dick 12-28-2010 09:16 AM

cudnt disagree with u on that, hoverfly

Little Dick 12-28-2010 09:17 AM

cudnt disagree on that, overfly

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