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joe1257 10-04-2011 10:39 AM

Do most women get mad if you dont tell them you are small?
If a guy with a small penis went out with a girl for a couple of months and never told her that he was small, would she get mad?

jobleau 10-04-2011 11:38 AM

I never said before hand to a girl I was small and none of them ever got mad for that.

BindiCat 10-04-2011 05:17 PM

Personally, I would get irritated if he did tell me, depending on how he did it and how often it was brought up.

Confidence is a turn on, and harping about how small your dick is doesn't really ooze confidence. Small dick or not, I'd rather find out when I get there.

joe1257 10-04-2011 05:27 PM


Originally Posted by BindiCat (Post 19152)
Personally, I would get irritated if he did tell me, depending on how he did it and how often it was brought up.

Confidence is a turn on, and harping about how small your dick is doesn't really ooze confidence. Small dick or not, I'd rather find out when I get there.

If a guy is average or large, he doesn't have to worry about saying anything. However, for guys like myself this could be a problem if it was kept a secret too long.

BigA783 10-04-2011 07:46 PM

Why do you feel like you have to inform them, like you are telling them you have herpes...let them decide if it is disappointingly small or not when they see it.

joe1257 10-04-2011 08:15 PM


Originally Posted by BigA783 (Post 19155)
Why do you feel like you have to inform them, like you are telling them you have herpes...let them decide if it is disappointingly small or not when they see it.

Because if I was in a relationship for a couple of months and she never knew, she might feel like she wasted her time when she did find out.

boyishman2 10-04-2011 08:26 PM

I have had a variety of responses when a girl found out how small i am but none have ever expressed anger. Disappointment, surprise, shock, amusement, mockery, apathy, disatisfaction, diminished attraction, ambivalence, have all been a reaction at one time or another but as yet not anger. I advise that before you get a girl into bed or have been in a relationship long enough that there are other bonds beyond lust you avoid her knowing how small you are - I have been rejected or never even considered for sex if a girl I am interested in knew in advance that i have a small cock. Not so important if you have established a good non-sexual relationship however.

BigA783 10-04-2011 08:34 PM

There are people that are in relationships for MONTHS before their first intimate encounter???

Come on...Besides she is dating you, not your cock...if it were that important, it would be the first thing discussed.

Virgin4Inch 10-04-2011 10:14 PM

If what I've read by women is true if a guy takes too long to initiate sex they consider that a red flag and it probably means he has a small dick. So if you haven't done it in two months she probably already suspects.

BindiCat 10-05-2011 01:07 AM


Originally Posted by BigA783 (Post 19155)
Why do you feel like you have to inform them, like you are telling them you have herpes...let them decide if it is disappointingly small or not when they see it.


hinde 10-05-2011 04:44 AM

Ive been with my girl for almost 4 months now and we've fooled around and I've done oral on her and we've dry humped but she still doesn't KNOW for sure Idk how she doesn't suspect something.. I've turned down BJs and such I just gotta figure out how to tell her...shes still not seen it... any tips how to bring it up? and bring up the idea of toys if its not at all good for her? (I will say the two times so far I've went down on her led to multiple orgasms so I know she is satisfied from that just dunno if that'll get old)

thinboy 10-05-2011 07:33 AM

Don't bring up toys, don't mention size, don't prepare her, and most of all, don't worry so much. Just let it happen. If she is going to be disappointed by your size, there is nothing you can do about it anyway. I suspect you will be completely fine. If the girl has been with you 4 months (without sex) she is likely spending time with you because she likes you, not for your dick. If that changes after she see it, then she is probably pretty shallow and you dodged a bullet. If you can bring her to orgasm orally you are already ahead of the game. Many women don't care too much about the size, and care much more about the personality. Sex is much more a mind game than anything else, act confident and you will make her happy.

hoverfly 10-05-2011 10:27 AM


Originally Posted by thinboy (Post 19172)
Don't bring up toys, don't mention size, don't prepare her, and most of all, don't worry so much. Just let it happen. If she is going to be disappointed by your size, there is nothing you can do about it anyway. I suspect you will be completely fine. If the girl has been with you 4 months (without sex) she is likely spending time with you because she likes you, not for your dick. If that changes after she see it, then she is probably pretty shallow and you dodged a bullet. If you can bring her to orgasm orally you are already ahead of the game. Many women don't care too much about the size, and care much more about the personality. Sex is much more a mind game than anything else, act confident and you will make her happy.

10/10 for your reply, just what I was thinking. Thanks for saving me the time to type it all. LOL

BindiCat 10-05-2011 05:21 PM


Originally Posted by thinboy (Post 19172)
Don't bring up toys, don't mention size, don't prepare her, and most of all, don't worry so much. Just let it happen. If she is going to be disappointed by your size, there is nothing you can do about it anyway. I suspect you will be completely fine. If the girl has been with you 4 months (without sex) she is likely spending time with you because she likes you, not for your dick. If that changes after she see it, then she is probably pretty shallow and you dodged a bullet. If you can bring her to orgasm orally you are already ahead of the game. Many women don't care too much about the size, and care much more about the personality. Sex is much more a mind game than anything else, act confident and you will make her happy.

Exactly this. Which is pretty much what I've been saying for forever, but who wants to hear it from a chick? :p

Road 10-05-2011 08:28 PM

Because we think, well I think you're a speical breed of a woman. Meaning, I'm still not sure how many woman care about size, and how many women will reject because of it. Alsoit depends on the social place as well, I'm certain a club/bar girl is gonna be more abrasive than a student or co-worker.

I dunno. A million girls can tell you they love you for you, but if you don't believe it, it's not going to matter. Mindset is the most important part in ANYTHING.

hinde 10-05-2011 10:28 PM

wow thx, yeah she says she loves me and I do her, she actually wants to be engaged already but I'm waiting to find out if shes ok with it before we moved to fast and me popping the Q.. I'm 23, shes 20 so I'm planning on telling her soon or letting her see for herself.. so maybe it'll all go well and yeah that was my goal with pleasing her with oral ;) hoping that if she enjoys that she'll know she'll definitely have pleasure in the bedroom... (lets just say she wet the sheets quite a bit both times ;)) Anyways thanks for the advice and no Bindi I do like the advice from a woman as well... because its helpful to hear from the female pov considering my girlfriend is well.. a female lol...

ps. Im about 5in, the girth is my biggest concern though.. 4in around...

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