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biggdaddy 37379 07-05-2011 05:16 PM

penis pills
has anyone heard of the penis pills xanogen and hgh factor if u have and if u tried them let me know im thanking of buying them dont want to waste my money if u know anything that really works let me know

crazy8 07-05-2011 05:42 PM

When dealing with penis pills, you are guaranteed to waist your money.
Most are placebos, and dont have much greater effect than horny goat weed.
My advice is stay away

BindiCat 07-05-2011 06:10 PM

Agreed. The main problem with those penis pills is that, though they contain several different herbs to sound fancy, they don't have any of them in a high enough dosage to actually do anything. So you're way better off just picking one, maybe two, herbs for that purpose and taking just those. And it'll be way cheaper that way.

Try yohimbe. That's a good one that I actually have experience with. I've also heard good things about horny goat weed and maca, but I've never messed with those so I can't really tell you anything about them.

Or just go get a prescription for Viagra. I'm told that works pretty well. :p

biggdaddy 37379 07-05-2011 07:09 PM

thaks for your help

Road 07-06-2011 04:10 AM

What is yohimbe suppose to do exactly?

bimiself 07-06-2011 11:36 AM

Sildenafil (Generic Viagra) gets me & keeps me 'Hard Like Rock'. My doctor told me to get it from an overseas pharmacy he recommended-The price/quality can't be matched-Drop me an email if you want any info!

BindiCat 07-07-2011 05:15 AM


Originally Posted by Road (Post 15787)
What is yohimbe suppose to do exactly?

Pretty much the same thing as Viagra. Gets you rock hard and keeps you that way for a long time. When my fiance takes it, he can go for a lot longer than he can normally, and can usually cum two or three times before he finally starts getting soft.

bimiself 07-07-2011 11:26 AM

Bindi...I haven't researched 'yohimbe' yet, is it an herb? Where do you get it from & how's the price? I can get hard without anything.....but with Sildenafil I stay 'usable' for a loooong time! Thanks for any info...side effects, etc.

BindiCat 07-07-2011 06:13 PM

It's an herb (actually, it's ground up bark from the plant). You can get it from GNC or health food stores or any place like that. It's pretty easy to find. Price-wise, better quality is obviously going to cost more, but I got a bottle of 100 pills for $10 or $15. I don't know what quality it is, but it's good enough that it works, and that's all I really care about.

The only side effects we've had with it were the occasional headache, and occasionally feeling like we've had too much caffeine (yohimbe's a stimulant, too). But you do want to stay away from it if you've got heart or blood pressure problems, especially if you've got low or irregular blood pressure, since the yohimbe actually lowers it. So if you've got hypotension and then you go take something that lowers your blood pressure even more, you're kind of screwed. :p

bimiself 07-08-2011 10:52 AM

Thanks Bindi....that's sure the right price. Maybe do a little experimenting next week. My Dr. is always talking about how things 'don't work'-Like to prove him wrong for a change ;)

BindiCat 07-08-2011 05:46 PM

No problem. My various doctors have me on a ton of different medicines, which I've never been too fond of, but I've just dealt with it. After my hair started falling out from one drug, and they wanted to give me a different drug as a replacement that has an FDA black box warning because it can give you some crazy fatal skin disease (which they conveniently didn't mention when they wrote me the prescription and I specifically asked about side effects; I didn't find that out until I started doing my own research), I was like "Ok, I'm done."

So I've been looking into herbal remedies for stuff. I like proving my doctors wrong, too. I'd rather look like a hippy with all my different plants than be bald and dead because of some medicine they thought might work out for me.

stickybob 03-25-2016 03:18 AM

I'll reserect this post. I've been using Horny Goat Weed for a week now, and wow! First, the name seems goofy but this has been around for ages. It's a herb that shepards noticed had a strange effect on the male sheep. It's natural so I don't hesitate to recommend it for a try. Also, the active ingredient is the same as in viagra ,just less powerful. So, what did I experience?
1) the first night I woke up with a throbbing boner, despite no erotic dreams. In general my erection is a little harder but also more on demand.
2) my flaccid penis is larger. Not physically bigger but more often out of its hide hole. Very relaxed and present. I like that!
3) finally, at 58 I experience a soreness in my balls after an organism. Sometimes this will last for three hours. Very disconcerting. This went away immediately upon using HGW.
You should Google it and read up on it. But for $15 for a months supply I say, why not? I'm a fan.

Sixincher 04-01-2016 10:24 PM


soreness in my balls after an orgasm. Sometimes this will last for three hours. Very disconcerting.
I don't think I'll try then

slipper 04-04-2016 12:17 AM

"Penis pills" Hehehehehe, more like penis piss--other than the three advertized prescription blood-flow enhancers all is snake-oil or worse, meaning you don't know WHAT it is and what it will do!!!

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