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Road 01-04-2012 09:57 PM

The Does Size Matter Project

Here's a website someone or a group put together. It also have a bunch of interesting articles, along with a 4 dollar book that has information from all around the Internet. I might buy this book but I'm certain in the end its going to say the same thing from every outer article I read.

Virgin4Inch 01-05-2012 12:50 AM

I read some of the stuff (most of it I've seen elsewhere). This guy obviously has an agenda he's trying to get over in his blog. He dismisses off hand any "penis size doesn't matter" comment made by women on the internet because "everybody can lie over the internet"

lol including the creator of that stupid blog.

tdsmproject 01-21-2012 01:00 PM

Answer from the blog
I am the webmaster of Everything is now very complicated when we speak about penis size importance. You don't know if people are backed up by penis enlargement companies. You don't know if there are feminist....etc...

Nevertheless, i want to tell you something. In my blog, every fact is confirmed by a scientific reference. There are many things.

I am an independent. As you can see on the blog, there is no link to any penis enlargement solution or whatever. I thought it was enough to prove I am honest. I only sell my Ebook.

I don't lie. My references are studies like the Wessells study, the Tel aviv university penis size study, Stuart brody study and others... Everything is in the Book.
You can find it here or at amazon kindle (warning kindle version has no active table of contents.)

virgin4inch, you think youtube videos are true because there are presented by so called Md or phd's. To my opinion, that's not enough to make things true.

Averything is made to reinsure SMALL PENIS MEN.

I am sorry but in my research everything highlight the eventuality of a too small penis. I interviewed 60 women, and i heard: "i don't like to watch small penis". "small penis slip out". I also found a public study where 68% of women who claimed their sexual partner had a small penis, wish a sexual partner with a bigger penis.

Everything is in the Ebook and in the blog with all references you need.

Here are the main reasons why i think penis size does matter.
I found there is no evidence of a too big penis. (i looked into Us library of medicine and didn't find any study about it, i asked 5 senior sex therapists and they never told me so).
I found no evidence of various vagina sizes.
On the other hand, sex therapists told me they use to advise small penis men because they cannot have sex in all sexual positions.
Size queens told me they refused to have sex with small penis men.
In our case studies, we found that women get turned on by the vision of a large penis.

Virgin4Inch 01-21-2012 02:44 PM


Originally Posted by tdsmproject (Post 22501)

virgin4inch, you think youtube videos are true because there are presented by so called Md or phd's.


I don't remember saying anything like that. I don't believe anything I read on the internet. Including what you just wrote.

tdsmproject 01-21-2012 04:50 PM

Sorry, Virgin, i misinterpreted your answer.

hoverfly 01-22-2012 09:09 AM

Hi tdsmproject,


We looked into the US library of medicine page dedicated to vaginismus. The said webpage lists all sources for vagina pain. For instance, Candida is reported as being a source for vagina pain. Nevertheless, we didn’t find anything speaking about pain related to penis size. Then, we tried to find a paper study related to penis size and vagina pain at the US national library of medicine. We have been unable to find anything. Consequently, for the US medicine, vagina pain related to penis size does not exist.
I don't wish to sound disrespectful but your research does lack major scientific credibility, simply because right from the start you begin jumping to conclusions. Vaginismus has absolutely nothing to do with penis size, even a page like Wikipedia will tell you that and it is unlikely that there is any direct relation between size and the spasmodic contraction of the pc muscles. You most definitely got something wrong there in your interpretation.


Then, we asked 5 senior sexual medicine specialists.
Again, statistically completely irrelevant. If you'd say 5 out of the 7 in the whole of the world, yes, that would make it more statistically relevant but with the way things are... Nope.


We asked them if they ever met a couple where the large genitalia of the male partner was a problem for sexual intercourses. They all said no.
Refer you back to my previous comment, also, the absence of evidence is not evidence of its absence. Even porn actresses have refused to have intercourse with certain actors because of size issues and the discomfort experienced in the past. May I refer you to Jonah Falcon. Think what you will of him but 13.5 inches are just not physically possible to accommodate, which is why in so many of the huge cock porn scenes you'll see the guy only ever inserting part of his penis.


Plus some decided to back up their answer by saying that vagina can accommodate any size.
True, after all, women do give birth to our children but that's relating to girth, not length and allthough I can not back this statement up with scientific evidence, I am pretty sure that, allthough the head of a baby can be accommodated by the vagina, most women I presume are likely to agree with me, they wouldn't want that sensation during intercourse.

Well, best of luck with your book and I will of course refrain from posting the free download links that are all over the web for your little book, after all 4 $ is not a fortune but personally, I wouldn't buy it.

No offence meant and if I had more time I might be inclined to research this for links to back up what I said but... the sun is out, the tide is in... I think it's time for a walk.

hoverfly 01-22-2012 09:24 AM

This extract from your book is something that bothered me the most.... Page 10, last but one paragraph on the page.


