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hoverfly 10-17-2011 11:29 AM

Just in case the ladies reading this thread haven't seen it, I posted a Channel4 documentary called 'The Perfect Vagina' here:

You may find this enlightening (or disturbing, like me).

Virgin4Inch 10-17-2011 09:49 PM

What the hell is wrong with these women? and more to the point what the hell is wrong with these guys? any man who looks at the vaginas we saw in this doc and finds something wrong with them, well there's something seriously wrong with you.

That young girl having the labiaplasty was a beautiful girl with a beautiful vagina. It gave me a stiffy just looking at it. I can't believe a group of guys would make fun of a girl like that. Sick bastards.

hoverfly 10-18-2011 02:48 PM

Well, guess a big round of applause for all those glossy boys mags out there is in order. After all, they are the ones that make people think there is such a thing as a standardised vulva.

The worst was the builder prick who said he wouldn't want sex with a woman with an ugly vulva. With his looks? He must have been joking.

Sick, I couldn't agree more.

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