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Mike83 12-19-2011 03:24 PM

wife and girlfriend?
Ok so long story short, 2 years ago my wife took a new job that was and still is very demading of her time. So lately we havent had a lot of time together. She told me about 2 months ago to get a girlfriend cause she works late and is not really in the mood any more, last weekend she i tryed to to get atleast a quiky but didnt work, she said "go see your gf" i said " i dont have one". so this past saturday she came home with a friend and left us alone and then popped in about 5 min later and said she forgot something at work she needed and had to run for a min. when the night was over and the friend was gone she askes " how was it" i said " how was what?" "the sex she said" I told her i didnt have sex and she said she is just tiered and not in the mood much, she doesnt want me to leave her she just wants my sexual needs filled.

What should i do?

Krypto 12-19-2011 11:47 PM

Thats a tough one!

mrsstoutman 12-20-2011 12:20 AM

Oh buddy!!!!!!!

LittleMan 12-20-2011 02:37 AM

Are you REALLY asking?? Dude, she brought home the bacon and you didn't eat it?? WTF?

Krypto 12-20-2011 02:44 AM

but clearly theres more going on here, wives do not bring home other women to satisfy you because shes tired!!!

hoverfly 12-20-2011 11:19 AM

@LittleMan: I don' really think it is a question of having the cake and eating it, this is a relationship issue.

@Mike: Personally, I think you did the right thing. Women can be difficult to fathom at times but one thing for sure, comes push to shove, they'll hold something like this against you and you don't want to go down that road.

Maybe time for the two of you to have some proper time all to yourselves. Maybe a holiday is in order, even with her demanding work I am sure she is entitled to that. Talk, that's in my experience the most important thing. Stop communicating and things will inevitably go down the drain at some point and judging from the way you refused the 'Cake' (or bacon if you prefer), you sound like you still love your wife or at least I'd like to think so.

I do hope it all turns out for the best. Maybe you can find some time for yourselves over the upcoming holidays. Best of luck whatever you may decide to do.

crazy8 12-20-2011 02:33 PM


but clearly theres more going on here, wives do not bring home other women to satisfy you because shes tired!!!
Yup Yup. Something is off. Its too good to be true. Better hope you had that pprenup signed buddy

joey 12-25-2011 04:03 AM

That certainly is NOT normal behavior for any wife.
Something deeper is behind that.

Mike83 12-28-2011 01:56 PM

Hi guys thank you for all the advice, and there was something was another issue, going on that she didnt want to talk about till she was sure. yesterday she had a doctors appt, that i went to with her, we usually dont go to doctors appts together for check ups. But durning her las obgyn appt thay found something not normal. she has pelvic inflammatory disease, which was caused by an iud she was using, so now it is painful for her to have sex and impossible for us to have children now.

mrsstoutman 12-28-2011 02:20 PM

I am sure the doctor knows what he/she is talking about but pelvis inflammatory disease is not a complete infertility sentence. There are many things that can cause it and many results from it. Only 10- 15% of women with PID become infertile. It is the result of bacteria being introduced into the reproductive system. If this was causesed by the IUD then it was the doctors fault for not checking for ANY kind of STI before the procedure. Read about it on the CDCs fact page.

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