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Road 12-26-2011 09:31 PM

Has anyone "changed" since joining website?
I been on this website for a little bit over a year now, and it got me thinking. What was your mindset before joining the website and what is it now after?

For me, I really thought I had no shot at pleasing a women, ALL women wanted a huge 12in dick. Then I realized it isn't all about that, it's how confident you are, how well you treat them, and overall listening to their needs. Listen to them, and they will listen to you. I sometimes do look down and hate what I see, but there is nothing I can do, so I should just deal with it and try to live life, it will pass you by if you do nothing about it.


Virgin4Inch 12-27-2011 02:21 AM

So when are you going to do something about it?

Road 12-28-2011 12:22 AM

I wish I knew were to start. The moment you see a woman looking at you with a interested eye, don't feel shy or down about going up to her and start a convo.

Virgin4Inch 12-28-2011 01:23 AM

Don't ask me. I was in the same boat you're in all my life. Never did find the answer

Road 12-28-2011 05:28 PM

It's never too late. If you're looking for a relationship, there are a handful of very legit websites to find that. Sex only? Shitload of websites. There are a ton of horny lonely older women who have needs just like men do. I'm certain they don't care about size. There is even the option of escort. There are options and time left sir.

Virgin4Inch 12-29-2011 03:17 AM

When you're 53 and have virtually no sexual experience to speak of then women run the other way and that's the serious datng/relationship type of scenario. When it comes to sex only or FWB type situation most women are only interested in young fit guys with big dicks.

I have thought about going the escort/hooker route but I really don't have the money for that either.

Road 12-29-2011 04:18 AM

I don't have much Relationships advice, but I know that sex isn't the only main part in a serious relationship. And I'm certain most women will understand, 53 is a nice age to have "fun" with somebody. Just take things slow.

As for a hooker or escort, look around in your area to get an idea for prices. Look for something reachable and save 50-100 dollars from each check..nothing wrong with having sex one (hopefully more) times in your age. And hey, youve done it once, that one more than me...May I ask how the experience went, positive or negative?

Virgin4Inch 12-29-2011 10:21 PM


Originally Posted by Road (Post 21739)
And hey, youve done it once, that one more than me...May I ask how the experience went, positive or negative?

Can't say it was that good. The trouble is when you spend decades with nothing touching your dick but your hand, when it finally gets to be inside a woman it just feels strange. Plus I was 45 and it was getting more difficult to reach and maintain an erection so that became a problem.

In the end the deed was done and it wasn't anything like I thought it would be.

Road 12-30-2011 10:20 PM

Sucks usually those girls are bombshell beauty girls, but in the end looks fade and well life isn't going to be good for them as they look for love.

insecure 12-31-2011 12:50 PM

gained alot of confidence i'm no john holmes but i have become comfortable withmy cock and that in turn has made me the lover my wife needed.....over the last year went from just sex kinda to hard love making and making her cum hard multiple times during a session and even got squirted on a few she doesn't know about this site but she has mentiond what a difference

Sixincher 01-02-2012 12:20 AM

Me? Still married but secretly bi. Enjoy gay scene more and more. I am getting more comfortable with larger men handling me and vice versa. ALso like handling smaller men and of course, balls fondling.

crazy8 01-03-2012 02:55 PM


It's never too late. If you're looking for a relationship, there are a handful of very legit websites to find that. Sex only? Shitload of websites. There are a ton of horny lonely older women who have needs just like men do. I'm certain they don't care about size. There is even the option of escort. There are options and time left sir.
Practice what you preach damn it!!!! Practice what you preach.

Road 01-03-2012 07:32 PM


Originally Posted by crazy8 (Post 21865)
Practice what you preach damn it!!!! Practice what you preach.

Haha, I'm not really looking for a relationship or pussy right now. I wonder how much overrated sex is.

crazy8 01-03-2012 08:23 PM

Why arent you looking for those things man?
What the hell happened?
Sex is not overrated. Whoever told you that does not have any.
Are you waiting to loose some weight before you go out into the dating scene?
Or are you just done looking for pussy period?

