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KayDubya 09-21-2011 02:15 AM

SDH? I'll be honest....I don't get it
To each his own they say and i'd never put someone down for liking it but i dont see why someone would find that fun, is it a mindset that stems from being so self concious as a kid/teen? Or was it something that just happened? Does it physically get you off? Do you have to be humiliated to even get hard? i mean in my younger years i was very self concious and the thought of being made fun of by a girl who seen it was awful for me and i'd be damn if i'd let anyone see it but as the years went on and my first time when great and my confidence grew and the numbers sexual encounters grew and all the partners were satisfied without complaint lol i grew to love my size i know i'm not huge but when it comes to sex i talk a huge game that i know my little guy can back up i may not have size but i definitely have big dick confidence....i've had girls leave their big dick boyfriends for me cause i'm better in bed, i've done some reverse cuckolding where he was the sub and had to watch me fuck his girl and i loved every second of it, i've been in threesomes ffm and mmf and never once grew shy cause the other guy was bigger or what they might say but enough horn tooting because half of you are probably like "yeah....whatever dude" lol but my point is maybe because my experiences have always been good i just can't get into it....don't get me wrong i still have little dick mentality in grained deep inside me. I still ask the girl what she thinks of it. I still ask how big her other bfs have been and what's the biggest and smallest she's been with but no matter what the answer i know i can please her and size no longer bothers bac the my question knowing how i feel about myself and know if a woman berates me for my size it would be a one way ticket to the curb i wanna know what sdh does for you? How does it turn you on? And was it a choice for you to like it or has it always been that way for you? Because it's a big thing with smaller guys and i just wanna understand from someone who enjoys it

BindiCat 09-21-2011 02:28 AM

Different strokes for different folks, man. I personally don't understand and don't want to understand shit & piss fetishes, but if someone else likes it, that's their thing.

And I don't think there's really a reason for liking some of the stuff we like; we just like it. That's part of what makes it a fetish, after all.

But I'll let the people who actually have penises chime in on this. :p

Virgin4Inch 09-21-2011 02:59 AM

OK first off it's SPH not SDH :D

You have to realize that (for me anyway) it's pure fantasy. Of course if in real life a woman was to say to me the things that I like in my SPH fantasies I would be devastated. No I don't NEED it to get hard. I have many things that turn me on SPH just happens to be one of them. You don't even need to have a small dick to be into it either. I've heard from guys who are 7" or bigger who are into it.

Who knows why some things turn some people on and not others. Even within the SPH "community" there are different subgroups. Some guys prefer the playful stuff like "oh it's so cute it's like a little ....". Others like to mix it with other fetishes like cross dressing, sissyfication, BDSM etc.

has it always been this way? hard to say. Maybe in a subconscious way. As a fetish, no. In fact I think the fetish is a fairly recent phenomenon. I certainly didn't become aware of it until about 6 or 7 years ago.

It's a strange fetish mainly because it's very difficult to find actual women to do it. Some guys are lucky enough to have wives or girlfriends who are willing to indulge them but for the rest of us we pretty much have to pay for it. Let's face it unless the woman is one of the very few who actual enjoys it most women would get very little from partaking in it. There's not much in it for them.

The only time you will find women ridiculing a guy because of his small dick is after he has broken up with her and that is out of spite. If she felt like he was enjoying it she probably wouldn't do it then either.

congratulations on being such a stud btw.

KayDubya 09-21-2011 03:08 AM

Very true i totally get that people like different things, I dont wanna understand piss/shit/blood either nor can i find a reason for it.I'm just very curious about this subject because it seems 90% (that's lowballing imo) of porn for a smaller man is cuck/bull whether straight or gay (which honestly i find as sdh the cuck always seem to be on the small side) and sdh itself...maybe it's just me but i'd like to see a guy my size fuck a woman real good and both parties actually enjoy it

KayDubya 09-21-2011 03:21 AM

Sorry sPh if i wanna discuss it i should say it right and see that puts a better perspective on it. I would never think a guy on the bigger side would be into something like that also how do you try the line between what she can and can't say? I mean i dont know all of the subdivisons of the fetish, all i know is what i see on the internet which usually involves SPH mixed with bdsm master/slave thing

