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lilutfan 08-22-2011 08:30 PM

Just wandering if and why people prefer circumsized or not. I am really interested in both male and female opinions, so as we do not have many women on MTD gentlemen please ask wives or girlfriends. Thank you in advance for your input. :D

Virgin4Inch 08-25-2011 03:01 AM


Graucho 08-25-2011 08:36 PM

All dicks are beautiful - but if I had to chose, give me a foreskin to play with as well, they are lovely. My wife agrees.

boyishman2 08-25-2011 11:31 PM

Cut and fine
I personally prefer to be cut and most of my lovers past and present seem to prefer it but they may tell uncut lovers elsewise so that is not a certainty - kinda like female orgasms - fake or real? not always discernable depending on the honesty level or acting skills of the lady involved. My current gf professes to prefer cut and I believe her.

BindiCat 08-26-2011 02:40 AM

Uncircumcised will always and forever be the best.

But, with that said, dicks are great whether there's a foreskin or not.

Mike83 09-01-2011 11:10 AM

Uncircumcised, just what I like much more fun during foreplay

deedee 09-01-2011 08:41 PM

Some uncut's are really ugly in my opinion, especially the wrinkled ones with a longish snout. I am cut but I wish I could try being uncut and have made my own decision. Also, some uncuts seem to be very tight when the knob is out, looks quite uncomfortable.

jobleau 09-02-2011 12:07 PM

When I'm all shrunk, which is most of the time, I look uncut. But I'm actually cut. That's probably why I prefer cut.

hoverfly 09-11-2011 10:52 AM

Nothing been cut off of me but I guess it is what you are used to more then anything else.

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