Road 01-04-2012 05:01 AM

Mix of both..I give a lot of advice on here, but usually I have the same thoughts as them. Maybe because I'm sorta sick right now I'm in a depressed mode, but Im just not feeling it..also I think right now I would make a horrible BF. I seriously got nothing going for me and don't see anything changing.

hoverfly 01-04-2012 02:02 PM


Originally Posted by Road (Post 21895)
Mix of both..I give a lot of advice on here, but usually I have the same thoughts as them. Maybe because I'm sorta sick right now I'm in a depressed mode, but Im just not feeling it..also I think right now I would make a horrible BF. I seriously got nothing going for me and don't see anything changing.

Whoa horsy, whoa. May I just stop you dead in your tracks there for a second.

How can you say that, Road? Honestly, your post count wasn't gathered with comments like 'Thanks', 'Great' or the like. You have shown compassion, you have shown empathy, two traits that are not to be frowned upon.

So, don't say you have nothing going for yourself and I can only hope that this comment came with your current mindset. You sound like a nice guy that should get on with women. Maybe us small cocked part of the worlds population are not cut out much for disco shagging in the lavatory but at least as far as I am concerned, I've never been much interested in that scene anyway but there are literally billions of women out there who curely can't all be running around with a tapemeasure in their purses.

Get to know a woman, get her to go out with you, get to know each other, away from the subject of sex to start with and when it does happen, it will. The chance of being laughed at I found to be miniscule, if not smaller. At least I have never been laughed at.

As for age... no problem here. I am 53 and my wife will be 50 this year. She is still an absolutely gorgeous woman that, walking down the High Street, has blokes turning around after her. She never even raised the issue of size, ever. The only time in our lives we did talk about it was when we were watching a porn movie in bed together and I asked her if she thought mine was OK sizewise. Her only comment was that it would be nice if it had a little more girth and then we went back to having phantastic sex.

crazy8 01-04-2012 02:06 PM

I think we all have the same thoughts in our head. Some more some less. Also, in response to another thread, i think that a small penis is the number one reason for guys to stay virgins longer then their peers.
Anyway, i think we all have had the same thoughts, same pressure, same axiety, same get the picure. Anybody who was cursed with this small dick, has not had a very good and happy life, for the most part anyway. The difference between us is that some of us have taken that chance, and faced our fears. Some of us have not. One thing i will tell you for sure is that it takes a great load of pressure of your shoulders once you actually get it over with. No more wondering how it feels, no more sitting there at night thinking it may never happen. It will take a lot of mental stress away, which will help with overall well being. Stress can fucking kill you. And being a virgin in your 20's is fucking stressfull, been there done that.
And besides, you say you have nothing to offer right now. So you want to better yourself before you start looking for a gf. But do you really want to be this shy virgin guy around her, or do you want to be someone who knows what they are doing. Confidence is key with women. Women are more willing to look past a guys shortcomings if the guy knows what he is doing, and is not shy and sitting in a corner. And plus, if you meet a girl who loves you for who you are, chances are you are going to want to stay with that girl. Sooner or later you WILL ger desires to see what other women are like, its better to get this out of the way now......
I in some ways agree with you that maybe a gf is not the best idea right now, but you should definitely, absolutely be looking for pussy. You want to better yourself? You want to gain confidence? You want to get out of your depression? Go have sex! Nothing else will help.

hoverfly 01-04-2012 02:12 PM

Nearly missed the whole point of this thread. LOL. Me all over I guess.

Anyway, has it changed me? No so much myself as my perception of others perceiving it as a problem. Hope that sentence makes sense.

The site had made me measure mine. Now that was a first in nearly 40 years. Not that it made any difference. It still works as good or as bad as it has always done.

It has made me more aware of just how much some men can suffer or sometimes inflict suffering on themselves over the size of their penis.

