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crazy8 01-12-2011 06:56 PM

small penises in major sports
Just wondering that you guys think, are there any professional ahtletes that are small down there? My guess would be no. Im a sport that has much competition, i think something like that would be an easy target for other players. I also would imagine that this kind of thing would come out in the press sooner or later, but i never heard of anything.
So, you guys think that in MBA, NFL, MLB, NHL and all other sports, what is the possibility that some atheltes are small, i think its pretty much a guaranteed no.
Just curious. I can kind of relate to this.

hoverfly 01-12-2011 09:38 PM

Well, I guess the only sport you would find out would be with nude gladiators. Mind you, have not heard of that since the Roman Empire.

No, on a more serious note, would a newspaper run an article about a famous sports celebrity that possibly millions cheer on, because of his penis size? Doubt it very much, to much advertising revenue at stake. But I may be mistaken.

MiniMe404 01-13-2011 04:59 AM

Actually a friend of mine who is a nurse for a well known sports doctor who treats many of the local pro sports teams says some of the biggest guys who you would think have monsters in their pants are quite small.... Steroid use, maybe, or nature, I dunno... One I remember mostly is that a man 6'9 and 375 pounds had a 2 incher... Won't drop names, but you get the point...

Little Dick 01-13-2011 10:27 AM

yes its a factl, or so i know, with the use of steroids... ones pecker does reduce in size...

smalldicklover 01-13-2011 06:16 PM

Steroids haven't made my dick smaller.

crazy8 01-13-2011 06:42 PM

i have heard about steroids shrinking your penis.
This brings me to my next question. What exactly is the substance in steroids that makes a pensi shrink? And, if a penis can shrink due to one factor or the other, isint it accurate to assume that if a thing can shrink, it can also expand? I hope some one knows correct answer to this.

smalldicklover 01-13-2011 07:41 PM

Some steroids may cause temporary shrinkage, they are steroids which interact with the progesterone receptor. Nandralone, winstrol and tren are not good for your penis. In all my years on steroid forums and involved with people on roids i've never heard of one person permanently lose 2 inches or any inches from their their cock, not saying its impossible. I'm on testosterone now @500mg per week, my dick is bigger on it and normal off it. I think the size increase is to do with vasodilation.

Little Dick 01-14-2011 06:08 AM


Originally Posted by smalldicklover (Post 9250)
Steroids haven't made my dick smaller.

well im not sure about it though... but i guess there r some in which ones penis does tend to shrink... if im not mistaken i had come across this over some documentary...

i may be wrong on this...

hoverfly 01-14-2011 09:45 AM

If I recall correctly it has been suggested that the use of steroids is related to reduced sperm count, it influences the sex drive negatively and has implications on bone strength. The latter two would kind of worry me, especially the risk of developing frail bones.

jerseylady99 01-17-2011 08:02 PM

I've heard about a few specific athletes who are ill-equipped down there. Just to name a few:

-- Chris Cooley
-- LaShawn Merritt
-- David Beckham
-- Cristiano Ronaldo
-- Brett Favre

Then again, this is just grapevine talk, but I'm sure there are some out there who lack efficiency off the field.

jerseylady99 01-25-2011 10:07 PM


Originally Posted by pan (Post 9429)
Im sure you lack efficiency as well.

It works BOTH ways jersey lady.


Wow. I didn't mean to offend. I was just saying that I'm sure a lot of athletes are small down there. Sorry if you didn't like how I said it, but I must say that did seem just a bit rude how you responded.

crazy8 01-27-2011 08:32 PM

I had no idea we had women on this site.
Hey Jerseylady, what interest do you have in this site?
No pun intended, just curious

jerseylady99 01-28-2011 07:36 PM


Originally Posted by crazy8 (Post 9644)
I had no idea we had women on this site.
Hey Jerseylady, what interest do you have in this site?
No pun intended, just curious

I'm a bored housewife with a lot of time on my hands.

hoverfly 01-28-2011 10:58 PM

Hi Jerseylady, you're not going to have much on your hands here. LOL.

