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Virgin4Inch 08-02-2010 07:44 PM

Are most of the guys here gay?
It sure seems like it. It's one thing to look at the picture or video of another guys dick and compare it to your own and say how it compares but when you start describing other guys dicks as yummy and such then sorry but you're gay.

peni 08-02-2010 07:46 PM

Well i for one im not gay i just wanted to know what other thought of mine

Little Dick 08-02-2010 07:55 PM

virgin4inch --> well some guys may be gay, some straight and some bi,

as for me i aint gay, im straight. this is some kinda forum, so others like us with a small pecker can converse

lilutfan 08-03-2010 01:40 AM

I am straight , and I agree with Little .We all share similar interest.

phinner99 08-03-2010 04:25 AM

i'm as straight as an arrow bro but got nothing but love for the gays here. if they find my dick hot then i'm flattered lol. the funny thing is that i've been hit on by a lot of gay guys in my life.

alphaphenet 08-05-2010 09:01 AM

I am gay but I don't mind looking at straight or bi guy's cocks, I'm not prejudiced! All welcome to look at mine too, opinions always much appreciated:

firemedic69 08-05-2010 09:42 PM

I guess you got your answer 4inch, nobody us forcing you to stay, to each is own.

CtrlClick 08-06-2010 03:54 PM

I’m not gay. Just looking to relate to guys that are in a similar situation.

minuteman 08-09-2010 12:16 AM

Straight - but happy to see and be seen. Just wish there were some more gals to poke fun!

LindoChubby 08-09-2010 04:37 AM

I am Bi, i love cocks and vaginas!

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