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littlewillies 03-07-2011 01:00 PM

Little Willie Support Group
Hi we are English but live in Spain we run a Support Group for men and couples where the man is under 6 inches. We regularly have couples and singles staying at our villa. We do massage sessions and either private one to one or group sessions to talk openly about the problem and to demostrate and practise better techniques and positions where a little willie can satisfy a women. For the record my husband Dave is 4.5 inches outside of the support group this is the smallest I have had, the smallest I have seen in the support group was 2.5 inches erect.

crazy8 03-07-2011 04:51 PM

Wow thats sounds awsome, i really hope this is not spa

Sixincher 03-07-2011 07:56 PM


oldguyunder5 03-07-2011 08:48 PM

Welcome to MTD. Your support group sounds interesting but Spain is unfortunately out of my range of travel.:mad:

bimiself 03-08-2011 12:16 PM

Sounds great. Only thing I disagree with is how you call it a 'problem'. My 'little willy', as you call it, has had lots of action over its lifetime, with women & men-Some of the women have preferred it over an 8 or 9 inch monster that can't seem to mind its manners! Welcum to the forum & I look forward to hearing from your end of the world.....Sounds like a fun place to be.

niceuncut 03-09-2011 10:30 AM

Very interesting, where in Spain ? I have a place in Almeria province !

littlewillies 03-10-2011 02:01 PM

Mazarron Murcia

littlewillies 03-15-2011 06:34 AM

Hi yes we pickup from airport. Price per room is 40euros per day for room and breakfast and one massage session, all group discussions free, extra massage sessions from 20 euros, Tina

pathetic dick 03-15-2011 10:34 PM

I am only 2.5" but i am glad to be british.

urlandia 11-06-2012 09:01 PM

I live in Canary Islands. Could you name me an internet page for reading more about the Support Gruoup?.

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