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Road 04-28-2011 05:04 AM

Question to those into cuckolding.
How and why are you into cuckolding. Not trying to sound offensive in any way, just want to know your reasons behind it. I myself couldn't imagine seeing my wife or GF being fucked another dude bigger than me or not. Too much pride and other reasons. Most being that is the love of your life, your wife, how could you want another man to be inside her after you? I know some people on here are into that and I would love to hear what you have to say.

SliderCoaster 05-05-2011 03:19 AM

If the guy cant please his wife/gf sexually then it is a good thing for the relationship that a stud is brought in to give her a good time - is one I've heard. They put the womans urges over their own pride.
The types which worship the stud, lick his cum up afterwards - that is a bit much I think. They could be bi.

crazy8 05-05-2011 05:26 PM

The one thing that drives me nuts is that all these couples, especially guys always say how happy they are in their marriage. I think its guys who just gave on life and they do not think they can get anybody else, so they are fine with letting their wives fuck other guys.
Also, i would like to point out that these are not the only priveleges that these whores get.
Most fo these wives dont really work, their husbands support them. So my question is, if your man supports you and you do not have to work, is that not enough? I mean you already are useless, you still need to fuck other gusy to make you happy.
It i was king, i would behead all the women who marry guys with small penises only to take advantage of them. If the girl loves you, she will never ever ever ever sleep with anyone else, and vice versa.
In the end of the day home boy. A two incher can give a woman an orgasm. So small penis is no excuse for this kind of behavior. I think these whores would screw other guys wither way.
Just my humble opinion.

Road 05-05-2011 09:42 PM

Do you really think a 2 incher can give orgasms? Or does it depend on the woman?

SliderCoaster 05-06-2011 12:50 AM

Using the 'size doesnt matter its how you use it' line, the guy might just be shit in bed along with being small. Hence sexual frustration and introducing a stud.
An 8 inch dick is going to feel different than a 2 incher, maybe that new experience can help them both.

crazy8 05-06-2011 01:32 PM

what im saying is, if you love the guy, then dammit love his 2 incher.
i just dont think that any woman who has to sleep with larger guys and cheat on their boyfriends, is a good woman. Obviously she is with the small guy for reasons like money, security, not having havign to life a damn know. So who needs a woman like that?
Let her go and get gang banged every night. Find yourself a woman who does not need a donkey dick to make her happy. Plenty of women like that.

Road 05-06-2011 07:42 PM

Yup. But most men that are small (including me) don't think they will ever find love because of how small they are. They will never risk anything, like telling a girl he likes her, or even making an effort to talk to girls. I doubt my mindset will ever change.

SliderCoaster 05-06-2011 08:05 PM

In a good deal of cuckold situations the man may be more supportive of bringing in a new dick than the woman.
Is it cheating if the husband agrees with it or even wants it to happen?

BindiCat 05-07-2011 05:53 AM


Originally Posted by SliderCoaster (Post 13088)
In a good deal of cuckold situations the man may be more supportive of bringing in a new dick than the woman.
Is it cheating if the husband agrees with it or even wants it to happen?

^ This. If the girl is going around fucking other guys behind her partner's back, without his knowledge, knowing he would disapprove of it, then it's cheating.

But if the two have talked it over and are both completely fine with it, then how is it cheating? Especially if the guy is present while it's going on.

kinkylittlecock1 05-07-2011 07:30 AM

It TURNS me on watching a well hung guy fucking my wife as long as it's just sex. My wife fucks well hung black men because that's what turns her on and our deal is that I get to watch, join or at least eat her cum filled pussy after because I am bi and I luv that. My wife has NEVER fucked behind my back and neither her or her luvers have ever degraded me. So yes my wife fucks other men with my ok and no I don't get off on being degraded.

