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hoverfly 12-19-2011 09:21 AM


Originally Posted by Road (Post 21480)
Do you have any insight on kegel exercises Hover?

To get back on topic, I read a quote that stuck with me, "It's only a problem if you make it one." I'm going to try to lose weight, not for size but for health issues. Then I will do my best to search how to be the best lover without using my penis right away, I think that's helping my mindset.

I will have to get back to you about the Kegel exercises about which I have a fair amount of material both in book form and web links, so please bear with me on that one.

In the meantime, check the Wiki article out, which unfortunately does not provide any drawings regarding the location of the PC muscle group and that is something you will need, otherwise you might end up training the wrong muscles.

Just noticed that there was a link on that page leading to the PC muscle article. Check that out as well.

A lot of men and women have managed to train the sphincter muscle instead of the PC muscle, which in this case wouldn't be of much help.

As for the rest, l osing weight is always a good idea, so long as it is done sensibly. Crash course diets are best avoided, you are most likely to bounce back with a vengance, which can easily destroy future ambitions. Also, I don't know about your neck of the woods, in the UK it would be a bad idea to even think about it at Christmas time, a decent traditional English Christmas feast, it isn't just a dinner, believe me, can easily clock up some 7,000 calories, not much given to reduce the waistline.

I can only refer you back to a post I made a while back about Nathan Pritikin and his book, do have a look in the 'General section', you'll find it.

The best lover... nice. I found that a deep insight into the physiology of both men and women is of the greatest importance. If you know which nerves lead where and do what (this being just an example of course), you already have the edge on your 'competitors', regardless of penis size.

Since these books do come with very different target audiences in mind and can be very expensive, up to several hundre dollars a shot, I would suggest you visit your local library first, that way you don't end up with a book you find too easy or difficult to understand or one that doesn't really provide the necessary information, while leaving you out of pocket. Unfortunately, since I bought all mine in Germany, they are unlikely to be much use to you, so I won't bother giving you the titles but I will have a browse through our private library and see what I can dig up.

hoverfly 12-19-2011 09:46 AM

@Road: This is the post I was referring to about losing weight:

Hope that helps and the investment, approx. US-$ 0.01, plus pp is bearable. LOL

Also, in this post there are a number of very good books mentioned that might give you some Christmas delight in reading them.

I'll still have to get back to you on the Kegel exercises.

And regarding the 'Best lover' ambition, you might like this post, not merely my contribution but also those by BindiCat and JoBleau are well worth noting.

Road 12-20-2011 04:50 AM

Thanks for the help Hover, you are the only guy on here with a positive mindset that isn't into SPH. I just hope the first time I begin a sexual experience(soon hopefully!) it doesn't go in a dreadful negative way. Women will be women sometimes a select few can be just as shallow as jerkful men.

hoverfly 12-20-2011 12:16 PM

No problem, Road, anytime and I still have to get back to you about some more info about the Kegel exercises, it's just before Christmas and us going away on Friday I may be a little pressed for time, so either, please bear with me or check out a search engine for 'Kegel exericises'.

Just as a quick note, it is generally recommended that you start these while urinating as this will allow you to judge when you are actually contracting the correct muscles. The PC (pubococcygeus) muscle group is what allows you to interupt the flow of urine, this is the case in both men and women but it has been known that people end up contracting the spincter muscle of the rectum rather then this group. The PC muscle group is also holding up you internal organs, is responsible for the contractions during ejaculation and can therefore, to a certain extent, be trained to delay ejaculation, yet permit you to have an orgasm. Contrary to popular belief, both are separate occurences, being separated by a small timespam of around 2 seconds. Just for a bit of useless background information.

Once you've mastered and gotten to know exactly which muscles to contract and subsequently relax, you have the basic knowledge to do it anywhere, anytime, though some men may experience a slight discharge from the prostate, so be aware of this, as it can lead to embarrassment in the office or wherever you may choose to practice.

Again, once you know exactly how it's done, there is little stopping you from having a go at it almost anywhere.

Someone suggested giving it 10-20 contractions at every traficlight you have to stop at. Whatever, you'll find the right time and place.

May I ask what you are hoping to achieve?

