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tinydickfreak 01-03-2011 08:58 AM

Sex/Penis Culture of Different Countries
So, I was just thinking, what if not all women in all countries thought about penis size the way American women think about it. I have a 5.5 inch penis, which is smaller than I would like. Generally, I think that American women are ok with smaller penises, but would prefer an average or slightly above average one.

But, what about other countries? Can someone shed some light on the culture of these countries (it's the ones I am most interested in): Australia, Germany, Italy, England, and France.

I think I have read that in France, the women care less than in America about penis size. But, I want to make sure, and find out about the others.


jobleau 01-03-2011 01:33 PM

I find that, usually, western European countries are more open to many things. The best country for penis worshiping is Japan and Asian women are know to prefer smaller in this department.

By the way, at 5.5, you're in the lower part of the average range.

Road 01-03-2011 07:36 PM

It's pretty funny American woman seem to be the only ones that care about size. I think it might be because of the media? Anyway I would want a France/asian woman any day of the week!

smallcocked 01-04-2011 12:29 PM

i think women EVERYWHERE would care if your penis was not only small compared to average size, but small compared to 99% of wordlwide men as well (3 -3.5 inches) or less.

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