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hoverfly 03-25-2012 09:10 PM

Hey, another baker, sounds good to me. Maybe there is something we could get together over. I've been baking bread for the past 20+ years, ever since I came back from Australia and a baker in the town where we used to live in Germany seriously asked me to pay approx. 8 dollars for a loaf. The only thing I could think of was 'Am I buying shares or bread here?'. From that day onwards we pretty much haven't bought any bread from a shop anymore.

Astronomy? Well, looks like we've got at least two things in common the, well, apart from a fascination with combining weed and women. LOL

I've been having a longish contact over cooking and baking with another member here. We exchange recipes, baking and general cooking hints and some other totally unrelated stuff. Basically, life, the universe and everything.

So, if the answer is still 42, who knows, maybe we can get a threesome going around the baking stone. The person concerned will know that he's being spoken about.

Let's see how things go from there.

Just quickly back to your telescope, does it have a software interface for the laptop? Just curious, I've been using Carte du Ciel with all the celestial map addons for a few years. Was just wondering if this would be a good one to hook it up to? I used to have a Mead LX200, which served me well until I unfortunately sold it since most nights it would just sit there doing nothing while I was sound asleep getting ready for the next day.

Just one more thing that I'd love to spend more time doing but there is only so much you can do in a day, even when you're retired. Plus, I am no longer much of a night person. 10pm and even without a spliff I will happily crash out on the settee.

The pleasures of getting old.

Still, a very interesting list of hobbies.

jobleau 03-26-2012 11:52 AM


Originally Posted by InsatiableLust (Post 24267)
5. Home projects - because being a home owner, they are never ending.
6. Bread baking - no bullshit. Me too, but I do use a bread maker. I would like to do oven bread.

5: Indeed they are...

6: There is a dough only setting on the machine. Put your stuff in as normal and use that setting. Once the machine beeps, just punch down the dough a bit, shape it or put into a mold and pop it into a hot oven. I used that in the beginning, until Hoverfly's counseling finally allowed me to do it all by hand. Got rid of the machine since. :)

jobleau 03-26-2012 11:53 AM

And 42 is right! LOL!

hoverfly 03-26-2012 12:09 PM


Originally Posted by jobleau (Post 24292)
And 42 is right! LOL!

Pleased to hear it. LOL

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