Sorry, couldn't resist that one.

Welcome and enjoy your stay.

Little Dick 01-29-2011 12:38 AM

to be very honest, is nice to have a lady out here :)
welcome aboard jerseylady

crazy8 02-01-2011 07:05 PM

Hey Jersey Lady,
I want to ask you a few questions, and if am getting out of line, please tell me. There is absolutely no pun intender, im just dying to hear what a woman has to say.

I assume you are married to a guy with a small memeber. Are you satisfied with his size, or does he have other qualities that make up for the lack of size? Also, assuming you are not in a cockhold marriage, do you think that you will ever want to have a large one? Not saying that you will cheat, but do you have even the slightest desire to be with a larger guy?
Im not sure if you read any of my posts, but if you did you will understand why im asking this many questions.
All in all, just a general question and i want your point of view as a woman, are there any girls on this planet that actually prefer a smaller one? I mean, do you think that there are girls out there that would be into a guy with a small one, or is it unltimately other qualities that attacted these girls?

carolp 02-01-2011 09:11 PM

I am with a man with a small penis. Sex is unsatisfying but we have a good relationship in all other regards. He is very self conscious about his size, I would actually say he is damaged. Not sure what has happened in his past that left him this way. The emotional effects are a bigger problem that the lack of size itself. I am trying to find ways for us both to cope.

jobleau 02-02-2011 04:16 AM


Originally Posted by carolp (Post 9821)
I am with a man with a small penis. Sex is unsatisfying but we have a good relationship in all other regards. He is very self conscious about his size, I would actually say he is damaged. Not sure what has happened in his past that left him this way. The emotional effects are a bigger problem that the lack of size itself. I am trying to find ways for us both to cope.

Sad your mate has problems because of his manhood size. But regards to you for trying to deal with it and find ways to improve your relationship. Some, if not most, of us would welcome that. Hope you two find a way to overcome this.

I would believe there is a possibility if he has the willingness to satisfy you. May be you have to instill that willingness though because of his own perceived shortcomings.

I sure would not want to tell you what to do. But what got me out of the small penis syndrome is I had was a woman who just kinda worshiped it. May be I was lucky, I don't know. But since then, I never felt bad about being smaller down there. That was a long time ago and I've enjoyed many women since then, thanks to that lady.

That said, I had learned how to please a lady back then. If he does have that, how should we say, that skill may be, then, you two should be able to find a solution.

Sex is important, of course. But the older you get, a strong relationship is a lot more important.

Hope that helps.

crazy8 02-02-2011 03:31 PM

maybe nothing happened in the past, maybe its just years and years of hating yourself, that will sure do anumber on you. Sure did a number on me.
But i see now, its not that you are happy with his small penis, its that he has other qualities that make you forget about his size.
If you ever met a man that had these qualities and more, and was hung, would you take a chance on him and leave ur husband?

carolp 02-02-2011 03:46 PM

I would never cheat on my guy. A big cock can easily be replaced by a $30 dildo. I would however fuck another man in front of him if he suggested it. We have never discussed this scenario but you never know.

crazy8 02-02-2011 07:00 PM

question is, would you fuck another guy who is the same size as your hubby?
my guess is, whats the point right?
if you were gona fuck some one in front of him, im pretty sure that dude would be large.

jerseylady99 02-12-2011 07:40 PM


Originally Posted by crazy8 (Post 9818)
Hey Jersey Lady,
I want to ask you a few questions, and if am getting out of line, please tell me. There is absolutely no pun intender, im just dying to hear what a woman has to say.

I assume you are married to a guy with a small memeber. Are you satisfied with his size, or does he have other qualities that make up for the lack of size? Also, assuming you are not in a cockhold marriage, do you think that you will ever want to have a large one? Not saying that you will cheat, but do you have even the slightest desire to be with a larger guy?
Im not sure if you read any of my posts, but if you did you will understand why im asking this many questions.
All in all, just a general question and i want your point of view as a woman, are there any girls on this planet that actually prefer a smaller one? I mean, do you think that there are girls out there that would be into a guy with a small one, or is it ultimately other qualities that attacted these girls?

