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casimpso17 09-03-2011 11:50 PM

All I have to do is read a hot e-mail from a buddy, or watch a video, and within minutes the crotch of my underwear gets all wet and sticky. When texting or chatting for any length of time, I'll get up to find my shorts are a complete mess.

But I've noticed that most of the younger guys I am with don't have any precum at all, or very little. Of course almost all of them are more endowed than I am.

Has anyone else noticed that today's younger guys don't seem to have much precum?

yorchmcfly 09-03-2011 11:55 PM

i have no idea, never seen any other boys cock, but if it is about me, i have lots of precum when doing the same you are describing...when im chatting, or reading, or watching at porn my precum flows like on a it starts oozing right now

Virgin4Inch 09-04-2011 04:55 AM

No precum here and at my age not much postcum either.

terri 09-04-2011 08:20 AM

i produce loads of precum
all i need is my wife to rake her long painted nails along the side of my balls to get me dribbling.

deedee 09-04-2011 09:03 PM

With me, I too release pre-cum but not as much on an empty sack than with a full one. If it has been a few days sice sex, I am capable of quite a wet patch.

babymember 09-05-2011 05:41 PM

Sometimes I produce so much precum that I get a big wet spot on my pants and my underwear is drenched.

MarkBld 09-05-2011 07:02 PM

The older I get, the less cum I produce - and the more precum. Since the precum happens so quickly, is it produced by the penis itself rather than the prostate or testicles, I wonder?

deedee 09-06-2011 12:43 AM

I don't release heaps but I do enjoy the wet feeling in my jocks, feels good and I know I am/was enjoying myself.

minuteman 09-06-2011 01:23 AM

I dribble loads at the slightest provocation, soft or hard

hoverfly 09-11-2011 10:01 AM

Gallons, literally gallons at the merest thought of anything arousing. My wife never ever used any lube when giving me a handjob, there was always more then plenty there. I am on another forum, where I actually use Precum-a-Gallon as a nickname. Guess that says it all doesn't it?

I must admit, I do like the large amounts of precum I produce (help masturbating as well), there is never any irritation to the penis from 'dry-rubbing' or such and my wife just got used to it. Nothing much else she could do anyway. It is the way it is. Period.

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