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SliderCoaster 03-27-2011 09:01 AM

Advantages of being small
Can anyone list some points? I have some ideas but wanted to throw it out there first.

smallcocked 03-27-2011 09:15 AM

you can have a boner and get away with it :D i can even walk around with a full erection and its barely noticeable :D

Road 03-27-2011 09:51 PM

You might get anal more than others, lol. Here's how I try to look at it, if someone falls for woman/man this means if size has nothing to do with it, it's all heart.

P.S. I still hate my size, I would so much want an average, or normal size. Man I dunno, cursed or not, there is not I much I can do, I will try my best to get in shape and see what happens.

Road 03-28-2011 04:06 AM

Yea I'm sure if I dropped 60-70 pounds my dick would look different, I've heard from multiple sources if you lose weight it adds inches, so that's what I'm hoping for. Joining a gym soon.

crazy8 03-28-2011 01:31 PM

There is absolutely no advantage. Even those who say you get more anal sex by being small, are totally wrong. When you are small, you have major issues approaching women. How many women will have anal with you before they have regular sex? None! So i think this is a huge myth. And besides, any girl can take any size of dick in both her pussy and ass. Its not like big dicks are impossible for anal, just takes more time and lube to put it in.

When you are cursed with a small do not have advantages, you have choices. You can either accept the fact that you are small, go on with your life and pray you find someone that loves you. Second choice is SPH, you know your small, and you like being made fun of. Or there is a 3rd choice, which i think most small guys take, and i was one. Some guys just give up on life and come to terms with the fact that they will always be alone. I was like that until 23.

Some may find it amuzing that they can have an erection and no one will notice, personally that shit makes me cry. Just my 2 cents

SliderCoaster 03-28-2011 11:50 PM


Originally Posted by pan (Post 11666)
I know of a few girls that only have anal & oral sex. They are saving their virginity for marriage (so they say). Having erections in public places is embarassing.

Lol so buttsex doesn't count? As long as they think so...

jobleau 03-31-2011 09:34 PM

One advantage is to have no need of support down there. Thanks to my small one, I've been going commando for years and only wear underwear a few times in a year.

Little Dick 04-01-2011 08:05 PM


Originally Posted by jobleau (Post 11811)
One advantage is to have no need of support down there. Thanks to my small one, I've been going commando for years and only wear underwear a few times in a year.

so true... i too happen to go commando quite often...

Little Dick 04-01-2011 08:06 PM

and regarding advantages... yea i wud say more anal...

slipper 04-13-2011 12:13 AM

...yet another advantage? I LOVE looking at YOU!!! "Horse" cocks bore me. ;-)

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