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hoverfly 11-21-2011 09:55 AM

Your views on age indiscriminate online porn availability and its impact on the perception of sex
The full title above should have read:

Your views on age indiscriminate online porn availability and its impact on the perception of sex in a relationship?

I used to work with a US university that carried out a study on the effects of online availability of porn, its depiction and the effects on various user groups, primarily by age and gender.

That research focussed heavily on the availability of such material to more or less all ages, so the minimum age to participate started at 16 if I recall correctly.

During that research it became obvious, not to our surprise really, that the image of sex portrayed in porn movies appeared to have a quite significant influence, especially on young and younger users (ages 16-28) with regard to how they perceived sex should take place, the body images presented and partner related expectiations.

Most of the young male participants were worried that they had a penis that would be insufficient to satisfy a partner, as well as the fact that it was generally perceived that the average male penis was a minimum of 7 inches, nearly 1.5 inches larger then the usually measured averages in related research.

Sex was something that was largely perceived to be either something that was inflicted on partners, with the implication that satsisfying the partner only came third in the list of what was deemed important.

As far as the body image was concerned, this again led back to penis size issues for males and breast and inner labia size issues with female participants, apart from weigth, which played a major role with the female participants, hence the increase in labiaplasty over the past decade or so.

Young males were generally more prone to using what was referred to as abusive language towards partners, again, all this was relevant primarily in the younger section of participants. Most found little or nothing wrong with referring to their sex partners as sluts, bitches, cumbuckets that ought to be prepared to exept facials, cum in mouth and anal sex and be generally grateful for this.

This is only a brief rundown of some of the findings and I may or not post more on the subject, depending on how this is perceived and maybe participated in, if that is at all possible.

My primary concern about the widespread availability of adult material on the internet, without any way of ensuring that the viewers are actually old and more importantly, mature enough to realise that what they are seeing is primarily acting, ie fake. Even porn actresses have sometimes problems giving head to a guy with a ten inch penis with the girth of a coke can, as it makes their mouth ache and can become quite tiresome, but then it is what they chose for a profession, so you had better be prepared to take the rough with the smooth.

So, a girl having sex the first time I am reasonably sure will not be impressed with her first experience if her partner has nothing better to do then call her a horny cocksucking slut, demand a blowjob, since that is the way it is done and force her to deepthroat him, bearing in mind, with a penis that is too small anyway.

Let me know what you think.

Virgin4Inch 11-21-2011 08:43 PM


Originally Posted by hoverfly (Post 20891)
So, a girl having sex the first time I am reasonably sure will not be impressed with her first experience if her partner has nothing better to do then call her a horny cocksucking slut, demand a blowjob,

I'm not sure what kind of porn these people are watching. I've watched a lot of porn in my 53 years and I've very rarely heard the guys refer to women in this way. I guess if I ventured more into the BDSM type of porn I might of heard some but I don't.

My problem with porn, especially as it relates to penis size is not what boys think about size but what the girls watching think. If young girls only exposure to penises more importantly erect penises, is through porn then it's no wonder they see average sized dicks as being small.

crazy8 11-21-2011 09:39 PM

I do not in any shape or form feel threatened by the guys huge sizes in porn.
Not even for one second have i ever felt inferior to them.
What makes me feel inferior, is that most guys that i have seen in locker rooms looked freaking huge. Even kids were much younger then me seemed to have huge cocks.
So i do not think that women get the perception of a penis size through porn, but rather through past experiences, which is horrible for guys like us.

Virgin4Inch 11-22-2011 12:49 AM


Originally Posted by crazy8 (Post 20897)
I do not in any shape or form feel threatened by the guys huge sizes in porn.
Not even for one second have i ever felt inferior to them.
What makes me feel inferior, is that most guys that i have seen in locker rooms looked freaking huge. Even kids were much younger then me seemed to have huge cocks.
So i do not think that women get the perception of a penis size through porn, but rather through past experiences, which is horrible for guys like us.

That hasn't been my experience. I was in the Navy for 10 years and most of those were spent living in barracks and showering in communal showers. Not that I spent a lot of time checking out other guys dicks but those that I did see were usually average size. Some bigger some smaller. Of course they were always flaccid so it doesn't really mean much anyway.

hoverfly 11-22-2011 11:14 PM

Well, keep posting, I'll respond when I get back sometime middle of next week. Until then...



joe1257 11-23-2011 12:14 PM

I know porn is fake but it still makes me feel inferior. I don't really talk to women because I assume they want a guy that is at least 6-7" and I am not even close to that.

Virgin4Inch 11-23-2011 07:13 PM


Originally Posted by joe1257 (Post 20927)
I know porn is fake but it still makes me feel inferior. I don't really talk to women because I assume they want a guy that is at least 6-7" and I am not even close to that.

If you didn't assume they wanted at least 6-7" would you be able to talk to them then?

MarkBld 11-25-2011 07:06 PM

Don't forget that, before the era of internet porn - and even before the era of porn videos - magazines were the source of porn, not quite as readily available as internet porn but not too difficult to acquire. And since the focus was pictures, not action, the emphasis was on the total package - not just the penis. The guys may or may not have had a big dick, but rest assured they were good-looking and well-built. So any envy you may have felt would have been more "I wish I looked like that" than "I wish I had a dick like that."

As far as girls being aware of various penis sizes, I suspect it's the same today as it always was: it's what they hear from other girls far more than what they see in porn. And, if so, then the ultra-macho verbiage boys might pick up watching porn would be that much more shocking to them.

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