Maybe it has to do with the fact that I am an old fart at coming up to 53 this year but when I grew up, yes there were some size comparisons going on in the schools gym but I don't recall this ever being an issue for ridicule. Maybe the odd snigger in the corner but there was a bunch of us who started fooling around with some girls at my parents home and when the poles were raised, it became pretty obvious that when erect, there differences tended to be deminished rather quickly. Besides, I was the one who could masturbate up to 10 times in a row. They all found that rather impressive, despite it being small.

Road 01-05-2012 04:48 AM

I think for you, it's just a sign of the changing of the times. Or, it could be a body issue for me. Not sure about you but I been overweight all my life. I think more about my weight than my size, but my weight is actually "visable" and dangerous as well. Thanks for trying to cheer me up though.

hoverfly 01-05-2012 09:45 AM

Same here Road. In private I refer to myself as the 'Fat old Fuck'. LOL

Not morbidly obese, thank goodness, but at 100 Kilos and being only 5'8" which I believe is about as close as you can get with 171 cm, it is rather visible. On the upside, I am rather stockily built anyway, my wife refers to my legs as 'footballers legs' and funnily enough, there is actually very little fat on them but my belly, that's a different story alltogether.

It's all down to the munchies I get after having a few spliffs. Beer or any other alcohol doesn't play much of a role anymore, not after a mini stroke I had some five years ago which left me with two major ailments. I get a migraine under certain air pressure situations and I can't really drink anymore. Half a pint of beer and I am absolutely paralytic and get really ratty and nasty. So, out the window the beer went. I really miss going to the local beer festivals though, I've always love proper English Real Ales. These days, the best I can do is pay my dues to CAMRA, the Campaign for Real Ale here in Britain, I've been a member there for the last 30 years now.

Well, shit happens.

crazy8 01-05-2012 03:30 PM


I think for you, it's just a sign of the changing of the times. Or, it could be a body issue for me. Not sure about you but I been overweight all my life. I think more about my weight than my size, but my weight is actually "visable" and dangerous as well. Thanks for trying to cheer me up though.
I have been overweight all my life. Still am. What is your point? I have seen plenty or fat guys have girlfriends, or just simply meet girls and fuck them. Im sure some of them are big, and thats what gives them confidence. And i am sure that some of them are smaller but grew enough courage to put themselves out into the dating world.
You make it seem like being overweight makes you hopeless. Do you know that there are many women who actually adore the teddy bear type? Yea, beautiful fucking women man, and they love a guy with a belly, go figure, but its true. Also, being overweight does not mean that you are totally unhealthy. You just have to eat good, and stay active.

Road 01-06-2012 03:41 AM

I truly hope this is the year in which I lose at least 40-50 pounds. I never worried as much about my health since I last went to the doctor. And even then I did nothing. Now is a new year and beginning, I will quit diet soda and eat right. As far as chubby dudes with hot girls, I have They are at least above average in height...

hoverfly 01-06-2012 10:02 AM

How tall are you then, Road? If you don't mind me asking. I'm not exactly what you would call the tall, dark, handsome stranger myself. Has nover stopped me from talking to women.

Maybe what you need more then anything else, something that actually seems to apply to a few other members as well, is, learn to love yourself. Accept yourself the way you are, who you are, what you are and even you will have something great to give to the world.

I must admit, I've never been much of a shy guy myself. I've always loved girls, so regardless of my looks, I always approached them and started a conversation. Women seem to be very much capable of detecting who is able to make themself feel interesting and fun to be around. THAT I think makes up for a lot of our 'shortcomings'.

crazy8 01-06-2012 02:06 PM


Maybe what you need more then anything else, something that actually seems to apply to a few other members as well, is, learn to love yourself. Accept yourself the way you are, who you are, what you are and even you will have something great to give to the world.

I dont know about that dude, i fucking hate myself. I probably wont ever learn to love myself, that is impossible. I did however, learn to manage my expectations. What i have accepted is the fact that i will never be able to be truly happy, or get to to do some of the things i always wanted to. I learned to say, it is what it is. And ever since then, life has gotten a lot easier for me. I no longer value this life much at all, but the reward is that i am not depressed anymore, not sad, not going out of my mind wondering why i was cursed with this.

