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sph927 11-11-2011 09:50 PM

My four inch dick story...
This post is about how, to some of you, size DOES matter... a Lot! As you can see, I am at the other end of the spectrum at 4.5 inches. Does this bother me? Yes and no. Let me start at the beginning and I think you’ll see what I mean…

My first girlfriend was very devoted to me as a person but unfortunately she couldn’t really feel much when we made love. Over time since she knew what a high sex drive I had she would take dick and start jerking me off. After a couple of minutes she always said her arm was getting tired which meant that she wanted me to finish myself off. This became the norm after awhile, and every now and then she would let me fuck her as long as I didn’t cum in her. She pretty much would just lay there and let me go until I pulled out and jerked off on her tits. But for the most part it was me jerking off in front of her and her watching. She didn’t seem to mind but it’s not like it turned her on or anything. Anyway, off I went to college and during my spring semester I was tipped off that she was with some guy still in HS. Next time down to home I asked her in a nice way if she was fooling around and she said yes. I asked her about this guy and how he compared to me. She told me I was “long and thin” and he was “shorter and fatter.” It was a nice way for her to tell me that I had a really small dick. I found out that this guy’s reputation included having a monster dick that was at least 8” long and as fat as a beer can around. Anyway, I went back to school and that was pretty much it for our relationship. But now back to college…

Joined a frat house my sophomore year and with that came little sisters so it didn’t take long before I started hooking up with a few of them. Out of the 10 girls that I had sex with 3 of them didn’t say anything about my small dick and the sex was excellent for both of us. They would cum every time we fucked and were REALLY into it. Another 3 were into it from the start but after a short time they just stopped moving, at which point I would pull out and would flat out just kind of ask them if they stopped being into it for a particular reason. They all just kind of danced around the fact that they couldn’t feel anything inside which was OK because at that point we just watched each other masturbate until we got off. One of the girls was into watching each other to the point where we masturbated together another half dozen times or so. The other 2 were done with me after the first time.

Now the other 4, once they saw my tiny dick, actually commented on it right from the start! One actually said “OMG, it’s so small!!!” She’d had a lot to drink and was known for “speaking her mind” so I took it in stride. She actually gave me a great blowjob because I was the “perfect” size for it. Another girl said “Oh, a small one”. She let me eat her out but she wouldn’t let me fuck her. Another girl I actually went out with for period of time but we got into an argument at the frat house which resulted in her saying in front of everyone “Well, you’re so SMALL” with the emphasis being on small. That was a little embarrassing but all the guys in the house already knew that from the house showers. The last one I also went out with for awhile and it became a routing for us that when she was done cumming I would pull out and lie next to her on the bed and jerk off while she massaged my balls. She seemed to enjoy it and since I shoot rather forceful, large loads she let out a couple of “OMG’s on particularly big shots. Then, one night just for kicks I brought a ruler out while we were in bed and put the ruler up against my dick. She literally gasped and put her hand over her mouth softly saying “OMG”. I was her first fuck and I could make her cum just by fucking but we broke up shortly afterwards. She became engaged to her next boyfriend who I am sure was probably double my size.

Don’t get me wrong. My wife of 23 years gets off every time we make love. She’s let me know in a few different ways that she wished my cock was bigger but accepts the fact that it’s not and loves me very much just the same. I’ve toyed with the idea of buying one of those extension things or an 8” hollow strap on just so I could see what it’s like to have a bigger dick. Maybe one of these days I will…

Anyway, some of you out there preach “it’s the motion in the ocean” because it’s the truth. Some of you out there say that size doesn’t matter but when it gets under 6 “ the “rush” is just not as intense as fucking a bigger one. And, of course, there are some of you out there that really have to have at least 7 “ to make it worth while. Hey, there’s nothing wrong with any of these…to each her own. The only reason that I wished I had a bigger dick is more with positions than anything. It is NOT easy when she’s on top either facing me or away from me because I always slip out at least 2 or 3 times. After the 3rd time we just change positions to get back into a nice rhythm.

I must admit it’s gotten to the point over the years where it’s more of a turn on than not when comments are made about me being “really small but nice looking” or “you’re so tiny”. I’ve heard “It’s cute” quite a few times. Well cute = small in my book and I’m sure everyone would tend to agree with that. I’m def not into the whole cuckold thing or the dominatrix humiliation thing. That to me is fucked up. Simple acknowledgement that I’m small because it’s a fact does it for me. Hey, after all this time and what I’ve been through partner wise I’d rather just accept the fact that I have a really small dick and leave it at that. The one thing that I do love is the fact that I do cum like a freight train and can shoot my first load 7-10 feet in the air when I am insanely horny. Gotten quite a few “OMG’s” over the years…even from my wife from time to time. That’s cool! We’ve also gotten into the habit over the years with fucking until she’s exhausted, I’ll lay next to her and she’ll start giving me a hand job and after a couple of minutes I’ll finish up the job. She knows that I love it when she watches me jerk it til I explode. And I love her for it!

biggdaddy 37379 11-12-2011 01:26 AM

what the hell

jobleau 11-12-2011 01:41 PM

A very short story indeed, no pun intended!:p

Impulsive1 11-12-2011 10:23 PM

lets hear it!

sph927 11-15-2011 08:44 PM

The whole story should be there now...

Virgin4Inch 11-15-2011 09:45 PM


Originally Posted by sph927 (Post 20664)
She told me I was “long and thin” and he was “shorter and fatter.” It was a nice way for her to tell me that I had a really small dick. I found out that this guy’s reputation included having a monster dick that was at least 8” long and as fat as a beer can around.

OK I'm confused. She told you that he was "shorter and fatter" but then you say he had an 8 inch dick. So if he's shorter than you yours must be bigger than 8 inches

at least you got to have sex and be with women. That's a lot more than I ever got to do regardless of dick size or how they reacted.

joey 11-16-2011 02:16 AM

great story,
thanks for sharing. :)

hoverfly 11-20-2011 11:09 AM

Nice story, thanks for sharing it with us.

SAHILABAD 06-13-2012 08:15 PM

I have a long thick 7.5" long dick..... hehehe..... who wanna story to listen...... had many turns..... bored....... screwed...... rimmed.........

Prosense 06-13-2012 10:31 PM

Very good story.

Road 06-15-2012 03:02 AM

Awesome. Along with being bigger, I also wished I could come loads and with some distance. Nice to hear you gotten pussy in your life.

hoverfly 06-15-2012 09:46 AM


Originally Posted by Road (Post 25930)
Awesome. Along with being bigger, I also wished I could come loads and with some distance. Nice to hear you gotten pussy in your life.

This won't have any influence on semen quantity but exercising your PC muscle group will make orgasms more pleasurable and can increase the force of the ejacualtion. Check it out on Wiki and search There should be plenty of links available.

Attache 06-15-2012 01:47 PM

As always, it's not what size it is, but what you do with it that counts. Interesting narrative.

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