Regarding you other comment, I am most likely repeating myself again, as I am prone to, just ask JoBleau (LOL), I guess I have just been a bit of a lucky bugger really. No woman ever made fun of me and I have no way of knowing what such an insult would have done to me. I can only presume what this must feel like for anybody who is not into SPH. Sounds like the ultimate killer application if you asked me.

Positive mindset? You can say that again. Again, it probably has a lot to do with my upbringing. Great family, great connection with the family, a phantastic wife and children and I always had a safety net, regardless of what I may have gotten up to. I have always been described as a great albeit compulsive communicator (you can tell, can't you) and we have a phantastic circle of friends that can rely on us and we on them. Regardless.

When I was running my organic food store and greengrocers in Germany, within a few weeks I had aquired what my wife always referred to as 'your fanclub'. Seriously, people would come into the shop every day, not necessarily to buy anything but merely because I made them feel good, always had something funny to say and manage to make people look on the bright side of life again. The same happened when I spent a short while working for Sainsbury's in the UK as a butcher. Literally, within a couple of week I had all these people come in an buy stuff only from me. 'No, we don't want to be served by that other man'.

Maybe I should have become a psychologist but on the other hand, I don't have enough lose screws myself. LOL.

Anyway, there are only two things that manage to give me some kind of depression. One being my wives health issues, though they have improved significantly since we moved to the UK and the other being when I see how mankind or at least part of them, completely fail to look after this wonderful little blue marble of ours. THAT really gets me.

So, a Merry Christmas and a happy and most importantly healthy New year to all of you and I look forward to seeing you all in 2012.

Road 12-20-2011 10:30 PM

Thanks man.

As for what I'm trying to achieve, I hear kegel can make you last longer, also maybe add girth, make it stronger.

Road 12-20-2011 10:31 PM

Thanks man.

As for what I'm trying to achieve, I hear kegel exercises can make you last longer, also maybe add girth, make it stronger.

hoverfly 12-21-2011 09:14 AM


Originally Posted by Road (Post 21575)
Thanks man.

As for what I'm trying to achieve, I hear kegel exercises can make you last longer, also maybe add girth, make it stronger.

The first assumption is correct and there are several scientific papers out regarding the subject of 'longevity'. Not so for the girth part, at least no credible scientific evidence. That being said, every muscle that is exercised extensively, will inevitably lead to the tissue being better circulated, which in turn may but only may lead to a better retention of the stored blood in the penis.

Another thing that may be experienced is an increase in the strenght of the ejaculation. Rutgers University did a study in the late 80s, before due to HIV/AIDS sex research in general underwent a significant cutback, examining what I always called 'sharp shooter' porn stars. The final paper did suggest a strong correlation between strength of ejacaulation and strength of the PC muscle group.

Oh, and before I forget, there is one downside to doing these exercises not quite according to the instructions, you can end up training the muscles to be permanently tense. This would be BAD news. In women it can lead to a complete inability to achieve an orgasm, as it can in men but moreso, it can prevent an ejaculation taking place at all. so do be sure to not only exercise then tensing of the muscle but pay just as much attention to learning to relax it. Very important.

If you were inclined, might I suggest the Mantak Chia book in one of the threads I mentioned before. All about Tantric Sex and the possibility of achieving multiple orgasms purely by muscle control. Again, don't confuse orgasm with ejaculation, two very different cups to tea, it is about achieving orgmasm, yet learning to avoid the ejaculation from taking place. This is exeptionally difficult and you may find it best to join a group with proper qualified instruction, though I have no idea how to tell the fakes from the real ones to be honest, but from what I hear it can be a very fulfilling experience.

All that is of course only of interest if you don't have the inherent ability to multi-climax, with or without ejaculating. Not all men experience the refractory phase.

In my younger days, I could happily have sex, orgasm and ejaculate and keep going. 5-6 times were no problem. Unfortunately, as one gets older, at least in my experience, I am now down to 2. But this isn't a contest, it is about enjoying ones sex life. I loved it in my younger days because I was always jealous of my wife's ability to climax like a machine gun. When she took long to have an orgasm, that usually meant around 90 seconds but her average back then must have been closer to 50-60 seconds and once she started... she just kept on coming.

Ah, those were the days my friend.

Maybe that too explains why we've been together for 26+ years now and happily together at that. Given the choice, at least I'd do it all over again.

Road 03-03-2012 01:55 AM

So I had "small-penis-syndrome".. : IAmA

Something I found and want it to include it here.

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