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Cutie_morgan 10-26-2011 08:59 PM

Ok so i really didnt know what to put as the title, but anyways, i have more of a three part question. Was reading an old thread and say that some one had said bigger is always better, to a point. not the exact quote, but close enough. So the questions are when is big to big, when is smal too small, and last what is a good size. The biggest i have had as been around 9 maybe but very thick i did not like having sex with him i would just hurt and i do like to please my man, but after about 10 min, i would just have to finish him off with a hand job.( He was too big for my mouth and my ass.) Also I have had a guy that was 2.25 he liked that i was almost twice his size (but bottom here baby i dont top) and even if it took a little more work it was still good for me. Now for me i would say a good size kinda depends on the person, thickness and lenght. But just talking about penis i would say about 4 to 6 with 3 to 4 in thickness.

1000degree 10-26-2011 09:10 PM

i agree. what do u mean by the thickness. 4 inches diameter? thats huge

Cutie_morgan 10-26-2011 09:13 PM

Also not really part of the question but figured id say it ball size and longevity have a lot to do with it. The reasom I like big balls is beacuse when im doggy style, you know not the porn kinda doggy but the ass up legs apart face in a pillow, feeling some ball slapping back and forth just makes me get off quicker. Longevity beacuse you can just last 2 min takes longer to get off then that, but also i dont need a marathoner, anything over an hour and i have to take a break.

1000degree 10-26-2011 09:17 PM

do you like to be rimmed

nangatrad86 10-27-2011 01:35 AM

whats being rimmed???

4-6? now i know im in just the right length.... hehehehe...... aside from length and girth... what do you like in bed? or thing that you want that a guy does to you aside from just penetration? any extra tips ?

nangatrad86 10-27-2011 01:51 AM

ass licking...... havent tried that yet... hehehe... but with me in the medical field... its kinda hard to do... hehehe

hoverfly 10-27-2011 08:08 AM


Originally Posted by nangatrad86 (Post 20222)
ass licking...... havent tried that yet... hehehe... but with me in the medical field... its kinda hard to do... hehehe

Well, being in the medical field, whatever that might refer to, I am sure you are aware that there are far fewer bacteria in the anus then in your average persons mouth.

Cutie_morgan 10-27-2011 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by 1000degree (Post 20201)
i agree. what do u mean by the thickness. 4 inches diameter? thats huge

around not diameter, but yeah that would be huge. lol

Cutie_morgan 10-27-2011 01:02 PM


Originally Posted by 1000degree (Post 20203)
do you like to be rimmed

its like asking a gg does she lick her pussy licked, ofcourse i do.

Cutie_morgan 10-27-2011 01:08 PM


Originally Posted by nangatrad86 (Post 20218)
whats being rimmed???

4-6? now i know im in just the right length.... hehehehe...... aside from length and girth... what do you like in bed? or thing that you want that a guy does to you aside from just penetration? any extra tips ?

Well i likes soft hands, that helps, As for what i like thats broad range of things. Sometimes i like to start slow with cuddleing, move to kissing my neck down my shoulder back up arond then deep kissing. so on and so on. other times i like it when my man just picks me up and rough kissing and pulling my close off making love in a very rough manner. aslo a guy must have some control, have been with a few guys that as some as we started kissing and sat in ther lap, i could feel ther hard on, control guys. I like full body massages also that can get me to cum with out getting hard if done right.

crazy8 10-27-2011 01:30 PM

How open are you about your situation?
I mean, by reading what you say, one would assume you have had a fair share of experience with guys. I guess what im asking is if when you meet a guy for the first time, do you tell him right away, or do you let them find out in the act?

Cutie_morgan 10-27-2011 02:43 PM


Originally Posted by crazy8 (Post 20248)
How open are you about your situation?
I mean, by reading what you say, one would assume you have had a fair share of experience with guys. I guess what im asking is if when you meet a guy for the first time, do you tell him right away, or do you let them find out in the act?