And Road, these fucking doctors man, they overreact to everything.
But im sure your doctor does not know about a much more serious condition that you are developing, depression right? Your depressed, your all down on yourself, on life, you know that can do worse things to your body then extra weight right?

hoverfly 01-06-2012 05:14 PM

Crazy8: Never say never, old saying but true. Shutting doors... not good. But I can see where you are coming from and I think it is definitely a step in the right direction accepting oneself the way one is. So there's a good start, which is the most important thing, the first step.

Not being depressed? I am very pleased to hear that actually. Depression is probably the single most underrated affliction that anybody can suffer from, especially bearing in mind that most depressions have the tendency to turn into a very nasty feedback loop, ie. in the end you only feel good when you feel bad. It really messes around with the chemical balance in your brain, screwing up its inherent reward system and that's not a road you want to go down. I've seen a few friends of mine suffer most horribly from depression.

As for the 'never be truly happy'... again, never say never.

What things couldn't you do with a small penis? You could climb Mt. Everest, you could become President of the United States, the way I see it, you can do anything you like, with the exception of being named the person with the largest penis and get an entry in the Guinness Book of Records but I think that you would probably survive quite well.

Think positive. May I suggest you taking up the 'The Five Tibeten Rites'? It is far more then just a physical exercise regime, it can massively improve your ability to get into a truly positive frame of mind.

Here's a link to Wiki, I haven't read the article, so I won't brag about how great it is, some stuff on Wiki can be a bit dodgy, but do have a look if you like.
Five Tibetan Rites - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

crazy8 01-06-2012 05:45 PM


What things couldn't you do with a small penis?
Lots of different things man.
I dont know if you read any of my postings this past year, but i had affected me in lots of ways. I quit hockey because of it. The one thing that i truly love in this world, one thing i truly have passion for, and one thing that i knew i had it in me to make it, i had to quit.

As far as being happy goes....people have different understanding of it. Some guys define happyness as finding a girl who loves them and settling down. I have that, but i am not happy.
There are other things i want in this life, and i know i can never have them.
I dont want to climb mount everest. Cant become a president either, not born here :)
What i want is to be able to use a urinal and no worrying about anybody looking over at me.
I want to be able to go to a sauna with my friends and not be scared to change in the locker room. I want to fuck lots and lots and lots of girls. And i dont wanna be afraid of them not liking my size. Just a few random things. There is much more.
But like i said, i have accepted the fact that i can never be that guy.
I know i will not be with my girl forever. And when it comes to an end, whenever that might be. I will probably just start getting escorts as much as possible. I know its a shitty way to do it, but at least i will forfill some of my dreams, fucking lots of different girls that is.
It just sucks man, if i was at least average, i could have fucked half of my high school, any girl i ever knew in my life i could have gotten. But thats never going to happen, as i will never ever have sex with anyone that i know, for the fear that my secret may come out.

Virgin4Inch 01-06-2012 06:40 PM


Originally Posted by crazy8 (Post 22019)
I know i will not be with my girl forever.

You have a girl? did I miss something? If you have a girl what is the problem?

crazy8 01-06-2012 06:49 PM


You have a girl? did I miss something? If you have a girl what is the problem?
Yes, you missed something. Yes i have a girl, yes she loves and cares for me. Yes, she is hot and guys try to pick her up all the time. Yes, she has been with bigger guys before me, but swears to god and everything else that she never had more amazing sex then with me. I believe her because i know that im pretty good at it, barring size and all. And also, she is the one who initiates it most of the time. So i figure she wouldint be pulling my cock out of my pants without me even asking if she didint at least enjoy it a little right?
But so what? This is not what i want in this life.

hoverfly 01-07-2012 08:36 AM

What can I say, Crazy8? Yes, now I remember reading your posts, sorry but with having read that much here and of course on our own forum, things can become a little muddled, you might say. Sorry about that.

