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Road 05-26-2011 05:21 AM

Asian woman are tighter: Myth or Real
Has anyone held any experience or heard about a tight Asian woman? This rumor I've heard since I was a freshmen in high school. Which is right about the time I started to realize I was smaller than the others. So Asian porn caught my attention and Ive loved Asian girls ever since. Now I haven't talked or had sexual relations with anybody but I'm hoping my first time is with an Asian girl. Ive even thought of visiting Tokyo for a few months to see what's happening. I mean if they're tighter than other woman, shouldn't all small sizes have a thing for asian girls?

Road 05-27-2011 05:59 AM

When woman today's age though, how many are virgins? And would you want to be a girls first?

Sixincher 05-27-2011 11:21 PM

Anyone who has been to Patpong and seen the champagne bottle trick will know the tinier the girl, the bigger the vagina

Infidel 05-28-2011 12:18 PM

that is a fact, the tiny girls all have great big pussies, a larger girl, very tight at least in my findings, everyone is different

Road 05-28-2011 10:29 PM

Hmmm, more reason to love a big woman. I kinda enjoy or aren't bothered by bigger woman. Some can carry it very well while others...well don't. But mainly I'm more sel conscience on what ppp would say when ppl see me with a big woman. I hate to say that but it's the truth, because I'm big myself, we would just look weird..

BindiCat 05-29-2011 04:21 PM

Hey now, my vag has got a death grip. And I'm far from being a big girl. :p

Bigman73 05-29-2011 06:31 PM

I was with an Asian girl and she wasn't that tight so i guess its a myth or maybe i just have a small dick lol

hoverfly 06-25-2011 11:13 AM

All myth and really nothing to it. What counts at the end of the day is the womans ability to control her pc muscle group. Even the largest vagina can be trained to accommodate a small penis, given that she can control her muscles.

PC Muscle? Read more here...

Pubococcygeus muscle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Also helps women who suffer from incontinence.

boyishman2 07-10-2011 02:10 AM

I have had sex with only one asian woman and she certainly wasnt tight - I was rather surprised when my cock was kinda lost inside her - I had believed the mythology

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