KayDubya 09-21-2011 03:41 AM

Forgive the multiple spelling and grammar mistakes after typing for awhile on a phone i get too lazy to correct them....but i'm off topic anyone else into the more sissyfication,crossdressing,she makes you please real men aspect of the SPH? Or in addition to SPH to be more accurate, i'd love to hear your opinions, for me even itself even if it's a SPH type site i like it because it's a man of smaller sizing having sex with extremely attractive women not SPH....i'm starting to get a better understanding of SPH but i'd still like to hear more opinions on the subject

hoverfly 09-21-2011 09:13 AM

I fail to understand it as well, at least from the emotional point of view, the same goes for pee and scat, rape and a number of other fetishes more or less comon.

That being said, there appears to be clear evidence that early childhood experiences (and also later ones) can lead to various 'deviations from the norm'. I especially put that in quotation marks so that nobody feels that I am even considering them to be anything other but normal.

I have a friend who is totally into watching women pee in public while being hidden away. Either that or watching clips like that of which he is the proud owner of quite a collection. He once asked my to copy a DVD for him which wouldn't play on his DVD and I therefor had to sit through this DVD checking that everything had gone correctly.

Now, I personally failed to see the attraction, yet he was over the moon and some while later he explained to me that he had done a fair bit of soul searching as it were to find out why he might be so turned on by this kind of material. He thought that it could have to do with the way his truly overbearing mother used to treat him and portray his childhood friends, some of them girls, as dirty and that these acts were something so despicably evil... You get the idea.

I am not a a psychologist, that God for that but if you read up on fetishes in relevant psychological journals, you'll find this pretty much confirmed. Most frequently it appears that our mothers have a lot to answer for. LOL

As with a lot of other things, I may not understand the why but I can happily accept that anything done between two or more consenting adults is fine with me.

Live and let live, just don't hurt anybody in the process.

crazy8 09-21-2011 07:14 PM

More than once i have stated my opinion and feelings on this matter.
Each and every time, some member got offended because of my responses. A lot of people on here do not seem to see the line between simply disagreeing and bashing.
But anyways, I do not understand SPH, and would not wish it upon my worst enemy

Sixincher 09-21-2011 09:37 PM

I think there are power and submission issues too. The CFNM side appeals to me and I would rather be naked getting a handjob from a fully or partially clothed woman than a naked one. Similarly I get more of a buzz wanking off for a clothed woman than a naked one.

joe1257 09-21-2011 10:04 PM

I don't see any other choice but sph. Theres really not much that can be done with small penis except sph.

BindiCat 09-21-2011 10:49 PM

I'm sure there's something. You just have to be creative. :p

If I had a small penis I'd make a game of whipping it out in public to see how long it took anyone to notice, or trying to see if I could fit my penis into smaller and smaller things. When you finally get stuck and have to call someone to help get you out, you lose. Or win, whichever way you want to look at it.

deedee 09-21-2011 11:17 PM

Hi Bindicat,
You know, there is a deep exhibitionist part of me that thinks " well, I've got nothing so I don't need to be too careful about hiding it". I know that, from time to time, I have found myself around friends when on holiday camping etc dressed just in my boxers and I have to be a whole lot less careful that things don't fall out than long-cocked men would need to be. No ball slapping penis for me to hide !! :)

jobleau 09-22-2011 12:18 AM


Originally Posted by BindiCat (Post 18726)
I'm sure there's something. You just have to be creative. :p

If I had a small penis I'd make a game of whipping it out in public to see how long it took anyone to notice, or trying to see if I could fit my penis into smaller and smaller things. When you finally get stuck and have to call someone to help get you out, you lose. Or win, whichever way you want to look at it.

:D Funny!

Let's just hope a call to paramedics won't be necessary!

jobleau 09-22-2011 01:23 AM

I'm pissed. Site ate 75% of the post twice. Deleted and reposted. Had to rewrite the whole thing.


Originally Posted by joe1257 (Post 18724)
I don't see any other choice but sph. Theres really not much that can be done with small penis except sph.

