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Having a small penis & effects on your life
Basically just want to know if anyone had their life altered because of being small.
And i dont mean the obvious things like....still a virgin, not enough sexual partners, being depressed about seze etc.....Those are all pretty common issues that guys like us have dealt with. But how about on a larger scale? How about the career you chose, school you went to. Things that you could have accomplished......perhaps women that you would have married if not for being small. In my case, i really believe that i could have played professional hockey, maybe even in nhl. I know i sound a bit full of myself, but i honestly believe i had a chance. When i was in my early teens, all my coaches were always telling me i had what it takes. I played against guys who were 3, 4, 5, 6 years older than me, and i excelled with little effort. When i got a bit older i started getting invitations from different teams around the area, even had a few college scouts come and take a look at me. Long story short, there came a point where i realized that if i continued playing it would mean traveling with teams, changing and showering along with 22 other guys. Well i was a covard, i got scared and i quit. I thought that people would make fun of me escpecially since i was better than all of them, so they would use that to put me down. So i quit. Started drinking and smoking weed. Im in my mid 20's now and looking back i just cant help it but wonder, what could have been................. Does anyone else have a similar experience to share? |
I wish you didn't quit man, it sounds as if you could've done something amazing with your life. Only a handful of people are born with talent.
As for me, nothing that big. I still go out everyday and still see girls looking at me and checking me. I still don't know why, either they like me or think I'm so ugly or pathetic for a man. Nothing major though..
I know i had a chance. Its impossible to say for sure how shit would have worked out. All i know is that i could have easily got a scholarship to go play for a good college, beyond that who knows.
As for you man, let me tell you there are plenty of ugly people out there. If the girls are staring, its for other reasons. And besides, girls tend to ignore you and not pay attention if your nothing to look at. Most logical explination is that you got something going for you my man. You should use that. Maybe not on girls around your area. But instead try going to other places to pick up girls. If your cute to them in one place, why wouldint you be cute in another. This way even if you do run across a few dumb bitches who will make you feel uncomfortible, hey at least you dont ever have to see them again. |
Thanks..I'll and keep that in mind..I mean just yesterday I was on the bus and I saw two girls were looking back, smiling/laughing..I felt uncomfortable because I felt I was being mocked or something. They seemed like good girls, did they like me...I doubt it. But who knows, one was very cute.
I don't think it makes a difference to my life, but maybe that's just me. I'm me, a person, not a dick size. If someone wants to judge me for it as a person then I don't want them in my life anyway. I already know there are millions of decent people out there, I don't need to live a life with disgustingly judgemental people by my side.
But how about being able to pick any girl up no matter how hot, sleep with her and not be afraid of what she will think about your size. What about that look on their faces when you put a big dick inside of them, dont you want to see that look one day? Or how about being able to go to the bathroom and use a urinal even when someone is there. Change in locker rooms. Or how about not worrying what the love of your life is going to think about your size, or whether or not you can marry her and she will be satisfied with it for the rest of her life. Any guy who is small will have that fear abotu their wife, no matter how secure they feel. So you see it goes beyond what you are saying. Its not only about not having pieces of shit in of people on your life, its about much more than that. Having a small one changes almost every aspect of your life, whether you agree with me or not is one thing, but will you argue that some things might have been different have you been blessed with at least average size? |
Which one do you think sounds more realistic? |
Well, i guess its different strokes for different folks. You are somebody who does not want to sleep with a lot of girls, who does not play team sports and has no need to change in front of others, and all the other things dont bother you either. I reckon you are one of those poeple who accepts what they have, greatful for it, and apparantly pretty happy about everything.
You just need to understand that some people want different things out of life. And also, some peoples lives require them to have to deal with certain issues, where as you dont. (ex, playing team sports). Look if you and your girl are planning to spend the rest of your lives together, and both are happy with each other, hey more power to you man. My only advice would be to not get too comfirtible in your own skin. You think everything is fine, until you catch your wife with another guy in bed. You think its ok to change in front of others, until you see people pointing and laughing at you. You catching my drift? Life is not that clear cut my friend. And just because you were lucky enough to maybe not experience the humiliation that a small dick can bring, does nto constitute that it does not exist. |
It's not that I don't experience it, it's that even if I did, I'd not really care. The person doing it is nothing to me. It'd only really hurt if it was someone close to me, and all my friends whom I've told are quite supportive saying the old "it's not the size but how you use it, women only feel about 3.5 inches inside so you're good," etc.
