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jobleau 10-15-2011 02:55 AM

Just found this...
My Tiny Dick - Encyclopedia Dramatica

I don't like it, especially that it links to very specific posts and users... And foremost, it bashes us big time.

Some people here expressed they wanted more privacy in this forum and while I'm relatively an easy going guy, I'm now beginning to think they were right. There are links there that are right into the core of the site and the purpose of this page sure does not seem friendly for us.

One has to wonder if the author of this page is a member here...

LilPoonStar 10-15-2011 06:41 AM

To be honest, that Encyclopedia Dramatica article is how I first discovered this place. (ED is dead now; the link jobleau posted is to an apparent archive of the old site.)

I might never have heard of it or even known it was a "thing" otherwise.

So my vote is for good publicity. :)

LilPoonStar 10-15-2011 06:43 AM


Originally Posted by jobleau (Post 19629)
One has to wonder if the author of this page is a member here...

Very likely. Much of ED's content was created by users of the very sites they made fun of. Although sometimes they were only members for trolling purposes.

hoverfly 10-15-2011 08:44 AM

Jo, this was actually posted on the forum before, maybe it still is. This was the reason why I a) removed my pics, b) set everything to be only visible for members and c) I started the privacy thread originally.

At the end of the day though, since google has been able to index the site pretty thoroughly anyway, it's all out in the open now anyway.

The only thing that could be done to secure privacy a little more would be to make everything invisible to all but registered members and even then google does have the ability to get around that, unless some hardcore adapting of the forum scripts was carried out.

BTW, ever tried googling your nick here? So much for google and privacy.

greatsayaman 10-15-2011 11:31 AM

Yeah, I saw it ages ago... if you're gonna be part of the site then put up with it. Everything is public on the internet, and I think it's stupid to make the forum private. xD After all, anyone can join up to the site, so they can all find stuff anyway.

jobleau 10-15-2011 01:27 PM


Originally Posted by hoverfly (Post 19644)
BTW, ever tried googling your nick here? So much for google and privacy.

Oh I know. But since it fulfill my exhibitionist side, I don't mind too much about it really.

What I didn't like about that site was the bashing.

hoverfly 10-15-2011 09:07 PM

Whatever floats their boat, Jo. I am too old to care.

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