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Hot Rod 04-30-2009 03:24 AM

maybe because for smart guys, blood flows into the brains more than the penis

E-Dysfunction 04-30-2009 03:47 AM

of course not! it's the smart ones with small penises who would buy into this generalization.

Rob101 04-30-2009 04:33 AM

dick size matters only if you have a small one... else, you wouldn't even think about it

Tapioca Poop 04-30-2009 05:10 AM

think of it this way. the world is worse today than years ago, people aren't getting any smarter, and only the big dick jocks get regular action. they're doing most of the breeding. sooooooo

DragonHeart 04-30-2009 05:22 AM

the generalization here, i think, is just a defense mechanism for people who aren't that well endowed. there's absolutely no physiological connection between the two

McDonut 04-30-2009 06:08 AM

it is possible that the smaller your penis is, the more you try to rationalize why. LOL!

lq_wx3 05-01-2009 04:10 PM

I do not think so, I have never read a world-renowned book espousng such a thing. (I am a very well-read individual, no bragging). Besides, will women in general really care?

vanhalen_duo 05-01-2009 07:49 PM

Let me tell you a little story, this is true. There were five of us (all guys) in our college "gang". One time, just for the heck of it, we all stripped naked in front of each other, with the one with the smallest dick -as a sort of consolation- receiving 100$ from the other four. (I was in the middle, not the biggest, nor the smallest).

The fact is- the longest of the five was about 8 inches, and all the rest were below-average. Now, a decade later after that dick-showing day, guy#1 is in the White House (no, he is not Obama, just a clerk there), guy#2 is a respected lawyer, guy #3 is another lawyer (earning millions on torts), guy#4 is an adviser to half a dozen business entities, while guy#5- I -well, I would not give my occupation, but my IQ is 175.

So there, you guys judge it on your own, and come up with your own answer.

gunlover_03 05-01-2009 08:53 PM

The issue is good material for the scholars. They should research on it.

loner_d_ultimate 05-01-2009 09:45 PM


Originally Posted by Dickweed (Post 92)
you wish! i've got a large dick and brains to match!

Dude, you got it all wrong. Look up "inverse" in the dictio.

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