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Littlebig 11-16-2011 06:40 PM

Other guys
Does anyone else feel like most other guys out there are way hung like over seven inches? I always feel insecure with myself because I believe I'm really small compared to most dudes I'm 5.5 or 6 inches on my best day i don't know why I feel like guys with bigger tools are better than me but I do and it bothers me alot. Anyone else feel this way.

amismall69 11-16-2011 09:21 PM

i'm under 5 inches so i understand where you're coming from and yes i feel very much like you. I just recently came to accept that it's small and found that i enjoy being laughed at because of it. i've sucked a few guys, one being my best friend ,a cousin, and the others were strangers. i would say all of them were around 6inches and pretty thick. i hear people say short and thick is better then long and slim /long and thick. i do have this one friend though he's like 5'9 158 lbs , and he has a super thick un-cut 7incher l it's insane. i've never sucked it , just seen it a few times. i wish i could get a picture of are dicks side by side hard and soft. i dont think he'd go for that though lol. im searching for a very perverted sexual woman that's down for fucking other men while i watch, film,take pictures etc. im into taboo stuff as well. check out my page Penis Size MATTERS

joe1257 11-17-2011 01:21 AM

I don't even talk to women anymore because of my small penis. I know they would laugh at me once they saw it. I don't even think my penis is big enough to have sex. I'm not into SPH either.

hoverfly 11-20-2011 10:28 AM

Hey people, don't go down that Penis Size Matters website road. Most of what I read there is total and utter unscientific nonsense and personally I don't even think it should be advertised here.

Sorry, amismall69 but posting this link here, on a site that at least half the time tries to help people come to terms with what they believe, not necessarily is, a small penis, isn't particularly helpful to them. But that's just my own two cents worth on this matter.

But reading 'Small Penis = Bad sex for women', especially this load of rubbish about the apparent inability to stimulate a womans G-Spot with a small penis, that's plain outrageous.


2. A small penis size cannot stimulate a woman's G spot

I am sure you must have heard of the G spot in women and how it is the most sensitive spot in a woman's vagina. The G spot is situated at about 2 inches deep under the top of her vagina. When you stimulate this spot in women you can give her multiple orgasms. Some women even experience female ejaculation when the G spot is stimulated properly.

A big penis is capable of stimulating a woman's G spot easily, but a small one can never stimulate this spot.
This clearly contradicts itself. Yes, the G-Spot is located at that position but how then, can a small penis not stimulate it EVER?

Sorry, all you guys who are really hung up on your penis size issues, don't go there. The site is more like one gigantic advert for penis enlargement then anything else. If on the other hand you are after a healthy dose of depression, go right ahead. The site will most certainly cater to that need.

I thought this needed to be said.

joey 11-20-2011 05:04 PM

I'm 3-3.5 erect.
Every one is better hung than me.
I feel way insecure in that regard.:(

joey 11-20-2011 05:05 PM


Originally Posted by joe1257 (Post 20809)
I don't even talk to women anymore because of my small penis. I know they would laugh at me once they saw it. I don't even think my penis is big enough to have sex. I'm not into SPH either.

I'm married but if I were single there is no way I would
talk to women either.

hoverfly 11-20-2011 10:24 PM


Originally Posted by joey (Post 20866)
I'm married but if I were single there is no way I would
talk to women either.

Well, not sure I get this. How can you meet a woman if you aren't even prepared to talk to one. Surely, a conversation is the first step to starting a relationship. After all, you said you are married, allthough I obviously can't be sure about this but I would presume you didn't go down on her before you at least introduced yourself.

I am seriously confused.

MarkBld 11-20-2011 10:29 PM

I think it's the guys who are just a little over average who crow the most about their "big cocks." I've known quite a few guys with really big cocks who aren't at all into "size." So I think it's the average guys who are even more self-conscious about their size than guys with small dicks. After all, those of us with small dicks have never crowed about our "big cocks" - so we don't run the risk of having our claim to fame dis-proven. And since guys who really do have big cocks have nothing to prove, they don't make a big deal of it. At least not with other guys; maybe with women they do.

joey 11-21-2011 03:02 AM


Originally Posted by hoverfly (Post 20872)
Well, not sure I get this. How can you meet a woman if you aren't even prepared to talk to one. Surely, a conversation is the first step to starting a relationship. After all, you said you are married, allthough I obviously can't be sure about this but I would presume you didn't go down on her before you at least introduced yourself.

I am seriously confused.

I was 16 when we started dating at that time I was oblivious to the fact that mine was smaller than most men, plus it was a little bigger back then so I had no reason to lack confidence to talk to women and date.

