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biggdaddy 37379 06-05-2011 08:48 PM

getting rid of the fat pad
does anyone know how i can get rid of my fat pad i know my dick is alot bigger when i was eighteen and about 250 pounds lighter my dick i know was seven inches when i gain al this weight its like it shurnk need help:confused:

BindiCat 06-05-2011 11:07 PM

As far as I know, you can't spot reduce. Regardless of if you're working specific muscles or not, you lose fat from all over. So it'll take a long time, because losing weight sucks ass. But if you're working out and losing weight, thus losing fat, your fat pad will go, too. That's about all you can do, unless you go get lipo.

rustyshackleford 06-05-2011 11:24 PM

agreed with bindi.. that "pad" is literally nothing but fat from what i know.. dont believet here is any workout thats gonna tighten it up.. best bet is to just workout.. lose alot of weight overall.. lots of sweating/cardio... i do lots of hiking at the time.. but bout to start mountainbiking/trailriding.. cycling is a great way to drop pounds.. and if it reduces my pad down a little ill let ya know. im at 5.5-6" fully erect right now.. with an easy extra inch hiding back there.. really annoying

biggdaddy 37379 06-07-2011 11:57 PM

thanks for the info i will take it to heart i have drop 50lbs in two months we will see how it goes

jobleau 06-08-2011 12:15 AM


Originally Posted by biggdaddy 37379 (Post 14108)
thanks for the info i will take it to heart i have drop 50lbs in two months we will see how it goes

Good luck man. Wish I had the mindset to do such a thing 'cause it would sure help me.

bmet 06-08-2011 06:07 AM

More power to you!
Go for it and enjoy...

augustwest 06-10-2011 07:30 PM

as I age up, my fat pad is getting bigger and bigger. I've lost an inch on length already. ACK!!

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