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Articles/Videos of small penis discussions
I decided it would be best to have a topic of people, mainly woman discussing penis size. I will add a few and would love it if others do the same.
Penis Size: What Women Think | Men's Health Also thought it would be best to include a bit of information from each read. The entire article is very interesting though, I recommend everyone checking it out. I hate my size, but reading that has me second guessing myself. "Yes, we care about the size of a man's*penis," Nicole says. "But when it comes to sexual satisfaction, it's pretty far down on our list of priorities." And having a big wood certainly doesn't guarantee her orgasm, which is more important than penis size, Debby says. "Women find it difficult to orgasm, and oral sex and hand stimulation are often more effective, as are vibrators," she says.* "It's not personal -- it's just how some women's bodies work." |
Good article, especially for those who have the syndrome.
Could be a good idea to make this thread sticky if more serious references are added to it. |
What Women Really Think About Penis Size | Hooking Up Smart
Another good read. And to the guys: Seriously, dude, take a deep breath and don’t ever worry about this again. Be imaginative and giving in bed and your partner will be 100% satisfied, even if your little guy is smaller than average. |
4 Women Discuss Penis Size - AskMen
This is interesting because they are interviewing four different woman on penis size, and only one is giving a different answer from the rest. The majority are sizing they don't want a big size, under 6 is good enough, over 6 is too big. |
I recommend everyone check out those articles and read them more than once and let the information sink into your brain. After reading All the articles, it gave me more self confidence than anything else in the past few months and calmed me down for a second on my size. I will summarize key points tomorrow for people to look at when feeling down on themselves. Which I'm feeling like every other day. |
Lol. Thanks man. I still haven't done a quick summary which one day I'll get around to. Every article basically states the same info. If we truely listen to it, maybe we can get over our small problem and move on. I actually have a bit more positive outlook in life after I researched.
Penis Size
Another excellent read, more importantly towards the bottom of the article, it gives tips and pointers on sex, positions, and remembering it's mainly all about her. |
I had one girlfriend who was turned on just by the sight of a big cock - she wrongly assumed i was well-hung because I have such big feet - she was disappointed but the sex was generally pretty good anyway ( I actually managed to give her the odd orgasm with my penis and not have to resort to fingers and tongue to make her cum) she did however still lust for the big dick and played around while we were still together then eventually dumped me.
I'm not saying all women don't care for small sizes, some do, that's just a fact. Just like some guys won't date a girl who's fat, or ugly, or whatever. The number one thing I learned is it all depends on the woman.
I have more often than not had girls assume i am well hung which is handy for getting to first base but then perhaps even more of a let down or disappointment when they discover the truth. I am fairly tall, muscular, have big feet and am generally confident all of which seem to aid in the misconception about my dick size.
Well when that happens you can't just give up, that's basically throwing in the towel. Sweet talk her, tell her you know how to use it, and tell her you give the most amazing oral. Let her know how much you enjoy being with her/ and how stunning beautiful she is. Women like to hear that they're beautiful. Most woman have double the self conscience than men do. From shy to bitchy ones. I kinda hope I meet a girl who hates my size, because if I can talk her into sex, I will make sure she cums more than once. In the process changing her mind on me and others.
Better yet, you can punch her in the babymaker and storm out the door. |
good thread... great article!
Ha, that's too mean! I can't even judge girls who make a big deal out of size issues. Women are judged way more. From looks to weight issues to breasts/ass.
My Small Penis Is a Big Problem
A forum topic I stumbled upon and thought it belongs here. There is a ton of info here, from sex advice, to yoga advice that mixes jelqing. Along with woman talking about how much it doesn't matter if you're a super guy who's not a jerk. |
Well my friends, here is how it is with me. i have never had one night stands, i have always slept with someone that i have feelings for and who has feelings for me. once u acquire that, size is not a big issue. a girl i slept with was seeing a hung dude while she was with me but she dumped him to be with me. when i asked her the reason for that, she said women fuck with their soul not with their pussy. every woman i slept with said i was a perfect lover and they kept coming back. i assume the most important part is satisfiying a woman's soul. u can be horse hung but if u know nothing about women soul u r just a one night thing that leaves good memories. she ll come back for animal instincts to u but if u satisfy her soul first, u r there for ever. u can say i am not tiny and it is easier for me but believe me guys, a flower given to a woman in the right minute, makes u felt a few inches bigger inside. just look in her eyes, make her feel loved and dont fake it. she wont care about ur size at all. women start their sex affair at the dinner table, continue on the way home, climax before bed, and fucking is the last step to say this is the end of the night and it is only 10 percent of the whole thing. be self confident, value her, give her all she deserves as a woman and the last step will be a pleasure for her anyway.
just my two cents, PS: if you fullfill all these and she still finishes the night in an undesired way, she is a slut. dump her before she dumps u, she doesnt deserve u anyway. |
My two(three cents),
I noticed your profile pic, and your size in very average. Then I read you pointed it out half way in your story. Other than that, amazing advice and insight you gave out. One of the best I've read on this website. While reading I heard it in some sort of sexy European voice giving advice on woman. Ha. I myself just went on a rant on How we all (me included) need to get over our size. I went to submit thread and I took too long writing everything erased!!! ;( Hopefully I can rewrite tomorrow! Thank you for your wonderful insight. |
Also, do you still live in Turkey? Maybe woman are more accepting than American over there?
Thanks for ur nice words Road, I am Turkish and still live in Turkey. Women are same everywhere and so are men. :)
Maybe...i have no experience sexually with woman so I can't sound like I'm not talking out my ass. But I feel some or most American woman might be a bit bitchy, judgmental, or wanting a big size. But who knows, maybe you're right.
You're looking for women in the wrong places, buddy. There will be bitches no matter where in the world you go. If you're looking for a one night stand, you're most likely going to run into a bunch of cunts. If you start looking for a bit more than a one night stand, and you look somewhere that isn't a bar, you're more likely to find a decent girl. Though you're still going to run into bitches. It's inevitable.
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