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RagnarV 09-14-2011 06:58 PM

Giant clitoris
Absolutely nothing to do with tiny dicks on guys but this vid goes to show that the girls can have problems too.

Hermaphrodite Giant Clitoris

Worth a look simply out of curiosity.

deedee 09-14-2011 08:33 PM

Hmmmm, now I'm really confused !! :eek:

BindiCat 09-14-2011 10:09 PM

It's fake. When they do a close up of her pussy, you can still see her hood and actual clit underneath that huge thing, right where it's supposed to be. Also, while she's jacking it off, you can see the bottom edge coming off at the base where it's attached, right between her fingers.

jobleau 09-14-2011 10:29 PM

Special, to say the least. Hard to believe it is real but I'd give it a try.

deedee 09-14-2011 10:35 PM

Yeah, I think I saw it came away a couple of times but it also seems to stay there without the two spread fingers supporting it sometimes. I'd vote for it being a fake but some of whats going in is fairly convincing.

RagnarV 09-15-2011 03:00 AM

Years ago when I was a paramedic there was a home for deformed kids on my patch. They were right monsters hid away from view. Unless you've seen the place you'd have a hard job to believe it exists and I've seen worse than this "clit" so I'm ready to accept anything where nature can go wrong. There is a real clit under the hood so it might be a dick. There was one guy in the home who had both. They couldn't put him in the girls' section because he'd start fucking them so the poor guy had to be with the boys and they all took it in turns to bang him.

To give you some idea what the place was like, there was one girl called Mary who was only 20" tall. Couldn't talk and had to be hand fed. She sat all day in a small coffin on a table and used to wait for anyone going by to masturbate her. Another guy was a cyclops. There's more of them about than you'd imagine too. One day they took him out on a picnic and the other kids poked his eye out. This clit is nothing compared with a lot that the public never sees.

BindiCat 09-15-2011 04:17 AM


Originally Posted by RagnarV (Post 18455)
Years ago when I was a paramedic there was a home for deformed kids on my patch. They were right monsters hid away from view. Unless you've seen the place you'd have a hard job to believe it exists and I've seen worse than this "clit" so I'm ready to accept anything where nature can go wrong. There is a real clit under the hood so it might be a dick. There was one guy in the home who had both. They couldn't put him in the girls' section because he'd start fucking them so the poor guy had to be with the boys and they all took it in turns to bang him.

To give you some idea what the place was like, there was one girl called Mary who was only 20" tall. Couldn't talk and had to be hand fed. She sat all day in a small coffin on a table and used to wait for anyone going by to masturbate her. Another guy was a cyclops. There's more of them about than you'd imagine too. One day they took him out on a picnic and the other kids poked his eye out. This clit is nothing compared with a lot that the public never sees.

I'm not saying the condition doesn't exist, just that this particular one in the video is fake. :p

I love abnormalities, I read up on them all the time. Seriously, I would love to go to that place. I've never seen anything like that in person.

Road 09-15-2011 04:25 AM

That one post freaked me out a bit. Conditions like that usually exist with incest, or in third world countries. I would not want to see those, story kinda brought me down.

Anyhows, regular small men or just men in general should do some google searches and should read up women insecurities. I'm 100% sure they have major fears of their body parts like we do. We have got to stop thinking that we are fragile and they are so perfect.

deedee 09-15-2011 04:37 AM

Ragnar, my eldest daughter worked in a care facility for severely handicapped and deformed people, some old and some young. They were very much kept from site but my daughter said that all seemed to have more than average sex drive. It seems strange but they all seemed to know where their pleasure spots were and weren't too fussy about hiding it. For this reason, I find your report quite believable and perhaps more believable than this hermaphrodite video. By the way, I have read that the legendary hermaphrodite can perform either function but in reality, they can't perform either. Their genitalia is a complete mess.

RagnarV 09-15-2011 06:04 PM

I can't remember the name of the herm in question and I don't know if his dick worked but he had a vagina and no uterus so they let the others stuff him without any worry about the consequences. Evidently he didn't like it so it was tough luck on him.

If BindiCat is interested, there was one kid who used to slap his own ear all day so the left one was normal and the right one was about three times bigger than the other. Another kid used to bang his head against the wall all the time so he had to wear a crash helmet, even in bed. Once, one kid rammed a pencil through the forearm of another one, (they can get pretty mean with each other), and by the time I got there the room was spattered with blood from ceiling to floor. They'd tried everything to stop the flow but I saw it was only a vein that had been gashed. With only one finger I put some slight pressure on the down side of the wound and stopped it immediately. After that I had the reputation of being a miracle worker whereas any keen first aider would have done the same.

The really bad cases were all locked in a room together to get on with it amongst themselves. There was a big window like an aquarium. The kids were all stark naked and covered with piss and shit. As you walked past they'd all press up against the window looking as if they'd tear you apart if they could get at you.

If you want more, find out where your local home for handicaped kids is (the town hall will tell you) and ask the director if they need any volunteer helpers. Say you're beginning to feel useless and want to do some community service. These places are short staffed and over worked so they'll jump at your offer. To begin with go along to your local Red Cross or St John's ambulance and get a first aid certificate. You'll meet some nice girls on a first aid course, they seem to go in for it more than the guys. Good luck.

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