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chitownboy1424 10-25-2009 09:01 PM

Premature ejaculating
i am about 4.5 erect. The question i have, is do any of you guys have premature ejaculation problems. I have them big time and am wondering if anyone knows how to get rid of this problem. It is 10 times more embarrassing then my size

mike1977 10-29-2009 11:44 PM

i premature ejaculates too
i have the a few seconds...its terrible...

smallinIN 11-03-2009 01:15 PM

I am small....haven't measured....but I will for future reference.

When I first had sex....I actually came quickly. My girlfriend climbed on top of me and barely sat on my cock and humped a few times before I exploded.

However....time changes that. I generally last anywhere from 25-40 minutes....and longer when we add lubrication to the mix. You just have to get used to the change of being inside a woman's body...

Men can usually hold out longer when receiving oral....and can control themselves a great while when jerking off....which is why suddenly a pussy seems like a shock to a tiny dick. I know for a time, it was to mine.

Luckily the girlfriend became my wife and we fuck often....and she is 5'2" and 135 lbs of big breasted awesome!

I am happy!

mnal 11-21-2009 01:08 PM

i also say all of us has very fast ejaculation

Suryast 11-21-2009 02:30 PM

I am fast too
I normally ejaculate within 1 to 2 mins. But I guess I am very lucky that my wife comfortably reaches orgasm by that time. sometimes she gets it twice. This may be a word of hope to many I suppose.

poorlno 11-29-2009 07:58 AM

o yea, it can even happen for me w/o touching it. to make it 30 or 40 seconds is rare

juniorweewee 12-06-2009 08:20 AM

Yup, I cum in about 40 seconds. I am 3.5" hard. In my case, I had very delayed puberty, and my penis was the size of a young boys until age 22, but it only enlarged in width. I also have almost no body hair and no sperm. My ejaculation is only a few small squirts, but I feel an orgasm for almost 30 seconds. I have never satisfied a woman with my small cock but found out how to lick pussy and have had no problems since then. I usually find women willing to allow me to get off in their pussy after I get them to cum by a major lick job.

TheSmallestSword 12-29-2009 12:55 AM

yea i have the same problem...always have...2 pump chump?? its just as embarressing as having such a tiny dick...really i dont know which is worse...

TheSmallestSword 12-29-2009 01:02 AM


Originally Posted by juniorweewee (Post 2402)
Yup, I cum in about 40 seconds. I am 3.5" hard. In my case, I had very delayed puberty, and my penis was the size of a young boys until age 22, but it only enlarged in width. I also have almost no body hair and no sperm. My ejaculation is only a few small squirts, but I feel an orgasm for almost 30 seconds. I have never satisfied a woman with my small cock but found out how to lick pussy and have had no problems since then. I usually find women willing to allow me to get off in their pussy after I get them to cum by a major lick job.

junior......i'd like to ask u something in private without embaressing myself more then i already have....i have a medical question to ask u about but i dont know how to send private msgs...could u send me one to start plz? thanks

little brad 12-29-2009 05:08 AM

i always get my gf really wet before we have sex, being that there is less friction, i dont cum as quick, but i can normally last bout 15 mins and get my gf off bout 3-4 times in that time. my first time i was really lucky i lasted bout 10 mins, ive cum early once since then though, i hadnt even got my gf off once. whoops lol

justinm 09-30-2015 09:55 PM

ive only had sex a few times with 1 girl, every time though i cam within seconds of entering her. I have cum in my pants more times than i can count, especially at a strip club, but ive done it just seein a naked girl. IDK why but i have a super hair trigger, even jackin off i cum within a min or 2.

TinyClitLoser 02-24-2016 02:29 PM

15-30 seconds max for me....sometimes I couldn't penetrate into my gf. Wore chastity for extended periods, not I rarely even get erect and ejaculate while limp.

minuteman 02-25-2016 10:09 AM

Just wait!

When you get to my age, it takes ages to get it up and then constant work to keep it up!

However it does mean I can porn-surf for hours before blowing!:D

stubby 02-29-2016 08:25 PM

Exactly Minuteman, with and experience it gets better. I used to go so quickly that I couldn't entertain anyone for too long, but as the years went by it got better much better. Now I can control it and go multiple times with ease.

slipper 03-06-2016 11:38 PM

A very treatable issue if there are no physical complications, the latter of which is pretty rare. It is particularly common with younger men, especially early in their sexual relationship(s). I treated such quite successfully for some time in a large university clinic setting.

However, it is almost a necessity to have BOTH partners willingly participate in the counseling and behavior modification plan to make it work. All the best!!!

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