Yes, I also remember that everything I wrote here, I probably told you several times over. Not that I mind, after all, this should be all about supporting people but seriously and don't get me wrong, it does look like you are really rolling in it, aren't you.

Your glass isn't just half empty, yours can never be filled, you drilled a whopping great hole in the bottom.

Since when do you place hockey with your cock? If, as you say, it would be something you could have been good at... sorry mate, your problem isn't in your pants but in your whole mindset.

You have a girlfriend, yes, that too just came back to me and you are already making plans on losing her? She loves the sex with you and you think you are good at it? Yet you are still not pleased.

Well, I am kind of speechless, as I probably was the last time.

You need some serious professional help, my friend. What you need is to see a psychologist, these people are trained in this area, well, at least some of them will have specialised in your issue.

Sorry to say, I think I will have to rest my case here.

Only one last thing for the road: You whole last but one post just screemed out 'depression' and I don't care what you say. Do yourself a favour, get some help or I can guarantee you, your life will be shit and there will come a time when you look back on it and you won't like what you see.

Plug that whole in the bottom of your glass and get the professional help you need.

QED, I rest my case.

Please don't think that I meant to be insulting in any way, that was far, very far from my intention.

Road 01-07-2012 08:10 PM

The mind can be as unexplainable as the universe. Never think you are alone.

Road 01-07-2012 09:37 PM

Hey Crazy, I suggest you watch this documentary. He shares a lot of our thoughts.

My Penis and I | Watch Free Documentary Online

hoverfly 01-08-2012 09:16 AM

Alternatively, you could download it from Rapidshare for viewing on a DivX compatible DVD player.

My Penis and I
(c) BBC, 2005

Since childhood, Barraclough has been convinced that his penis is too small. He reveals how this has tainted his sense of masculinity over the years and, ultimately, the effect it has had on his relationship with his one and only girlfriend, Nicola.

In a society where phallic symbols abound and images of sex are everywhere, Barraclough explores whether size is really in the head or below the waist.

Finally Lawrence seeks medical and quasi-medical advice which, in the end, he rejects in favour of a self-help group in New York and having a plaster cast made of his member. This is the point of liberation and we see this in the excellent film work. The doco ends with Lawrence's girlfriend adding her views and from this we know all is well.

Download (approx. 230 MB):

IMDB info:

crazy8 01-09-2012 02:17 PM

Hey Hoverfly, i do not take anything you said offensively.
I apreciate your output and your support.
However, on this subject we will have to agree to disagree. What can a shrink ever do for me? What can he tell me that i have not heard before? Its a waist of time. I am not depressed or going out of my mind so that i do not see how that would be helpful.
I know who i am, i know what cards i was dealt. I know what i want, and i have come to terms that with the fact that i will never truly have what i want.
I do agree with you about what you said to Road. Unfortunately, its difficult to really get through to a person, especially over internet, but thumbs up for trying.

Road 01-09-2012 06:34 PM

NO problem man, we all try to help each other here.

hoverfly 01-10-2012 09:31 AM

Well spoken, Road.

@Crazy8: The reason I suggested it was because a good shrink will have a far greater knowledge about how the brain ticks and have ways of tricking it back. It is not a simple case of going to see a psychologist, lie on his couch, spill forth your problem and he'll swish his magic wand and you walk out a new person but as I said, a good shrink will ought to have the knowledge and experience in working with various techniques from self suggestion to exercises in confidence building that I do believe might benefit some or our members.

Unless you go and fully cooperate, you're unlikely to find out how much benefit may be in store for you.

Just a suggestion.

crazy8 01-10-2012 04:54 PM

Without question, some of the members on here could use a visit to the shrink. Those that seem to slip into depression are the ones who need it more.
But why me? Only doctor that can help me is the one that can make your dick bigger. We all know that there is not sure way to increase it sooooooo why waist my time with a shrink.

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