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ledgend369 02-18-2011 09:03 PM

How many partners
Just wondered how many sex partners all you SD peeps have had.....just wondering if theres any trends with the numbers of girls our little ones have shagged!?!?!

My magic number for my 5.5incher is 12 girls.

jobleau 02-18-2011 10:15 PM

Not sure of the exact number but it's around 30.

yorchmcfly 02-19-2011 04:24 AM

u have had around 10 girls with my 6 inches dick, it is so much but i did not want to havr more, i was in a relationship with one of them for 13 years and that conditioned me a lot.
i have been with her a lot of time and meanwhile i cheated on her and met all the other girls or most of them, i think i refuse 3 more at least...

rustyshackleford 02-19-2011 05:46 AM

only 1 girl for my 6incher. ive only been in 1 relationship and i broke up with her.. actually posted up the videos from some bj's a few days ago

ronbo1112 02-19-2011 10:52 AM

1 with my 3 3/4".

kinkylittlecock1 02-19-2011 03:22 PM

Only a few because I have always been so afraid of rejection or the girl telling her friends how small I am. Almost 6 hard but not thick. Also less than 1 inch soft. My wife says I make her cum but she also Luvs hung thick black men at least 9 to 12 inches

Road 02-19-2011 04:31 PM

Nice number man, I been wanting to go up to Toronto for vacation, looks like I should check out Montreal instead! My number is 0 based on fear on a girl reacting horribly, no confidence, and being a shy guy.

Little Dick 02-22-2011 02:36 AM

had 5 steady partners... dont really recollect the number of one nighters... but may b around 8-10

greendragon2 02-24-2011 06:03 AM

I fucked over 75 call girls and 10 normal ladies in my life that I met as any one would normally and currently have a wife who Im sticking with. My 4.8 incher

mack 02-24-2011 12:33 PM

six women over 50 men

boyishman2 07-10-2011 02:43 AM

My little 4" has been inside more women than I can recall (many many one-night stands) but I have been in a dozen relationships that have lasted at least 6 months or more - including a 5 year marriage and my current relationship of over 2 years - however at least one gf and my wife cheated on me when we were together

cuddlyjay 07-02-2012 12:03 AM

I have fucked 9 women with my 5 incher

joe1257 07-02-2012 12:25 AM

0 women

Virgin4Inch 07-02-2012 02:01 AM

1 woman 1 act of intercourse 1 lifetime

hoverfly 07-02-2012 10:20 AM

Not so many that I'd forgotten their names...

Christina (later my 1st wife)
Claire-Michelle (we very nearly got married, had she not been so into making holes in her arm)
Lisa Marie
Ban (she was a prostitute in Bangkok)
and my wife of 27 years, no name for obvious reasons)

That makes it seven in my book. Never been much interested in one-night-stands, I just couldn't be bothered to go out 'fishing'. LOL

Kockette 07-02-2012 12:14 PM

Oh I can't remember... the women, the men, the men and women, the women and women, the men and men. Then I got married. Both fun, both different. Penis size, while sometimes wasn't the best, never stopped the pleasure. Sex is a game of the mind.

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