SliderCoaster 05-08-2011 01:41 AM

That seems to be a feature of cuckold, the stud is black most of the time.
In porn, there is definitely degradation going on with that. The black guy is elevated to sex god status and the white husband is derided as worthless.
Obviously not as clear as that in real life. Any reason why your wife prefers black men, KLC?

sichris29 05-08-2011 05:00 AM

I would never do that in a million years! Nothing like a well placed tongue moving in sweet little circles to please her if your ding dong can't ;)

kinkylittlecock1 05-09-2011 09:46 AM

Wife says I am her friend and lover and she says I eat pussy better than anyone. Also she cums when I fuck her. She has a white man, me who pleases her but if she is going for hard fucking she wants to go to the other extream with a huge thick cock. I'm white so the opposite is black. We have many black friends and we r not prejudice so please don't misunderstand what I say. She prefers very dark skin and the more original black features her luver has the more it turns her on.

crazy8 05-09-2011 02:09 PM


Yup. But most men that are small (including me) don't think they will ever find love because of how small they are. They will never risk anything, like telling a girl he likes her, or even making an effort to talk to girls. I doubt my mindset will ever change.
Hey Road. I know exactly what you are talking about. I have been there. My life was indentical to yours, at least as as personal life is concerned.
I have a lot of shit i can tell you, but it seems like everything i write, people always disagree.
If you ever want to talk. Please feel free to PM me, and i will try my best to help you deal with this shit. Or anybody else for that matter. If any of you guys feel like road does, that you will never be able to find a girl. Please talk to me guys. I promise you, it is not entirely true.
there is light at the end of the tunnel. Take is from someone hwo has been there.

Road 05-09-2011 09:13 PM

Thanks man, it's an issue of confidence and I hope to resolve it this summer.

SmallFastCummer 05-10-2011 05:09 PM

well it seems my wife was doing that, before she threw me out of the house, now living with a friend ... he's very well hung ... all of this, liking pussy but being laugh at, had made me bisexual ... i love to fuck pussy but also like to be ass fucked ... either way i come in 5 minutes or less ...

JL Tampa 05-10-2011 09:28 PM

@kinkylittlecock1: Can I fuck your Wife? Where are you guys from?

JiminNM 06-30-2011 06:02 PM

Cucking can work
My wife and I have been in a cuckold lifestyle for 20 years. We both talked it over and agreed that there were plus to going this route.
I am not a well endowed man (just under 4" hard) but I was able to impregnate her twice and we had two great kids, now out on their own. But, she was not really achieving an orgasm with me other than through my oral love making. This bothered me more than her. I urged, and encouraged, her to consider finding a partner for sex. She didn't want to at first but finally did and has since had several long term sexual relationships of which I also participated in at times.
It was a need she had and my need to see her satisfied sexually. There has only been a few bumps over the last 20 years.

Mr 5.5 07-04-2011 07:10 AM

I don't know if this situation only applies to me, i doubt it does. My thin, beautiful and sexy girlfriend doesn't often orgasm (a handful if that in over a year with constant sex), but she loves fucking me and insists that the lack of orgasms, while unfortunate, doesn't mean she doesnt have a great time. I know my dick is on the short and thin side, but she doesn't make me conscious of it all. Honestly I think that it is not really my fault as we often get close but she has a hard time going over.

BUT I am into cuckolding and especially small penis humiliation. I know that if a thick and strong cock would enter her, she would orgasm and understand what she's been missing. Of course that is a scary thought, but that fear turns me on somehow. The idea of her abandoning me, who she certainly loves, for cocky big-dicked jerk just because my dick cannot do the job. The concept that "if only I had a bigger cock she wouldn't need to turn to the bull" turns me on quite a lot.

Now it may be because my actual love life is satisfying and I am comfortable in my gf's love of me and my twig that I can feel excited but safe having these fantasies. What do you think?

And if any of you are into SPH, please contact me I would love to discuss it.

boyishman2 07-10-2011 01:57 AM

My current partner and I have engaged in it three times now with the other guy involved (3 different guys) being much much better endowed than me. Me and my girlfriend have been in a relatively normal sexual relationship for over 2 years now but spice things up on occassion with a little bit of SPH play. One of the other guys involved is a mutual friend of ours but he lives thousands of miles away and the other 2 were former work colleagues of mine and are not part of our social circle. Our relationship is rock solid in all ways and we just enjoy a bit of spice - she enjoys having a big cock in her and I enjoy watching her enjoyment of it.

minuteman 07-25-2011 01:13 PM

Lucky feller!

mentaldish 03-08-2012 02:14 AM


Originally Posted by kinkylittlecock1 (Post 13094)
It TURNS me on watching a well hung guy fucking my wife as long as it's just sex. My wife fucks well hung black men because that's what turns her on and our deal is that I get to watch, join or at least eat her cum filled pussy after because I am bi and I luv that. My wife has NEVER fucked behind my back and neither her or her luvers have ever degraded me. So yes my wife fucks other men with my ok and no I don't get off on being degraded.

