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DC3113 05-11-2011 02:45 AM

i eat my own cum
so i was just looking at some porn and i cant help but jerk off...i have a huge cum fetish and i was wondering who out there feels the same...either way comment on here im really curious.

my method is to edge preferebly in the shower in case i cant control the orgasm, and as the cum leaks out slowly in my hand i put it in my mouth, swish it around and swallow it, all of it..sometimes i spit it back out because it makes me think of someone cumswapping it then i lick it back up. i find that it turns really white when i spit it back out. i have yet to eat the final spurt at the end of my edging but i am going to try tonight..
what are your thoughts? please dont be shy to respond either way and i am into sharing pictures if anyone in interested.

DC3113 05-11-2011 03:15 AM

have you ever thought about it?

ronnie0602 02-05-2012 06:33 PM

I am interested I would like to try mine but I chicken out after I orgasm then its wasted

FloppyCock 02-05-2012 09:58 PM

I love to eat my own cum. The flavour changes, I guess that it depends on what I've eaten.

You just never know what you are gonna get! I personally like it thick.

hoverfly 02-05-2012 10:25 PM

I haven't but at the end of the day, a lot of us would expect our girlfriends or wives to do it, so I don't think there's anything wrong with it. Probably all societies perception of it.

gasmallguy 02-06-2012 01:17 PM

I have done it a couple of times. I have a tough time with losing the desire afterwards and have found only two ways to deal with it. One, after I've cum in my wife, if she's close to orgasm I'll go down on her right away and get her off and taste the creampie. She thinks it's gross, but if she's close, she'll do anything to get there. Second, i've been really curious as to what it tastes like straight from the source, so i'll jerk off and lay on my back and as i get close, i'll throw my legs back over my head so that my little cock is pointing straight down at my face and i'll just close my eyes and open my mouth. Neither is a bad way to try your own, but it's only an every once in awhile thing for me.

mr.cocknballs 02-06-2012 05:36 PM

I have tasted mine, it feels ok.

mrsstoutman 02-07-2012 01:26 AM

I had wondered and tasted it as a kid once when I was jerking off. I did not like it. I in fact dont even like the smell of it. Now my wifes smell and juices ....absolutely!!! I get hot just thinking about that.

hoverfly 02-07-2012 11:49 AM

Oh yes, Stoutman, those female juices, those female juices. Nothing short of divine if you asked me.

Adriana 02-07-2012 03:13 PM

Yeah cum taste does change, pineapples is the best in my experience, and onions are the worst.

trickydicky 02-07-2012 04:37 PM

it took me a whuile but finally got round to it "very nice"!

hoverfly 02-08-2012 08:03 AM


Originally Posted by Adriana (Post 23029)
Yeah cum taste does change, pineapples is the best in my experience, and onions are the worst.

I wouldn't suggest eating raw onion before an erotic encounter anyway, I hear that might lead to 'gaseous' discharges. Not very nice.

hoverfly 02-08-2012 08:04 AM


Originally Posted by tinydick4u (Post 23064)
I have never snow balled.I have kissed girls after they have suck my dick or swallowed my load.It really had no taste.One girl I was with said my cum tasted like sweet apples.At the time I never ate fruit.

Ooh, you're such s sweet fella. LOL

chubbiboi 02-08-2012 05:09 PM

Mmmmmm,like a milkshake,lol

ronnie0602 02-16-2012 12:02 AM

Im interested I love my own its great tasting

chubbiboi 02-18-2012 10:40 PM

Remember guys gals,its only 6 calories a teaspoon full according to PLAYBOY,so enjoy.
Pas the cum PLEASE darling,lol

TheDizzle 02-18-2013 03:58 PM

I eat my own cum quite often.
The first time I ever tried it was when I was a teenager, and my girlfriend at the time snowballed me. It turned us both on, so she started doing it more often. From there it moved on to eating it of her body and her feeding it to me. After a while we broke up and since then, I haven't been with a girl who was into that.
Then, about a year ago, I was jerking off to some celebrity pics and I shot my load to Jessie J before I realized that I didn't have a cum rag. I had a handful of cum and I was still super horny, so I decided to eat it. Been doing it ever since!

restsidestory 04-17-2013 02:33 PM

Sorry guys, but in no way for me!
Though I love eating her cunt, enjoying her pleasure fragranced liquor coming out slowly, even kissing and sticking my tong through her "little hole", I would and I can't taste my own cum ! I let that for girls and women!
I must have tried my precum once a long time ago, but I don't recall it, and it's simply just the idea puts me off! As well as doing so for another man! No way, eventhough I did have a kind of bi experiencein 3 occasions where I was being wanked (and was replying the same way with admittingly a certain unease at that) and had even a friend of man who once did a fellatio to me, while I was stroking him ; but no, I would never taste mine (can't bare the idea) or another man's sperm !!!
_ But I do love to have it swallowed by a girl. All tastes are in nature!

turtle74 09-22-2013 03:21 PM

I love cum. I eat mine regularly.

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