I'll answer these one by one:

-- Yes, I have a husband of five years with a tiny penis;
-- It is, and has always been, a cuckold marriage that he is okay with;
-- He does not satisfy me and I do need a larger dick to orgasm;
-- He makes up for his size in a number of different ways, such as making sure I don't have to work, making me laugh, etc.. He really is a nice guy that I love and cherish, but I'm sorry to say he doesn't satisfy me;
-- I know there are girls who prefer a smaller one. Big dicks, if too big for the vagina, can hurt more than they please. That being said, I do think there are some girls that are into guys with smaller ones.

Have I answered your questions the way you'd have liked me too? Or do you need a little more info?

crazy8 02-14-2011 02:56 PM

Thanks for your honesty Jerseylady.

No pun intended to anyone who is in a cockhold marriage, but thats is something that i would never ever ever ever want for myself.

Now i know more then ever

minuteman 02-14-2011 05:11 PM


Originally Posted by carolp (Post 9850)
... I would however fuck another man in front of him if he suggested it. We have never discussed this scenario but you never know.

But would you try and lead him toward suggesting it, or is it something he'd have to come up with, without any influence or prompting from you?

To put it another way - is it something you actually yearn to do, or is it just a case of taking the opportunity if it arises? (and that is a pun...)


jerseylady99 02-15-2011 08:42 PM


Originally Posted by crazy8 (Post 10150)
Thanks for your honesty Jerseylady.

No pun intended to anyone who is in a cockhold marriage, but thats is something that i would never ever ever ever want for myself.

Now i know more then ever

All I ask is that you don't think anything less of me for it.

crazy8 02-16-2011 04:00 PM

No, i dont think any less of you.
I dont judge people. Its hard for me to understand why your husband be with some one like you, but as long as you make him happy, thats all that matters.

minuteman 02-16-2011 11:58 PM


Originally Posted by crazy8 (Post 10247)
No, i dont think any less of you.
I dont judge people. Its hard for me to understand why your husband be with some one like you, but as long as you make him happy, thats all that matters.

It takes two to tango, as they say. Just look at the number of sites out there devoted (is that the right word :D) to cuckolding and the "cuckold lifestyle". Just look at the vids of guys videoing their wives with other guys (usually black; usually hung). It seems a strange kind of pleasure, where your wife enjoys a rogering by a humungous cock, and you just get to film it while yanking your plank, but I must admit, the thought of it gets me excited.

So for every 'jerseylady' out there, it seems there's 10 guys wanting their wives to get into it!

As long as it's consensual and it works for you, then go for it - we only get one shot at this life after all. Too many people treat it as the dress rehearsal.:rolleyes:


hoverfly 02-17-2011 11:17 PM

Minuteman: I obviously couldn't be sure but from your post I think I may have met you before on a different kind of forum. Are you into documentaries by any chance?

minuteman 02-18-2011 11:41 AM

Well, I like documentaries on subjects that appeal to me, but I've never looked at any forums related to them.


SliderCoaster 03-24-2011 08:43 PM

Andre Agassi is supposed to be like 4 inches or something

bitchboy1984 04-29-2011 05:01 AM

chris cooley accidentally posted a picture of his tiny little pecker on his own blog- he was in his hotel, butt naked, took a photo of his playbook as he was reading it, didn't notice his small cock was in the photo too- next to his giant tight end legs it looked miniscule.
brett favre sent a photo of his small dick to a woman.
google their chris cooley dick or brett favre dick and see for yourself.
i cannot imagine being exposed on that grand a scale, i find it overwhelming hot.

the dane 05-11-2012 07:13 AM

your dick does not shrink with the use of steroids, your balls do.....the balls its where the testosterone is produced, so with the unnatural testosterone from steroids, that makes your balls shrink because your own system doesn't have to produce it.

Road 05-12-2012 04:21 PM

And balls are generally small to begin with, hard to imagine what steroids would do to the body.

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