My wife has been fucking other guys since before we got married. We started with an open relationship. At the time I didn't realize or at least didn't admit to myself that I was on the smaller side of things. The first couple of 3-somes we had the guys were both bigger than me and that trend just continued. We had 3-somes with woman as well and we swapped with couples but I found that what I enjoyed most was watching my wife with the other guys especially because they were really hung and she was responding in a way that I had never seen her respond when we had sex. Some guys would be insecure about this and I totally understand, but for me it was a total turn on. I recognized immediately how much she was enjoying getting fucked by a big cock and I didn't have one. Why would I rob her of that opportunity just to protect my own ego?

Road 03-08-2012 10:07 PM

It's more than ego...It's marriage. You and her. But if that's how you feel I'm not going to hate you or anything.

kaleykunt 07-07-2017 01:26 PM

I love my wife very much so. She is one of those women tho that stays so horny all the time that she fills the room with her hot smell. I always thought i had a nice sized dick, and she agrees, BUT.... as she told me, there is a BIG difference between a dick and a COCK. Shes a full grown woman w/ a full grown hot twat that at times needs a full grown man w/ a full grown man sized cock to put a full grown fucking on her & pump her full of a full grown mans sized load of cum. I understood b4 we ever married that there wud be times that she needed a COCK to satisfy her, not my dick. She loves me enuf not to cheat w/ someone behind my back, but no lady wants to ALWAYS walk around smelling like a horny little teenager EVERYWHERE she goes. Every one of us guys can understand cause we dont want our dicks or COCKS to ALWAYS be hard w/ no relief. I was very unsure in the beginning. We stayed togather for quite a while b4 getting married. I finally was acceptant to it after every time we go somewhere shopping, its obvious almost every guy we pass can smell how hot and horny she is. NO WOMAN wants to be constantly stared at due to her hot twat smell and a big wet spot on her crotch from her pussy dripping, even down to her own juices running down the inside of her thighs. As long as there are no feelings for each other, and no lies and deception, I personally have no issues w/ it. I would much rather not have all the marital problems that prob 75% of marriages have, by me not getting ""cocky"" and arrogant, and talkin to & treating her disrespectful by keeping my small dick in panties. Is it my fault that she needs a COCK sometimes that i dont have to calm her hot twat down ? no, its not. BUT....Is it hers? NO....certainly not.I love her enuf to do anything to make sure she is just as happy as possible 100% of the time. Most women dont want to go to bed with their panties stuck to their lips all night either. Which means i have no problem licking every last drop of his and her cum from her. And then wearing her cum soaked panties to bed and all the next day is def positive re-enforcement to not act like a spoiled bratty kid to her. I may smell like a hot, horny, freshly fucked little girl but that doesnt mean i have to act like one.A hotwife is just that... a HOT wife. NOT A WHORE. Its so ironic that all men like slutty little long as shes not his woman. A little slut fucks whoever just because she can. Thats diff than taking a nice, big, fat, thick hard cock to simply calm down her hot twat so she doesnt have to constantly walk around embarresed w/ everyone knowing how horny she is, no matter how hard she tries to conceal it. Just because my dick isnt as big as some other men does not mean that im not a man. Just simply means im man enuf to admit it and man enuf to prefer my wife be satisfied when i cant calm her down. Having sexual urges pent up & unsatisfied causes bad moods, bad attitudes, and needless arguing & bullshit. Weve never had any serious probs and never will. How many guys know what its like to cum w/out having ur dick touched???? Not many probably. I do. Every time I lick her clean, I cum all in my panties. Again, i dont have to act like a spoiled lil bitch just because i smell like one sometimes, but i sure can cum like one---right in my pretty lil pink panties. I could go on & on but i think ive explained enuf. Any man who CANT calm his woman down and would rather she be unsatisfied and irritable doesnt deserve her, because we all wanna be satisfied instead of keeping a hardon all the time. Anyway....hope u all have a great wkend !!!

liddelpegger 02-15-2018 12:12 AM


Originally Posted by SliderCoaster (Post 13069)
Using the 'size doesnt matter its how you use it' line, the guy might just be shit in bed along with being small. Hence sexual frustration and introducing a stud.
An 8 inch dick is going to feel different than a 2 incher, maybe that new experience can help them both.

Then when they are in the midst of the "size doesn't matter", they then come back with, "most women prefer girth over length". That doesn't help any when you're short and skinny.

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