But now it has gotten smaller and I realize now how much smaller I am than the average guy that being the reason that if I were single now I wouldn't bother trying to date a woman.

I hope that explains it better.

Road 11-21-2011 05:02 AM


Originally Posted by hoverfly (Post 20854)
Hey people, don't go down that Penis Size Matters website road. Most of what I read there is total and utter unscientific nonsense and personally I don't even think it should be advertised here.

For a second I thought you were talking about me. Ha, major points you made in your post.

hoverfly 11-21-2011 08:34 AM


Originally Posted by Road (Post 20882)
For a second I thought you were talking about me. Ha, major points you made in your post.

Road, Now that took me a while to work out what you were talking about. Then I got it, you were probably referring to the sentence where I said 'don't go down that ... road', at least that's what I think it was. Sorry, only had one cup of tea as yet, the brain is still misfiring occassionally.

I was looking for all the Penis Enlargement ads on that page but I have an adblocker running, so either there are none or they were blocked. That site literally plays all the male fears of 'my penis is too small' and the articles if you wish to call it that are abominable. False information, combined with most likely fake female statements about 'I am leaving my partner because of his small dick' just got my back up.

If it was a SPH website, fair enough, but it doesn't look like it and as I said, I am completely unsure what purpose that is to serve on here. Looks like someone handing a rope to someone in a suicidal moment and we do have some people here that are true believers in the old 'it must be 10" long' myth who will be only too happy to subscribe to such rubbish.

It's always a problem trying to convince some people that a small penis is nothing to worry about. Until I joined this site, I don't even recall where I found the link, I'd not thought about the size of my penis for at least 25 years. And why should I, my wife gets off like a rocket on it, climaxes and climaxes again and enjoys a good bit of female ejacualtion most times. No, a small penis as far as I am concerned is a tool that you must master and not the other way round. I am most certainly not going to have 4.5" inches of erectile tissue rule my life.

hoverfly 11-21-2011 09:37 AM


Originally Posted by joey (Post 20880)
I was 16 when we started dating at that time I was oblivious to the fact that mine was smaller than most men, plus it was a little bigger back then so I had no reason to lack confidence to talk to women and date.

But now it has gotten smaller and I realize now how much smaller I am than the average guy that being the reason that if I were single now I wouldn't bother trying to date a woman.

I hope that explains it better.

It is clearer, yes, but I don't think it is much of a reason to not approach women anymore, well, apart from the fact that you are married.

You are married, happily I hope, do you think or know that your wife is unhappy about your sex life? If not, nothing to worry about, I'd say.

About the getting smaller the older you get, well, that's mostly down to the muscle responsible for holding back the blood in your erect penis getting slack. That doesn't have to be. As there are exercises for woman to tone their PC muscle, so are there exercises to strengthen the male PC muscle group, which not only leads to improved erections but is also able to greatly enhance your enjoyment of sex. You might want to look into this sometime.

One thing, is that you in the avatar? If so, looks like yours has a lot more girth then mine and that is half the battle over. LOL.

My wife never much cared for a long penis, in fact my 4.5" were quite sufficient to give her some discomfort in certain positions since it would occassionally hit the entrance to her womb, something she never enjoyed.

Road 11-21-2011 08:29 PM

Yup, thats it. Haha no problem, I just looking up and down the thread looking for a post I thought I made.

nangatrad86 11-22-2011 04:43 PM

guys.... theres a lot of other ways making a woman feel good....all you have to do is do research.. like i did.... for starters... ever heard of erogenous zones???? for me penis size really doesnt matter.. if it does for the woman.. then shes too shallow and just cares what other people really think about.... and you deserve someone better than that... sure id be lying if i wasnt insecure from time to time... but it just makes me stronger... and research more.. if you want a few pointers... give me a message and ill e happy to help

nangatrad86 11-22-2011 04:48 PM


Originally Posted by joey (Post 20880)
But now it has gotten smaller and I realize now how much smaller I am than the average guy that being the reason that if I were single now I wouldn't bother trying to date a woman.

is it by chance you gained weight? sometimes gaining wieght can make it look smaller... its ddnt get small... its just covered by the fat making it look smaller

chubbiboi 11-23-2011 04:43 PM

You look great to me,

chubbiboi 11-23-2011 04:46 PM

No not everyone,I am I NY to 1" flacid,3" hard,as a nudist lots of guys are smaller than you,like me,enjoy what you got,have safe fun sexuality,have a great
[email protected]

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