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hoverfly 01-06-2012 10:26 AM

A suggestion for all those wishing to lose weight permanently
A suggestion for all those wishing to lose weight permanently

One of the reasons why Weight Watchers and similarly structured weight loss enterprises are so successful might be that they hold regular group meetings. This puts a lot of peer pressure on the participants, which in this case is not a bad thing.

So, how about starting thread a here where those who are serious about this endeavour will chart their progress both in words and pictures for the group to evaluate. I am aware it is not the same as a face to face and it is open to abuse and cheating but let's face it, you could only cheat on the others, not yourself.

In fact, I would go so far as to suggest that participants keep a record of everything they do ingest, regardless of what, when or where. It can be done, my wife is doing it for the Hospitals Dietician since she only weighs in at around 43 Kilo, around 90 lbs and a body height of just over 5'8". For her it is about recording her intended weight gain, rather then loss but the principle is the same.

This should then be added to your post once a week. This will give everybody a chance to see what you have been eating and I am sure that there will follow some hints on which foods might still be on the 'dodgy' side when trying to live a healthy lifestyle.

Just a thought and maybe one that you find useful.

mrsstoutman 01-07-2012 02:01 PM

This sounds great! Unfortunately I would like to participate but my circumstances are different from others here. Due to my health issues I have to be very careful with my food intake and I am on lots of meds. My main problem with trying to loose weight is that the cellular components that metabolize the fat in cells, the mitochondria, are defective in me. As a result I am trying to loose weight without loosing the muscle mass which is hard for someone like me to do. I am still looking for a good balance in my diet to meet thise needs without causing seizures, muscle spasms, or simply collapsing from a lack of cellular energy call ATP which is made by the mitochondria.

hoverfly 01-08-2012 08:56 AM

Stoutman, that is not good but then you yourself are qualified enough to know that. Yes, anything you can do is most likely best discussed with you MD/GP first. You don't want to damage yourself in the process.

TD: Well, am I ever pleased to hear that. Sounds like you are going the right direction and you may even find you other conditions improving with time. So, do keep it up, you'll feel much better for it.

My wife just had another appointment at the Hospital on Thursday and we finally managed to persuade the head of the pain clinic to send a letter of recommendation to her GP (MD is the USA), asking him to finally prescribe either Sativex or Donabinol (both Cannabis based legal medications) to her.

I know there are some here that'll inevitably shout out the usual 'don't take drugs' slogan but cannabis is a well known and valued medication. I just really go the hump with the Hospital who kept refusing to write this letter but at the same time recommending that my wife continue smoking it. Sorry? What on earth are we paying our National Insurance contributions for, if the one drug that actually alleviates her spinal pain, muscle tension and as a side effect increases her appetite, is to be bought illegally, on the black market run by criminals with little or no respect for human health or life (ie. spraying plants with insecticides and fungicides) and me having to deal with these people, paying out of my own pocket, plus of course running the risk of getting arrested.

Let's see what her GP makes of this letter. There is a chance that he will refuse but with that letter we can at least then go and find one that is more in favour of natural treatments then trying to ram more chemicals down her throat, which in turn require other chemicals in an attempt to combat the side effects of the first batch.

Sorry for the rant. I needed that.

insecure 01-08-2012 04:01 PM

best way i ever lost alot of weight was by doing ooodles of coccain...

jobleau 01-08-2012 04:41 PM

mmmmmmmm... Looks like we have a new troll...

insecure 01-08-2012 05:26 PM

nope not a troll...

hoverfly 01-09-2012 08:52 AM

Insecure, not sure if the 'Cocaine' diet is the way forward. LOL. I know, it makes for a fine 'White Christmas' but beyond that.... Hm, not so sure.

But it sure will do one thing, eat into your pocket, so some weight loss appears guaranteed, though probably not in a way as most would like.

hoverfly 01-11-2012 04:19 PM

TD: Have you tried asking for Sativex or Dronabinol? Both cannabis based legal medications, though you may find it difficult actually finding a doctor that will prescribe it, as we've been having here.

