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SliderCoaster 03-27-2011 11:34 PM

Small guys and sexuality?
Do you think small guys are more likely to lean towards or be open to things that might be considered 'gay'?
Seeing as it can be common to want what you dont have, especially something with the social/mental influence of penis size, it seems as though small guys do away with sexual barriers to better enjoy themselves.
A good example of this might be cuckold. Although it isnt limited to small guys, the power dynamics involved usually mean that small guys would gravitate to this. Same goes with humiliation.
Another could be the importance of the male in straight porn. The general manly thing to say is that the guy doesnt matter and I am only looking at the girl. For me at least, I am much more likely to enjoy a scene if the guy is well hung. If he is small I may not be interested even if I like the girl. I'm not gay, but that kind of thing is relevant to my fantasies as I can't be big like those guys. Indeed all my favourite male stars are probably above average size by porn standards. Would I care so much if I was packing 8 inches? I dont think so.
I am quite open-minded about this stuff although what I actually like is relatively conservative. Its just I am not quick to label something gay I guess.

Do you agree, and do you have any comments of your own about how being small has impacted your attitudes towards sex/porn/orientation?

Road 03-28-2011 04:09 AM

I think I hate porn like bang bros, reality kings, brazzers, milf hunter, etc because of their big sizes. All theyre all douches!!! That just shows me women lean towards big dick douche bags.

SliderCoaster 03-28-2011 05:19 AM


Originally Posted by Road (Post 11639)
I think I hate porn like bang bros, reality kings, brazzers, milf hunter, etc because of their big sizes. All theyre all douches!!! That just shows me women lean towards big dick douche bags.

...Or they lean towards money. Could be both though.

lovingwhoiam 03-29-2011 02:14 AM

Great post Slider. I consider myself to be bi-sexual although i think that I am slightly more attracted to guys. Durin my early pubescent years though i was the complete opposite. All i could think about was pussy. The more I started watching porn though the more I realized that I was inferior to most of the guys that I saw on screen. At first I would only like to watch porn where the guy was similar, or as close as possible, to my size because it made me feel like hey if he can please a woman then so can I. But after a while i guess having a big dick turned into sort of my fantasy as it did for you. I noticed that not only was i watching more porn with guys who had bigger than average size dicks but that while watching the porn I was focusing more on the dick than the pussy. I started admiring guys for their size. Before I knew it I was jerking off to just pictures of dicks. lol..sounds funny i know but its the truth.

SliderCoaster 03-29-2011 03:50 AM

Cool, so your story lends support to my theory. Thanks for sharing, it was very interesting.

Small dicks in porn are almost a dealbreaker for me these days. It just symbolises fakeness imo. It's hard to get a genuine reaction in porn since there is a lot of 'performance' involved, but when a girl sees or gets penetrated by a huge dick for the first time, you can tell there is no faking and that is very erotic for me.
When I first started watching porn I was about 13/14 and didnt know much about penis size, plus I was still growing anyway. At that time I didnt like to watch scenes with guys, it seemed 'gay'. I was there for the girls, guys dicks were gross. But as time went on and I realised I was below average, those same dicks became more and more interesting and exciting. They had that special thing that I didnt and could do things to women that I couldnt. So nowadays a scene is greatly enhanced for me if there is a hung guy in it and I have no problem looking at dicks, especially big ones. They have got me hard a few times too although I dont want to suck or fuck them. It's more about what they represent and how that is exciting. An undeniable effect for sure.

Intrigued 03-31-2011 11:25 AM


Originally Posted by SliderCoaster (Post 11692)
When I first started watching porn I was about 13/14 and didnt know much about penis size, plus I was still growing anyway. At that time I didnt like to watch scenes with guys, it seemed 'gay'. I was there for the girls, guys dicks were gross.

It's funny that you say that, since more or less that has always been my attitude towards porn. My porn collection is 95% lesbian just because of that. When I do watch porn with a male in it, I could care less if the guy is large or small. It's all about what the chick does with it.

I have the same stance in real life with my own average (or below) penis. I'm going to use it to the best of my ability, and if the lady I'm with has skills, we should be able to make it work just fine. The onus isn't just on me to make sex an enjoyable experience.

SliderCoaster 03-31-2011 11:39 AM

I might watch more lesbian porn but so much of it seems phoned in and very repetitive - like 2 positions maximum. The main problem is when one girl is eating the other one out, which often makes up a significant portion of the scene, and they are laying there hardly touching except for mouth/vagina contact. That is the bad thing about sites like MollysLife. Molly is incredibly hot but her scenes are cut/paste and unimagininative.
There are a few good lesbian scenes I have seen which are more intimate but they are hard to find. Dont even want to start about dildos...

thinboy 03-31-2011 02:46 PM

I think because of my smaller size, I found this fetish, and because of that, I make the penis much more of the focus when it comes to sex or porn. Though I am not attracted to men in general, I am often aroused by the sight of a large penis. However that has to be in the context of a woman being aroused by it also. I think that the focus of all the sexual energy on the penis, makes one certainly more open to homosexuality on a scale, but I don't think a small penis equates with being gay. Take for example transsexuals, which I find intriguing. I am aroused by the dick especially large ones, but I like them to be feminine also.

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