And I trust my girl with my life. That's just how I am, when I find a girl I won't date her 'til I know I can trust her that fully. She won't betray me, and I'm lucky I met her. ^^ But yeah, I do understand that some people feel humiliated... but if this person is just a random stranger at the toilet, or just an asshole in the changing room, should it really bother you? Being insulted for having a small dick is no different than being insulted 'cause you're fat, or ginger, or whatever. And I'm both. :P I don't let any insults get me down 'cause in the end, what they think doesn't matter at all, does it? |
i probably would have made more of my life i was badly bullied at school over my dick size as well as other issues and because of that i failed most of my exams and ened up working in dead end jobs instead of doing what i wanted to do which was counselling
If there's one thing I've learned, it's that people can be dicks. If they're going to tease or bully you, or put you down in any way, they're going to do it no matter what you do or don't have going on. It's not just because you have a small penis, or because I'm highly sensitive, or anything else. They're just looking for shit, and if that stuff wasn't going on, they'd just find something else to tease us about.
Exactly as Bindi said. There's no point taking any interest in what they say. It means nothing.
Easy way to look at it... who decides what's desirable? "Big dicks, big tits, big asses." "The bigger the better." Uhh... who said that was true? No one. It just kinda happened that word spread and people decided that was what a hot person looks like. Bodies are just shells we inhabit, determined majorly by genetic factors we can't control, and even the factors we can control can be hard to, psychologically. In the end all we are... that which makes us people isn't physical, so why should physical looks matter? If anyone believes that they do, then they're just pathetic, and laughable. |
And throughout history, an image of a beautiful woman has never changed. While i agree that media goes over board, they did not create this image. A girl who is concidered beautiful now, would be concidered beautiful 300 years ago. But i get what your saying. You just generally do not care about what society thinks, you float on your own, and it makes you a happy man. Once again, more power to you my friend. While i will not judge you, i will have to disagree. I do not put great emphasis on what others think of me. But that does not mean i can tolerate being humiliated over one thing i have no control over. But i want different things out of life than you do. Unfortunately many of these things are very hard to do because of being small. I just do not see why you cant understand that no every one wants to be like you. And you are telling me that just because im attracted to women who are concidered hot, than im pathetic, and laughable? I think its easier to just agree to disagree. No one is calling your way of life laughable and pothetic. Ps, i recall seeing somewhere that you are into sph. Well, that means we are on two separate planets, and in no shape or form can we come to an agreement on most of these topics. |
Do you think that being made fun of because of your funny last name, or color of your hair is the same as being made fun of because you are small? Ask guys on this site who have been bullied, im sure that they will tell you that they would rather be made fun of for anything else, except for being small. |
Not because you are, but you won't insult other people who are attracted to other types of people.
Sorry, really tired so may not make much sense but yeah. Also, there was a study done, and men who prefer big-breasted women tend to be more sexually attached to their mothers, or something. Some sort of Freudean thing. I really can't recall much of it at the moment though. I really, REALLY don't see why people let bullying get to them so much, though. :S Even when I was younger and I DID care what people thought, I'd maybe get sad or want to cry for a bit, but after a few minutes I'd be fine and ready to continue what I was doing. And I haven't been that way for 5-10 years. |
Man's perception of beauty has also changed. Back in antic Greece, smaller genitals were considered more appealing. If you don't believe these, do some research. And please inform yourself next time before posting a false statement like this. |
It is time for me to jump into this conversation.