Smoking, well, allthough I am a heavy smoker myself, yes, you are right of course but there are other options. A vaporizer might be for you. It only heats up to the point where the active ingredients evaporate without burning anything. No tar, no rubbish in the lungs. Could be an option.

insecure 01-12-2012 12:18 PM

o dont get me wrong it was a terrible diet..fuckin near killed me...however i did drop to 180lbs and had a cock that was over 6 inches...just couldn't keep it hard,......6 years sober and a "healthy"? 260lbs..

hoverfly 01-13-2012 11:30 AM

I believe they are made by a cooperation of Bayer Chemicals and Smithkline-Beecham, the latter being a US based pharma, etc. company.

hoverfly 01-14-2012 05:52 PM

TD, if you like, have a look at this recently updated page on Wiki, I've made some changes to the page only a couple of days ago to reflect the availability of all synthetic cannabiods currently used in the treatment of various disorders.

Cannabinoid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It does now have the advantage to have all the relevant trade names added, making it easier to speak to your MD about any medication rather the having to rely on him going on an internet search first, which most of them appear unwilling to do in the first place.

I do hope that either this or any other treatment will bring you the relief that you are seeking.

At the risk of having someone shout out 'don't take drugs' at me again, cannabis is amongst the oldest known medicinal drugs in use on the planet. Its benefits are too numerous to mention and its use as a recreational drug is clouded by mostly misinformation, be it desired or unintentional. Lucky for those living in a more educated state where medicinal marihuana is available on a doctors note.

But nobody in the pharmaceutical industry wants that at the end of the day. What would the world be coming to if everybody grew an aspirin tree (I do know there is no such thing, btw) in their backgarden. LOL. Much better to grow the stuff for next to nothing, extract the active ingredients and let the refined product hit the market in a fancy bottle at probably 20,000% profit.

Ah, well, better not get started.

hoverfly 01-14-2012 06:25 PM

A final note on the subject:

TD, you might find this website of interest.

International Association for Cannabis as Medicine

This is not a bunch of stoned hippies advocating the use of illicit drugs but high ranking scientist working in field research for the benefit of mankind. They too may prove helpful to anybody seeking advise on the medicinal properties of cannabis, be it on prescription, ie. over the counter of your local chemist or the less legal approach, though they will not give you the phone number of your resident dealer. LOL

hoverfly 01-15-2012 08:42 AM

Take your time, those pages and the IACM website are unlikely to disappear bey next week.

And I think I ought to apologise, again, for hijacking my own thread. It was after all, about losing weight and then started drifting off all over the place. We/I need to stick to the topics at hand a little more I guess.

hoverfly 01-17-2012 10:16 PM

I know, it's called 'lack of discipline'. LOL. That finger was pointing at me anyway.

RagnarV 01-18-2012 12:37 PM

For the best weed avoid Amsterdam but try Maastricht. There's a barge tied up on the river on the left bank in the centre of town called "Smokey." You'll have a good time in town too. (By the way, I've never smoked a cigarette in all my life).

hoverfly 01-24-2012 10:50 AM


Originally Posted by tinydick4u (Post 22523)
Me either.the smell makes me feel sick at my stomach.

Well, looks like I'll have to smoke myself into an early grave for both of you then. LOL

Also, this is highly unsociable, isn't it? Leaving me alone having to pay for the countries defict through the tax on baccy.

jobleau 01-24-2012 12:30 PM


Originally Posted by hoverfly (Post 22537)
Well, looks like I'll have to smoke myself into an early grave for both of you then. LOL

Also, this is highly unsociable, isn't it? Leaving me alone having to pay for the countries defict through the tax on baccy.