I disagree completely. At 53 y/o, I've had a very active sexual life so far, (probably over 50 women) and if it was not for the fact that I'm tired of all the drama (none related to penis size) I've had with women, I would still be having it.

Disclaimer: About the 'drama' part, I didn't mean to bash any woman. This is my bad for choosing them, not theirs. That said, I still hope to find one, without the drama of course.

While some of those women did mention my penis was on the smaller side, that has NEVER been a problem for having good, if not great, sex and not one ever implied any humiliation.

To humiliate
to cause (a person) a painful loss of pride, self-respect, or dignity; mortify.

Synonyms: dishonor, disgrace, shame, degrade

What would you think/say/do if someone humiliated your child or other loved one because of their big nose, malformation or other unusual traits? Whatever shortcomings (no pun intended) anybody has, it is simply unacceptable to humiliate someone, whatever the reason. I won't even go into the consequences this may have on the person subjected to it.

It is basic self and social respect not to do or accept humiliation.

Being an alpha male, proud of myself and my achievements, I just can't understand the whole SPH thing. Don't even try to do any kind of humiliation to me. You won't like the reaction, I swear.

That said, if you are an adult and are indulging yourself into giving/receiving humiliation, by all means enjoy it as much as you can (and possibly eventually suffer the consequences and live with them). But keep in mind not everyone is into it and mostly, don't do it to those not willing to.

jobleau 09-22-2011 01:29 AM


Originally Posted by deedee (Post 18728)
Hi Bindicat,
You know, there is a deep exhibitionist part of me that thinks " well, I've got nothing so I don't need to be too careful about hiding it". I know that, from time to time, I have found myself around friends when on holiday camping etc dressed just in my boxers and I have to be a whole lot less careful that things don't fall out than long-cocked men would need to be. No ball slapping penis for me to hide !! :)

Indeed! :D

In fact you do have to work it out a bit if you want it noticed. :p

deedee 09-22-2011 02:22 AM


Originally Posted by jobleau (Post 18734)
Indeed! :D

In fact you do have to work it out a bit if you want it noticed. :p

Hahahaha, that's a fact . Prepare for the sighting, as it were !!

MarkBld 09-22-2011 06:32 PM

I agree with Virgin4Inch that SPH is more a fantasy trip than some overpowering psychological need. It kind of fits into the category of getting a kick out of trying something "new and strange." To be sure, there are some things way too "new and strange" to simply try for kicks.

I don't know if any of you have checked out the site. They have a couple groups focusing on SPH. If you read some of the personal experiences, you come away thinking the guy simply made it up; or at least that the guy embellished it to make it sound more harrowing that it really was. It's like each guy is trying to "one-up" the previous entry. I get the impression that SPH tales are primarily the small dick equivalent of locker room boasting.

LilPoonStar 10-09-2011 03:19 AM

It's been a couple weeks since this thread was active, but thought I'd chime in since I do appear to be in the SPH/SDH minority here. :) (And actually, I am kind of suprised I'm a minority, because the content seems to be SPH-slanted.)

Even though I didn't actively seek out SPH/SDH or even really think about it in my adult life until I discovered, there are roots of it that stretch back way in my past. There were a couple of women I knew (friends' moms) when I was in junior high that I had these fantasies about where they would disapprovingly watch me masturbate and never touch me. I was just a boy, of course, so ALL of me was small back then. I think the fantasies were just my way of working out that even though I was attracted to them, there was no reasonable way I'd even have intimate contact with them... so I constructed a fantasy where I could get aroused, but didn't do anything impossible. (I've never been able to fantasize about celebrities or women I don't know... it's always been women in my life, and I think it's because the fantasy only works if it seems like something that could really happen.)

There's one other thing, though. In my day-to-day life I am dominant. I make decisions when others can't decide; I always guide things when I'm with my friends, and I seem to attract submissive women. I've never dated/married a woman who was even slightly dominant. So I think that the SPH for me is a chance for me to sort of retire from being the leader all the time and kind of be put back in my place. It gives me some balance.

And in practice, all these women I fool around with on the side... the SPH is just a little bit of roleplay we do up-front. It loosens me up, but we transition into normal x-rated lovin' pretty quickly, and it's always been mutually respectful.

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