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stickybob 08-22-2011 12:02 AM

Morning Check-in
It looks like I'm the only one here today. Quit wackin off and join in!

Here's one you might relate to. I hadn't even realized this until today.

I sleep naked. (I recommend this). Everyday when I awake I head to the toilet. On the way there I check my cock in the washroom mirror. Yes, still there and it hasn't grown appreciably. However, after the relaxiation and warmth of sleep usually I'm looking pretty good (big). I often think; if I was always this big I'd be happy. Then I shrink, dream over!

Graucho 08-22-2011 11:11 AM

Same for me. I always sleep naked and have done since age 12 (50 now). First thing in the morning (after my hard on) my cock is quite large and soft, and my balls, normally tight and small, are loose and swinging - love it!

BindiCat 08-22-2011 05:24 PM

Nude sleeping is the only thing I can relate to here. :p

lilutfan 08-22-2011 07:40 PM

Nude sleeping is the way to go, I hate wearing clothes period. Damn indecent exposure laws. Bob if you change the lighting in your bathroom you can enjoy it being big in the shadow on the wall!

Graucho 08-23-2011 10:15 AM

I hate wearing clothes too lilutfan. I live in Spain with no nudity laws at all, nudity is allowed anywhere (theoretically) and we hike nude in the mountains and swim nude on beaches all the time. When we meet clothed people the occasional 'good morning' or a wave and a smile is the only reaction we get.

stickybob 08-24-2011 01:58 PM

5 Attachment(s)
Here are some shots from this morning. Sorry, my nut sack tightend up before I could get a photo:

stickybob 08-24-2011 02:16 PM

5 Attachment(s)
A few more action shots:

yorchmcfly 08-24-2011 10:36 PM

good seem to be very active in the morning...i like the shooting pictures and all the hair in your genitals...also it looks pretty big on the first picture of your last post

lilutfan 08-25-2011 09:46 PM

@ Graucho That's really cool I would like to experience that freedom. There are a few nude beaches here in the U.S. but you have to travel a good ways to find them. There are a lot of secluded places on the lakes where we usualy go to let it all hang out. ;)

JismJim 08-26-2011 01:57 AM

Bob, that last shot looks a little "sticky!"

stickybob 08-26-2011 02:57 AM

Hehe, ya it was a gooey mess!

deedee 08-26-2011 03:46 AM


Originally Posted by lilutfan (Post 17572)
Nude sleeping is the way to go, I hate wearing clothes period. Damn indecent exposure laws. Bob if you change the lighting in your bathroom you can enjoy it being big in the shadow on the wall!

Sleeping nude when you're shaved bare is really nice. Try it sometime.


lilutfan 08-27-2011 05:08 AM

Definately like being freshly shaven and smooth. For some reason I like it best when camping, maybe the fresh air in the hammock or the slickness of a sleeping bag.

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