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Virgin4Inch 11-23-2011 10:33 PM

For guys into Small Penis Humiliation
Here's an audio piece I had a friend of mine record for me. This is for guys into SPH only if the sound of a woman saying negative things about your tiny winky offends you don't listen.


keep in mind these are not her thoughts. Everything she says is written by me for my pleasure.

MarkBld 11-25-2011 07:25 PM

This was interesting; but it sounds way too clinical to be humiliating - both the dialogue and the woman's sing-song type of voice. If I had 10 inches I wouldn't want her to see it; and if I had half an inch I don't think I'd feel humiliated if she saw it. If someone's into SPH, I think it's best done by women who are less than ideal themselves and really get a buzz humiliating someone else.

peaballs 11-26-2011 07:30 AM

i must agree with MarkBld,i love sph and she sounds like a robot not a woma giving sph

joey 11-28-2011 12:32 AM

I thought it was interesting but she sounded like she was subtly trying to be nice about it when she should have just been a cruel bitch.

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