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biggdaddy 37379 07-01-2011 12:05 AM

spilt the head of my dick
me and my wife were having sex and while we were doing it doggy style i got a pain when i pulled out the top of my cock where the pee hole is had split wide open has this ever happen to anyone elese it relly hurts

BindiCat 07-01-2011 03:15 AM

You might want to get that looked at.

LackingForeskin 07-01-2011 04:13 AM

That sounds really painful.

insecure 07-01-2011 10:37 AM

um ya lmao, ya split ure dick n ure here asking this place has gone to shit lately

loli 07-03-2011 10:52 AM

sounds painful, i hope you get better! keep us updated on your health

biggdaddy 37379 07-03-2011 04:11 PM

i went to the doc they say it can happen from have rough sex they say use some lube cant have sex for three weeks or more they say that my foreskinn is to tight

slipper 07-09-2011 05:18 AM

Sounds to me like you and your partner are in for some fun times stretching that skin, after you completely heal, of course!!!

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