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crazy8 01-13-2011 09:09 PM

A website for guys like us
Here is an idea,
In our days, i turn on the tv and i see like 5 different commercials for dating sites.
Obviously, in the age of internet, these sites are a great success.
What i was wondering, what would it take to make a dating site for people who, well, have trouble finding dates on their own.
Obviously you guys automatically assume its for guys with small members, true as ever, but there is more. What about girls with huge clits, girls with abnormally small vaginas or any other thing that they might be ashamed off and thus never engage in sexual activity, like some guys with small penises.
Wouldint it be nice to have a dating site where a guy can register and say, hey, my name is mike in 22 and have a small penis etc. Or a girl, who says im Jessica, 22, petrified of big penises, looking for a guy around my age with a small one.
Ive done slight research, but was not able to come up with something.

What would it take to create a site like this. A site for people looking for love that cant find it anywhere else. It seems like the market for men and women with some sort of diformities is huge, how come no one explored it yet?
If there was a site like this i would join. Think about it, im sure there are girls on this planet who only want small ones, wouldint you want to know who and where these girl are?

Just ranting guys.

smallcocked 01-13-2011 09:15 PM

great idea, yes someone should do it.

crazy8 01-13-2011 09:17 PM

Well, you are a moderator so i reckon you have at least some knowledge about building or maintaining a website, would you be interested in a project like this?

smallcocked 01-13-2011 09:25 PM

Yeah maybe when I get some time, I might look into it.

jobleau 01-13-2011 09:46 PM

That would be a nice project. Just needs money, time and web site design knowledge.

Here are a few things needed to do such a thing (or any other web site, for that matter).

Web Hosting: Recurrent $$$$, possibly increasing with bandwidth usage (how many people connect and use the site)

Web site development: Initial then maintenance/improvement = $$$$$$ + lots of time

Possibly software licensing fees depending on what you use (more $$$$).

Next you need to get people in and make them pay to cover your costs.

So who's gonna do it? If I was rich and retired, I might give it a shot. But I'm nowhere near rich and far from retirement.

crazy8 01-13-2011 09:49 PM

Im in. Seriously, i really think we all should join forces and create something amazing. Something that will help thousands of people.
I have tons of ideas for a website, tons of ideas and material that can be put on the website.
Currently im low on capital, but that might change pretty soon.
What im saying is, if anyone thinks that its duable, lets give it a try and see what we can do.

jobleau 01-16-2011 02:41 PM

One sure thing, I'd join that site if someone build it!

crazy8 01-17-2011 04:35 PM

As would it. As would everyone else on this site. As would millions of people around the world that cant find love on their own.
This can work. Im telling you guys.

crazy8 01-17-2011 04:36 PM

You know, i just realized something.
Even if there was such a site available, what good would it do for me?????????

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