Well i dont go around telling very one "hey i have a penis". when ever theres that moment where i think hey this might go there then, yeah i go " by the way i was born a boy"

crazy8 10-27-2011 05:34 PM

So how do guys react to that most of the time?
I would imagine not every one ends up going home with you.
And a side question, you dont have to answer if you dont want to.
are all ts born as guys and then make themselves appear as women? Or are some born as women only with male genitals? Acording to you, you were born a boy. So it was a personal decision for you. I only ask because im curious, by not means do i intend to offend.
I seen a couple of videos where i said damn, i would hit that at least once just to try it. But i always wanted to know if they were born as guys, or just unlucky girls with a penis

Cutie_morgan 10-27-2011 09:22 PM


Originally Posted by crazy8 (Post 20257)
So how do guys react to that most of the time?
I would imagine not every one ends up going home with you.
And a side question, you dont have to answer if you dont want to.
are all ts born as guys and then make themselves appear as women? Or are some born as women only with male genitals? Acording to you, you were born a boy. So it was a personal decision for you. I only ask because im curious, by not means do i intend to offend.
I seen a couple of videos where i said damn, i would hit that at least once just to try it. But i always wanted to know if they were born as guys, or just unlucky girls with a penis

No, not every one goes home with me, cause i well tell guys when i think they are trying to be more then friends, not nessasarly going home with me, like wheen they as for my number or ask me out on a date kinda thing. And your right, a few dont take it any further, but i also dont yell it out i wisper it so as not to imparss them.

As or your side question no, ts refers to a transsexual ofcourse and a cd/tv/tg/or ts can be a man to woman or a woman to man. As for women born with man parts ( usually just testeical insted of overys) or a vis versa thats refered to as inersex.

LilPoonStar 10-27-2011 10:39 PM


Originally Posted by nangatrad86 (Post 20222)
ass licking...... havent tried that yet... hehehe... but with me in the medical field... its kinda hard to do... hehehe

It's funny, I've met a couple of nurses, and they never let guys near their butts. Which is too bad for me, because eating a lady's ass is my all-time favorite thing to do. I generally won't see a woman who won't allow it... unfortunately that's not usually the kind of thing you learn about a girl until it's too late. :(


Originally Posted by tinydick4u (Post 20223)
That's something that I only do for a very select few ladies, that I know are clean and shower before sex.Gotta wash that thang real good.

I don't want 'em to be dirty, but I definitely don't want 'em fresh out of the shower either. Kissing a lady's butt is a very sensual experience, and it smells a lot nicer if she's gone at least a few hours since bathing. So long as she's washed within the past 5-24 hours I'm good.

Road 10-28-2011 03:53 AM

Question I have on my mind...say your eating a girls ass in that 5-24 period and they are clean, do you still "smell" anything?

LilPoonStar 10-28-2011 06:31 AM


Originally Posted by Road (Post 20285)
Question I have on my mind...say your eating a girls ass in that 5-24 period and they are clean, do you still "smell" anything?

Do I smell poo? Nah. If the hygiene is good, you don't smell it at all, just a nice, womanly, musky scent. It's the musk I love, and that washes away in the shower.

I usually don't wash my face or anything after, because I like to wear their scent on me as long as I can. I always make that the last thing we do, though, because I never expect them to want to kiss me after I've been down there.

Some don't mind it, but I let them kiss first. :D

biggdaddy 37379 11-12-2011 01:32 AM

im six and a half hard 5 thick

yorchmcfly 11-12-2011 12:08 PM

im almost 6 in lenght and 5 thick...just a lil smaller than my friend bigdaddy...he is big...

nangatrad86 11-22-2011 05:00 PM


Originally Posted by hoverfly (Post 20230)
Well, being in the medical field, whatever that might refer to, I am sure you are aware that there are far fewer bacteria in the anus then in your average persons mouth.

well im not going down to specifics...... and im not the one to judge coz i havent tried it... like Nina Hartley would have said.... if doing anything in the anal region.... do it right and do it clean..... hehehehe

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