My wife and I have been married for over 50 years. We met while we were in the sixth grade, dated all through high school and married as verging. It even took awhile to get sex working. We lived a sheltered life in a rural community. Sex was the last thing on our minds. From my side, I was teased a lot in high school. I was called: " little dick the bug raper". I seemed to constantly get erections that were embarrassing. Since my dick was small, it would make an obvious peak in my pants. Showering during gym class was difficult due to my size and erections. I was still embarrassed while going through basic training and tech schools, in the Air Force, afterwards. During this time I was married and produced three daughters. I got clipped since it was easy to get my wife PG. My wife has never said anything about my size. I just wished it was longer! Now, age has caused it's problems. I worry more about size each day. I feel fortunate to find this site. It assumes the old adage that "I don't have a problem, they do"! I still am concerned about my size. However, I have never changed my routines, or life, due to my size; I hurt, but I do not let it control my life. The positive side is that I shied away from sex, so I did not have the problems reported here. This is said to enforce those who told you to not let size control your life. You did well! Bandi, I do appreciate your comments from a women's point of view. You rock gal! I hope your personal life is better and finances are under control. Having two sisters, three daughters, one wife and even a female dog, my life is surrounded by women! That's all, I gave you my story. Oh yes, If I sit down to pee, I will find that I am hitting the area between the seat and porcelain. Therefore, I try to stand, leaning toward the wall to be safe. Bye! |
However, when you grow up (and on into adulthood, which makes it that much worse) being hypersensitive to everything (such as, crying if someone so much as looks at you wrong, I can't eat most things or wear many fabrics because I'm too sensitive to textures, I have trouble being in bright light, if someone starts raising their voice it's painfully loud to me, and a million other things that would take too long to get into), that's something that can't be changed. That's something different in my brain; I can't choose whether it affects my life. It does whether I want it to or not. So to always be made fun of for that (which only makes the problem worse), I think is comparable to being made fun of for a penis that you can't change. But atleast you can hide your penis and no one has to know, and even if someone does make fun of it, atleast that won't cause it to get any smaller. Quote:
And that's way too many women. I'd go nuts. Women are crazy. :p |
I've had more problems in life because I am short than because I have a small dick. I've had a great, though different, sex life as a man with a small dick married to a woman who needs a large cock to get off. But I have been discriminated against socially and in my career (promotions, etc.) because I am short. Go figure...its a mean world out there.
How can that be? I am referring to the promotions. Unless you whipped your cock out but in that case it might not be size related but rather that they might have been worried you do that during a meeting.
Sorry, most of that is a bit tongue in cheek. |
My small penis isn't the only reason my life is so screwed up, but its probably the biggest reason. Its something I always think about and is the main reason I have a hard time approaching women because of my size.
I agree 100% with Joe. Being small may not be the only reason, but it is definitely the biggest why most of us are not happy with our lives. |
Of course I was speaking of height, not length....
I can't honestly say the size of my penis has affected the things I have done in my life. Only the things you didn't want us to mention.
I did tend to shy away from activities where I would have to be naked in front of people. I was in the Navy for 10 years and had to shower in communal showers and I would try and time my showers when there was nobody else in there. But then my dick isn't that small. It's more in the average range but that didn't stop me feeling like I was small. For some of us the problem is more psychological than physical. For some it's both. Some guys have the psychological make up that allows them to have a smaller dick and deal with it. Others don't. The reason I've had a life pretty much devoid of sex or female contact is a mixture of things. |
For me it goes all the way back to highschool. I wouldn't shower in gym. I was shy and withdrawn feeling that there was something wrong with me. I had a hard time making friends.
I am alone and very lonely. Basically although there is nothing wrong with me I am so embarassed at my size I usually can't get it up in front of another person so avoid sex and any possible relationship. It has ruined my life. Actually meeting someone through this forum would change my life big time for the better. |
I've been a swimmer since age 3 and when it got serious for me during high school I remember being very self-conscious about showering with the other guys and having them bust my chops about not reaching puberty till late and being very underdeveloped. I though they would tell all the girls in HS about me. I stopped swimming when I got to college, by then I was super secretive about my little secret getting out.
I understand a lot of what you guys went through, are going through...my life isnt the greatest, but I dont let it hold me down completely. Also a virgin soooooo yea.
I'm a kind of pessimist, still I think you should have continued your sport. Now imagine you have become a star known over the world and everyone knows you're small down there. So what? Its courage that matters. If I were like that, I would publish my nude pics so theere is nothing for the rest of the world to wonder. It's kind of erotic to you know. And I think there would be a lot of hot girls who would be dying to hook up with you -being the star you are. I'm not being nice to you but the world works that way. it's all about making a buzz when it comes to celebrities. having published sex tape made a career for the likes of Kim karadishan you know..