Regarding penissize, there are no studies that confirmed any proof of evolution. In the matter of penis size, there is nothing against the creationism theory.
Where might Creationism come into this? Oh, also, mankind evolved according to accepted scientific view, not mutate but let's not start a discussion about that here.

Are you a native English or American speaker? If so, please do have your book proofread. I was a writer for most of my life and yes, like every other writer, I can never spot my mistakes, that's why you, like I, should work with a professional at some university, usually someone who has a PhD in English/American. You are unlikely to gain credibility if your publication is packed with grammatical and orthographical errors.

It's one of the curses of the writing profession that knowing what you wanted to write, you will only ever skim the page, regardless of how thorough you may think you are, you are still going to overlook major mistakes and that's from someone who's done this for donkeys years. Trust me, I know what I am talking about. I had a translation come back to me from Akzo Nobel one day. They told me that I had produced a major error. Even when the pointed it out to me exactly where, I still failed to spot it until they acutally highlighted the word 'not' that I had inadvertently added, completely twisting the meaning.

This comment was not proofread! LOL


Sorry to be such a pest but may I ask what exactly are your own scientific credentials? I failed to find any mention of those. Also, you frequently refer to 'us', now who might 'us' be?

tdsmproject 01-22-2012 05:49 PM

Thank you Hoverfly. I need people like to you to challenge my argumentation.

1. What you see is what you get. I wanted to say there is no written statement in any scientific papers saying that a large penis is a cause for vagina pain. I revert the question to you. Do you have any evidence showing that a large penis is scientifically a cause for vagina pain ?
I checked it at the US library for medecine website:
Home - PubMed - NCBI
I didn't find any document proving that a large penis is a cause for vagina pain.

Nevertheless, i think i mixed two things and i have to check in my Ebook. Vagina pain is not equal to vaginismus. I have to check that in my Ebook. Good point!

2. Yes, i interviewed 5 sex therapists only. In fact, i forgot to say there are 5 SENIOR therapists. It represents 100 years of professional experience if i combine the working years for each of them. So during those 100 years of professional experience none of them saw this situation. You are talking about porn stars. I am sorry but you don't have any references. I wish to see a female pornstar internvew

You spoke about Jonah Falcon. Jonah Falcon never said he had problem during sexual intercourse.
He said " i m very slow because i have to be". He doesn't say " i cant have sex with women.
watch the following Jonah's interview. I don't take the psychologists opinion into account. She shouldn't speak about anatomy, this is not her domain.
Strange Sex S02E03 'Size Matters' feat. Jonah Falcon (with uNiTMaSTeR Robert aka 'flobie') - YouTube

He is more concerned about job market in NYC. I would like to mention that Jonah Falcon is an exception. He is not in the large category. He is in the huge category.

3. i respect your choice, it is a free world.

hoverfly 01-23-2012 08:56 AM

Hi tdsmproject (may I ask what that stands for?),

Thanks for getting back about this, at least you don't shy away from criticism, which is a good thing.

The first line if your reply I prefer to take as a compliment, whichever way it as meant. LOL

Let's start this in a reverse order.

The Size Matters on Youtube, is unfortunately merely an extract of a much longer programme. I must therefore disqualify this. Though you are of course correct with the comment about J. Falcon being huge rather then large. Nevertheless, using an extract is a little bit like what the 'we never landed on the moon' faction does. Namely, referring to edited material, rather then the original (in most moon docs you'll find the nearly three second comm delay edited out).

Pornstar interviews. As you are most likely aware, the industry is rather hell bent on keep their actors quiet. After all, it would be bad for business if the majority of them ran around saying this is work, this is not pleasure. That being said, there are a mere handful of such interviews, I've in the past seen and read some with mainly former actresses and mention of size issues were made.

As for the first point, no but I did say that I didn't have prove for my statement and I am unsure if I will bother with spending all morning researching into this. Yet, as I said before, the absence of evidence is not evidence for absence.

The reference is also not the holy grail and only contains research papers submitted for indexing and referencing, there are a lot more publications out there but as I said, at the moment I will not go in search of them.

I notice though, that you have not answered my question about your own scientific background, nor about who 'us' is and what 'us' has to offer in qualifications. It was something that I noticed when going through your leaflet that there was no mention of any qualifications and that is generally something you tend to find on the first few pages of any scientific paper/book in order to underscore its credibility.

Finally, I would still recommend you have the book/paper proofread. It will definitely add to its credibility.

Should I stumble across anything valuable in this matter, I will may it here but at the end of the day it is your publication, so the research work really is your job, you are getting paid for it, not me. LOL

Take care and maybe fill us in on those unanswered questions.

mrsstoutman 01-24-2012 11:51 AM

I find the lack of scientific methodologies in most supposed studies of this nature to be astoundingly high. As for my scientific credentials BS in Ed- Unified science- biology MSSU, MS of Life scence- University of Maryland, PhD in epidemiology public health- currently writting my final dissertation work. I am currently a professor teaching human anatomy and biology. (Oh and by the way most hard core scientists consider psychological studies to lack proper scientific methologies and consider them psuedosciences.)

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