Don't worry man. You're not alone contributing. I pay my unfair share of taxes too.

hoverfly 01-25-2012 04:22 PM

I have no idea what sort of prices you would be talking about but a pouch of tobacco, 50 grams, just under 2 ounces in the UK, Essex anyway, will set you back about 15GBP or 23.50 US-$.

A packet of say Marlboro, maybe that is something more familiar will go for around 7GBP or just under 11 US-$.

Are you in shock yet?

hoverfly 01-25-2012 09:47 PM

I forgot, you did mention that you have been a life long non-smoker. Best way to be, I guess.

That being said, I think it's time to light up.

I call that 'socially acceptable' early death. LOL

hoverfly 01-28-2012 10:19 AM

Prison? That's plain outrageous. Here you are more likely to have it confiscated and get slapped on the wrist. Unless that is, you are caught near a school or nursery school, in that case they will cut your balls of. Too many too young children into it these days and that's not the way to start your school day is it.

The UK on the whole may have upgraded cannabis to a class 'B' drug again but that's not to say that your average copper will actually charge you with anything. He's more likely to lecture you on the importance of adhering to the law then nick you.

A friend of mine got busted last year. 60 plants in his garden and another 60 inside in a hydroponic setup. He was 60 when it happened and he claimed and rightly so, that it was purely for his own consumption and to relief some of the chronic pain he's been suffering from in his legs and lower back. He was never charged.

Of course, this is all very much hit and miss these days. If you come across a really obedient copper, yes, he could charge you with possession or intent to supply if things came to a head but most often people are being cautioned and given a slap on the wrist.

My wife has been smoking for almost 20 years now, she is suffering from a massive degenerative spinal condition, restless legs syndrome and infrequent migraines. All hospitals in Germany had one brilliant solution to the problem. Morphine.

Far out and groovy. What a brilliant idea. She was weighing in at less then 36 kilos by the time she told her doctor to go and stick the morphine where the sun doesn't shine and demanded that she be prescribed Sativex instead of a whole host of chemical drugs that she then needed more drugs for to alleviate all the side effects, like insomnia, sickness and nausea.

Have you ever lived with someone undertaking a morphine withdrawal? Let me tell you, not a pretty sight, not a pretty sight at all. I used to have to change the bed linen up to three times a night because she would have sweated through it to such an extent that it was impossible to sleep in it any more. Oh, involuntary muscle spasms, now that's a nice one too. She'd lie on the bed and all of a sudden her muscles would violently contract, making her jump several inches high off the matress. Yes, the delights of morphine.

The funniest thing was when she told the doctor that she had been smoking again and how much it did to relieve all those symptoms. He literally chased us out of his office screaming and shouting abuse at us 'drug addicts' and the like. Nice one, that's what they tought you at university?

It gets better still, though. Not 6 month later he was arrested for posession of cocaine and hoarding a host of pharmaceuticals in his house and had his license revoked. Serves him right the bastard. LOL

Finally, a friend of mine who was a doctor of internal medicine was prepared to write the prescription for Sativex and life became a lot less troublesome for all of us. After all, there you are, paying tons of money into a private medical insurance but when it came to prescribing a naturally produced harmless medication, there are not withdrawal symptoms beyond being a little on edge for about 4-5 days, when you then have to resort to buying from some mafosi.

Ridiculous, absolutely ridiculous. Time to make this available to people like they have done across a lot of countries in Europe and of course in the US.

hoverfly 01-31-2012 11:20 AM

Good grief, welcome to the Spanish Inquisition, ey?

Now that's website and a half. Great lesson into how to ruin someones life. I liked the big dope find in the house. 24 oz. LOL. Now that's plain ridiculous. A friend of mine got busted with some 120 plants recently and he was only charges with possession, not intent to supply, he gave medical reasons for this crop. Which was true, even I've never so much as had a freebie from him myself. He does suffer from MS and cannabis is one of the most effective treatments for his condition.

Thank God I don't live in the 'Land of the Free'.

That being said, we have other pressing problems in the UK and not just a few.

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