Hey, why don't you put some pics of you here? Thanks. |
The ol' what if! Yes, it (having a small penis) affected my life in a negative way.....but NOT because I have a small penis......but because I ALLOWED it to. I avoided all team sports (shower issue), intamacy of any kind through High School and College, never much of a "guys" friend to speak off. Today, I realize I missed out on a lot of things....and even allowed my "short commings" to control many (if not most) of my life choices. All this because some ass hole in middle school laughed and humiliated me in the gym showers. I allowed this jerk, who today would have no idea who I am.....affect the rest of my life! I gave him that much power.
I was always trying to compare my self with the immaginary man hood of the next guy....instead of on their or my accomplishments.....the true mark of a man. Some how I missed that in growing up what makes a true man....which 65 years later I realize has nothing to do with penis size! I so understand your feelings of not following through with your life's gifts.....it js a choice. But sadly, one that needs not be made. The size of our penis is not the mark of a real man. I am only sorry it took me so long to realize this.....my hope is that you, being in your 20's and any other young men could realize this at an earlier stage and not go through life blaming any and all lifes difficulities on your small penis! It just is not the case....if you do not allow it. |
Thank you for the kind words Desertd.
I have a hockey stick in the corner of my living room, with gloves and helmet on top. My jersey hangs above the stick. MY gf and my friends have all noticed, every single time i walk by that part of the room or even look that way, i always have the most saddest emptiest look on my face. I cant help it. My friends still ask me why i never went on to play professional hockey.... To be honest, if i could go back in time, i would still quit hockey. There is just no way i would be able to handle all the shit i would get from other guys over my small one. I would however do almost everything else differently........ |
Crazy, don't get too uptight about it, it isn't worth it. I played in one band after the next, starting when I was about 13 or 14, tried again and again to become rich and famous, only to discover that regardless how good you were, if you were overweight as I was even back then, your chances would be greatly reduced.
I am sure there is at least one other thing you are good at or will become so if you put your mind to it, so concentrate on that instead of the spilled milk. I did and it worked a treat, besides, nothing stops me from picking up an instrument with friends. Just that I am not making money from it. One other thing, pardon if I just forgot about you having mentioned it previously but, you have a girlfriend now? Well, things can't be bad then, can they. Anyway, pleased to hear it. |
Thanks man.
Im not bitter about quitting. I knew it was not the right road for me. Of course i wish things were different, but they are not so it is what it is and i accept that. I just loved playing. It never got that far for me to think about the money aspect. It was always for the love of the game. Plus it felt really awesome to be good at something. I totally agree with you about putting your mind into something else. I have other things to be bitter about too, not only hockey. So if i go down that road i'm just going to be depressed all the time lol. |
Not much of a sportsman myself, haven't been since I was about 13 and came second in a 30 mile walk for charity. I used to be a reasonably good fast bowler but with me having smoked for nearly 40 years, I guess I'd just fall over backwards panting these days. You just can't win them all, can you.
But I am an excellent cook and baker, that's for sure and now that I am fully retired and this time nobody is going to collar me back into some contract, that's for sure, I have all the time in the world to concentrate on that. Last week we ate nothing but half a dozen different curries and the past few days it was kebab time with various ingredients. Talking of which, time for a bacon sarnie, topped with some nice HP sauce I think. |
I been thinking about this lately...but I basically missed out on life, and still am. Because I dont/never had a girlfriend at 23..Its like..i haven't completely experienced life...and I feel I missed out on my teen years. I actually think my overweightness and not my size holds me back.
I hate being obese more than anything. Maybe if I was skinny, a girl would give me a shot..i dunno but I look back at think what horrible teen years I had. I DID NOTHING. no hanging with friends, partying, girls..nothing. I feel as my life has been a waste. . |
If you counted up all the time I've had access to a females body over the last 55 years it would probably be less than an hour. So as sad as I feel for your predicament (especially your weight problem) if you think it sucks at 23 just wait till you get to my age. Especially when you have nothing else in your life to make up for it. |
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